By Michael Collins Piper
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) captured media attention with his vocal declaration that participants in the Occupy Wall Street movement were nothing more than “mobs.” His word choice was interesting since the public record indicates that Cantor does indeed know much about mobs—the Wall Street mob, in particular. If there’s any one single member of Congress who can be reckoned a voice for Wall Street, it is Cantor.
Even the most cursory review of Cantor’s campaign financing demonstrates that a literal handful of billionaires in the global financial plutocracy—all intimately tied to the London-based Rothschild family—have been key forces underwriting Cantor’s career, a point (especially in light of his immense power) that cannot be taken lightly.
The truth is that Cantor is one of the very few in Congress— 535 members strong—who has some of the richest and most powerful people in the world bankrolling his political endeavors.
It is for good reason that wags say Cantor is now “the cantor of the House”—a play on words. A cantor is the person in a synagogue who leads chants and prayers along with the rabbi, a major religious role.
The fast-rising young congressman is unique among House members: While most rely on campaign contributions mainly from their own congressional districts, Cantor has an unusually expansive array of contributions pouring in from across the country.
During the last election cycle, Cantor’s election filings show he received 146 contributions from New York donors. Contrast that to only 36 donations from New York that went to Rep. John Boehner (Ohio), ostensibly Cantor’s senior partner in the Republican takeover of the House. Although Boehner had been a top-ranking GOP figure for years and was senior to Cantor in terms of congressional longevity, not even Boehner could rival Cantor in the number of out-of-state cash contributions received.
A brief sampling of Cantor’s New York state contributors demonstrates the real clout of these big Wall Street names—with wide-ranging ties to the international plutocratic elite—who are bankrolling this influential congressional power broker:
• Kenneth Bialkin, a longtime crime syndicate legal mouthpiece, former national chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, former chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and now chairman of the America-Israel Friendship League. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the American offshoot of the London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs, the foreign policy arm of the Rothschild banking empire and its Wall Street satellites.
• Gary Cohn, president and chief operating officer of Goldman Sachs, the infamous Wall Street investment bank whose financial schemes are well known to many Americans who’ve seen their pensions plundered.
• Steven Drucker of Charmer-Sunbelt, a massive liquor conglomerate that has grabbed control of various facets of the U.S. spirits industry.
• Lewis M. Eisenberg who, as a former Goldman Sachs partner, is perhaps best known for serving as chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey from 1995 to the pivotal year of 2001. That was when the authority turned World Trade Center (WTC) ownership over to international wheeler-dealer Larry Silverstein, who had the WTC twin towers well insured and conveniently made billions from the 9-11 attacks.
• Henry Kravis, a member of both the CFR and the Rothschild-controlled Bilderberg group, who was one of the famous junk bond kings of the 1980s through his Kohlberg-Kravis-Roberts partnership.
• Ronald Perelman, as billionaire head of the Revlon cosmetics empire, he also heads a far-reaching network of radio and television stations. At one point he was said to have been the richest man in America.
• James Tisch, who bought control of CBS in the 1980s, is another CFR member and a scion of the billionaire Tisch family.
These are just a few of the powerful New Yorkers who’ve been channeling funds to Cantor’s political enterprises. Three of Cantor’s other notable national contributors are:
• Jeffrey Epstein of California, chief financial officer and executive vice president of the Oracle Corporation, the fiefdom of Larry Ellison, who rose to fame in the 1970s working on a database for the CIA (named “Oracle”). After 9-11, Ellison offered to donate software to the U.S. government to help establish an identification database from which national ID cards for American citizens would be issued.
• Neil Livingstone of Washington, D.C., a shadowy figure from the world of intelligence, known for longtime close ties to Israel’s Mossad.
• Sheldon Adelson, a Las Vegas-based casino tycoon and self-described “richest Jew in the world” who, in many respects, is the modern-day incarnation of the late Meyer Lansky, longtime chief of the Jewish crime syndicate which cemented its influence with the rise of legalized casino gambling in Las Vegas.
It is likewise no coincidence that the American-based political action committee of the Union Bank of Switzerland— perhaps the biggest name in Swiss banking—has also been a munificent contributor to Cantor’s political war chest.
Cantor’s particular influence stems from his control—along with another pro-Israeli hardliner, former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.)—of a secretive and well-funded political action committee, the American Action Network (AAN), run by Cantor’s close advisor and former chief of staff, Rob Collins.
Cantor’s AAN operation generated up to $25 million in 2010 and spent at least $16 million on behalf of Cantor-and Wall Street-approved GOP candidates. Through AAN, Cantor played a central role in orchestrating the GOP takeover of the House of Representatives in 2010, bankrolled by well-heeled contributors whose names are not required to be revealed to the Federal Election Commission.
It is no coincidence that two other similar fundraising ventures, American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS— both run by former George W. Bush operative Karl Rove—share offices with Cantor’s AAN.
In short, the Washington political arena—as perhaps it has never been before—is now a fiefdom of a certain brand of mob, and the rise to power of one of its most energetic voices, Cantor, makes it evermore so.
Michael Collins Piper is an author, journalist, lecturer and radio show host. He has spoken in Russia, Malaysia, Iran, Abu Dhabi, Japan, Canada and the U.S.