Trump Won; He Needs to Keep his Word

By the AFP Staff

In an historic victory for America, on Nov. 5, Donald Trump won the presidential race, taking the lead in the popular vote—something a Republican hasn’t been able to do since 2004.

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Over the course of the last year, Trump has made numerous promises on the campaign trail, laying out his plan to make America great again after the past four years of economic strife and wars that are not in this country’s interest.

First off, Trump has promised to end the war in Ukraine. As early as May 2023, in a CNN town hall Trump said that he would end the conflict “in 24 hours.” At one point, he even said he might try to do it before he even takes office in January 2025.

Trump has yet to provide any details on how he plans to negotiate a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia, especially as the Russian military advances in Ukraine and currently occupies the industrial and agricultural heart of Ukraine.

Since the start of the war when Russia invaded its neighbor on Feb. 24, 2022, tens of thousands of young Ukrainian and Russian men have died in the brutal fighting. As Russia turns to its allies, China, Iran, and North Korea for help, there are increasing chances that the war will drag NATO and the U.S. into it.

If Trump could end the war and negotiate a lasting peace between not just Russia and Ukraine but effectively the East and the West, thereby avoiding another world war, it would easily be the greatest accomplishment of his latest term.

Second, Trump has declared that he will orchestrate the largest ever roundup of criminal illegal aliens in this country and deport them back to their countries of origin. While his critics have accused him of cruel authoritarianism, Trump has been surprisingly specific about his push, noting that he would only target the criminal element.

On Sept. 22, Associated Press reported that a Trump spokesperson told an AP reporter Trump “would marshal every federal and state power necessary to institute the largest deportation operation of illegal criminals, drug dealers, and human traffickers.”

If Trump can pull off this operation, as he claims, the country would finally be rid of many illegal alien repeat offenders, who have been terrorizing innocent citizens and legal immigrants for decades.

His other plans call for ending taxes on Social Security, rolling back President Joe Biden’s proposed electric vehicle mandates, ending taxes on tips for service workers, repealing Obamacare, and increasing the child tax credit to make it cheaper for young parents to have children in the United States.

While campaigning for the 2016 election, Trump made multiple promises, including taxing immigrant remittances to their home countries to pay for increased border protections and expanding the wall on the U.S. border with Mexico. Unfortunately, due to scheming on the part of establishment Democrats and Republicans, many of these promises never came to fruition.

With this renewed mandate from the will of the people, Trump cannot squander this incredible opportunity to see his vision fulfilled.

You can count on AFP to keep up the pressure on the Trump White House to make sure he lives up to all of the promises he made while on the campaign trail. He has the support of the people, who have put their faith in him. Don’t let us down!

1 Comment on Trump Won; He Needs to Keep his Word

  1. Notice the elephant sitting in the bathroom that identifies the first “assassination” incident as a false flag operation…the spectators remained in-place as, we’re told, bullets were flying in the air with three people shot!

    Not only weren’t the spectators running for their lives, they didn’t even hit the ground! Not one ran or hit the ground! And notice the spectators constantly looking to their right where the shooter is perched, anticipating the drama that’s about to unfold. And what was the weapon used? Well, the weapon the Marxist-co-opted establishment is feverishly trying to ban with false flag operations, the AR-15, the civilian version of the M-16 that this researcher used while in the Army back in 1981. Well, with approximately 500,000 Chinese soldiers entering the United States the last twenty-years, such deadly and effective weapons can’t be in the hands of civilians if Chinese sleeper assets are to pounce on Americans. Those in the stands attending the rally were vetted, all Marxists,* part of the Marxist establishment that’s enabling the fake “collapse” of the USSR/East Bloc, as the following shocking details identify…

    Soviet Sport newspaper never ceased publication…

    The hammer & sickle logo is still attached to Aeroflot aircraft…

    The State Emblem of the USSR illuminated atop the Duma at night for clear viewing by pedestrians and vehicles…

    Leningrad Oblast is still called Leningrad Oblast…

    Engels city is still called Engels…

    Kaliningrad Oblast is still called Kaliningrad Oblast…

    The Russian military’s official newspaper is still called RED STAR (1924-2024), where the four Soviet era awards the newspaper won are still on the masthead…

    (1) Order of the October Revolution

    (2) Order of Lenin

    (3) Order of the Red Banner

    (4) Order of Victory

    The Russian Orthodox Church was never purged of its all-KGB clergy! All 6,000 monuments of Lenin remain standing throughout Russia, zero being destroyed! Lenin’s Tomb still resides at Red Square! The State Seal of the USSR remains atop the Duma building, where at night it’s illuminated for clear viewing by pedestrians/motorists!

    How can the above be, you ask? Simple, the West conspired to not conduct the required verification of the fake “collapse” of the USSR, and naturally the Marxist co-opted media didn’t report this lapse, nor report the following…

    “The basic weapon in the Soviet political armoury is the KGB with its 5 or 6 million secret agents inside the USSR. Together, the Party and the KGB have fabricated controlled political opposition in the main cities of the USSR and in the national Republics. Together they have chosen and trained the organisers, leaders and activists of the new ‘democratic’, ‘non-Communist’, ‘nationalist’ and ‘independent’ organisations which are mushrooming under the Soviet ‘multi-Party system’. Even non-democratic groups like the anti-Semitic ‘Pamyat’ movement are creatures of the regime. Gorbachev is not the creator of a true multi-Party system: he is not a Soviet Stolypin intent on saving Russia through capitalism.” – KGB defector Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, ‘The Perestroika Deception‘, September-November 1990, p. 123.


    “Official and unofficial Soviet statements have referred to resignations from the Party, to an overall loss in its membership and even to the possibility of its long-term disintegration. The New York Times of 4 November 1990, quoting the Central Committee paper ‘Glasnost’, gives a decline in membership of from over 19 million to 17.7 million. A more reliable figure can be derived from the representation at the Party’s 1990 Congress. This was attended by 4,700 delegates each representing 5,000 Party members – indicating a total membership of 23.5 million, a figure consistent with the increase in the strength of the Central Committee from over 300 to 412 members.” — The Perestroika Deception, KGB Major Anatoliy Golitsyn, (1995), pp. 122-123.

    President Reagan said, “Trust, but verify”.


    When was the “collapse” of the USSR verified by the West’s intelligence agencies? Never! How can that be, you ask? Aren’t our intelligence agencies supposed to protect us from politicians who would sell America out because they were caught on film having sex with minors/transvestites/homosexuals/escorts of the evening? That would be the case, but in 1975 the chief of the CIA’s CounterIntelligence Staff (CI Staff), James Angleton, and 80% of the CI Staff, were purged from the CIA, where upon the agency then commenced accepting Marxists for positions at Langley, namely the 1980 recruitment of John Brennan, who told his CIA polygraph examiner that he voted for CPUSA presidential candidate, Gus Hall, in the 1976 presidential elections, which resulted in John Brennan being catapulted up the ranks of the CIA in the intervening years of his employment there, to become Director of the CIA in 2013 [-2017].

    * Then, after being smeared with prop blood, Trump gets to his feet and signals to his comrades the Marxist salute, where the fist faces front, as he has thousands of times before, but this salute wasn’t directed to his attention by his Yugoslav communist party member father-in-law, Viktor Knavs. No, Trump learned the salute when he was a Marxist youth. Now you have a further verified fact for the Marxist co-option of our institutions, where the man we’re told the Marxist media hates, covered for Trump back in 2016 when Trump first ran for president by conspiring to not derail Trump’s presidential bid.

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