• Blacks seek revenge, civil unrest, after Zimmerman found not guilty
By John Friend
On July 13, an all-female jury returned a not-guilty verdict in the much-publicized murder trial of George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida, a racially charged affair and the subject of a vast amount of coverage (biased against Zimmerman) in the mainstream media.
Zimmerman, a 33-year-old neighborhood watch captain, shot and killed Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old with a troubled past, in 2012 in the townhome complex Zimmerman lived in and Martin was staying in.
Spotting Martin on the evening of February 26, Zimmerman reported his suspicious behavior to the non-emergency Sanford police department before being confronted by Martin.
The mainstream media did its best to smear Zimmerman as an out-of-control racist in an effort to convince the American public that Zimmerman was in the wrong. However, the truth seems to have come out in the trial, as Zimmerman was set free.
According to Zimmerman, Martin began attacking him, slamming his head into the cement sidewalk and punching him in the face repeatedly, breaking his nose. Zimmerman then fired his Kel-Tec PF-9 9mm semi-automatic pistol, which he was legally carrying, killing Martin.
Local police investigated the matter and questioned Zimmerman, deciding to release him in a case of self-defense.
Zionist-controlled national media outlets later distorted Zimmerman’s original 9-1-1 call in an effort to smear him as a racist. Thus, a straightforward case of self-defense had morphed into a racially-charged, politically-motivated court battle.
The prosecution presented more than three dozen witnesses, including Martin’s mother and brother, neighbors who heard the struggle and Rachel Jeantel, a friend of Martin’s who spoke with him on the phone just prior to the confrontation with Zimmerman.
Ms. Jeantel provided a convoluted, inconsistent court testimony, eventually admitting Martin referred to Zimmerman as a “creepy-ass cracker”—a racially charged epithet—which had not been reported in the mass media.
The entire case has proven to be quite polarizing, raising controversial issues relating to race, gun control, self-defense and equal justice. Martin’s supporters had threatened to carry out violence if Zimmerman was acquitted, either against Zimmerman or other innocent white and Hispanic Americans.
AMERICAN FREE PRESS contacted Zimmerman’s brother Robert, who has served as the unofficial family spokesman. However, Robert has been instructed to refrain from speaking to the media directly until the trial’s conclusion.
Colin Flaherty, an investigative journalist who has extensively documented the epidemic of black-on-white mob violence, told this reporter:
“This trial—whether it ends in conviction or acquittal—presents a real threat of black mob violence.”
In Flaherty’s book, ‘White Girl Bleed A Lot’: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It, he has documented numerous cases of black-on-white violent crime directly influenced by Martin’s death.
John Friend is a writer who lives in California.
Was Trayvon Hopped Up on “Purple Drank”?
• Underground “cocktail” causes paranoia, hallucinations
By Pete Papaherakles
While the Zionist-controlled mainstream media attempted to portray Trayvon Martin as a totally innocent sweet teen who was stalked and gunned down on his way back from the convenience store, where he bought Skittles and Arizona iced tea, by racial-profiling “creepy-ass cracker” George Zimmerman, a key piece of evidence was being completely overlooked, one that could have shed light on Martin’s true intentions. To this day, Skittles and iced tea still serve as symbols of prejudice because of Trayvon’s shooting. Some schools have even gone so far as to hold Trayvon Martin Day and hand out Skittles to kids and tea to parents for attending special events.
Martin’s checkered past remains hidden by the mainstream media. The reason he was visiting his father was because he was expelled from school and his mother didn’t want him around. He was a troubled student and had been expelled repeatedly for having been caught with drug paraphernalia, suspected stolen women’s jewelry and burglary tools and for destruction of school property. It seems that Trayvon was no altar boy, but a gang banger criminal-in-the-making.
For Martin to feel sufficiently paranoid to lash out violently in the way Zimmerman and eyewitnesses claim, he may have been under the influence of a substance which would do that. A street drug that is popular in the young urban community known as “purple drank” produces those very side effects. Purple drank is a cocktail that is created by mixing Robitussin cough syrup or other over-the-counter cough medicines with Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Juice, the flavor of tea Martin was carrying that night.
The cocktail has opiate-like effects, with some side effects including confusion, agitation, and hallucinations among others. It grew out of the underground Houston, Texas hip-hop community in the 1990s along with “chopped and screwed” rap music—a slowed down remixing of rap songs using skipped beats and scratching. DJ Screw, a.k.a. Robert Earl Davis Jr., is said to have originated the style, which compliments purple drank’s effects of relaxing the user. “Screw” died in 2000 of a codeine overdose. That same year, Three 6 Mafia’s song “Sippin’ on Some Syrup,” made purple drank mainstream. The group’s song “Rainbow Colors” is about adding Jolly Rancher candy to create the desired rainbow.
Around this same time, evidence of purple drank’s popularity began showing up across the southern United States, from Lafayette, Louisiana to Pensacola, Florida. A University of Texas survey in an October 19, 2006 USA Today article stated that “In 2004, 8.3% of Texas secondary school students reported having taken enough codeine syrup to get high…” Terrence Kiel, a defensive back with the National Football League’s San Diego Chargers, was arrested in 2006 for illegally shipping cases of prescription cough syrup to Texas. In a 2008 MTV interview with Lil Wayne, a.k.a Dwayne Michael Carter, Jr., the rapper discusses his addiction to purple drank, and how hard it is to get off it, saying it feels like “death in your stomach.”
Martin is on record talking about the drug combo on Facebook, with JPEG files of screen-captures back in June 27, 2011, eight months before his death. The following alleged conversation took place between Martin and Mckenzie Baksh, where the 16-year-old Trayvon is looking for some codeine to make “lean” or “purple drank.”
TM: “unow a connect for codine?
MB:”why nigga?”
TM: “to make some more.”
MB: “u tawkin bout the pill codeine?”
TM: “no the liquid. Its meds. I had it B4.”
MB. “hell naw you could just use robitussin nd soda to make some fire ass lean”
TM. “codine is a higher dose of dxm”
MB. “i feel u but u need perscription to get it”
TM “dats y i aksed if u now someone dat has but ima stop burnin”
MB. “ooh i doubt it nd why?”
TM. “is to roped and u can get the same vibe off lean
It is unknown whether the autopsy performed on Trayvon Martin looked for or found elevated levels of cough syrup in his blood.