• Invention could have made gasoline obsolete
• Questions still remain about inventor Stanley Meyer, hydrogen car, 15 years after sudden death
By Victor Thorn
On March 20, 1998, inventor Stanley Allen Meyer bolted from a Cracker Barrel restaurant in Grove City, Ohio. Once outside in the parking lot, he slumped over and vomited, before pleading: “They poisoned me.” Later that day he died. A local coroner determined that the 57-year-old Meyer perished due to a brain aneurysm, and a three-month police investigation uncovered no evidence of foul play. Lead detective Lt. Steve Robinette stated, “Meyer’s death was laced with all sorts of stories of conspiracy, cloak-and-dagger stories.”
The impetus for these whispers of a nefarious plot arose from Meyer’s work on H20/hydrogen-fueled automobile engines.
On the day of his death, Meyer was dining with his brother Stephen and two Belgian investors who intended to obtain a 56-acre plot of land in Grove City in order to erect a manufacturing facility. Although the members of his community didn’t lend much support, often viewing him as a crank, city officials had green-lighted the construction of Meyer’s factory two months earlier.
Meyer was no pie-in-the-sky dreamer. Holding a total of 42 patents, he worked on NASA’s Gemini Project, which sent a man into outer space in the 1960s, as well as an energy system for the Star Wars program, a missile defense system created by the United States military.
In a July 8, 2007 article, Dean Narciso of The Columbus Dispatch wrote, “[Meyer’s] work drew worldwide attention, mysterious visitors from overseas . . . spying and lucrative buyout offers.”
Those closest to Meyer recall seeing wealthy Arabs, military vehicles, limousines and high-ranking government officials visiting his home, in addition to reports of potential multimillion-dollar deals. However, Meyer didn’t sell out to any of these entities—even when threatened—instead insisting that his technology should belong to everyone.
To this day, researchers continue to be intrigued by the two Belgian investors who dined with Meyer moments before his death. Had they been the ones who poisoned him? When Stephen Meyer informed the men of his brother’s untimely demise, he said their silence and lack of sympathy triggered his own suspicions.
Stanley Meyer was the inventor of a revolutionary new car that could allegedly cross the country using only 22 gallons of water that had been transformed into hydrogen fuel.
Was it possible that Meyer’s water car could end the world’s reliance on so-called fossil fuels? During an October 4 interview, James Robey, former owner of the Kentucky Water Fuel Museum and author of Water Car: How to Turn Water Into Hydrogen Fuel, told AMERICAN FREE PRESS, “Everyone on Earth should learn how water can be turned into fuel, especially when we’re all so angry at the system for ripping us off. The whole economy is based on the sale of petroleum. Even the CIA is interested in preventing petrol from becoming obsolete.”
Robey continued, “Meyer was an inventive genius who could have changed the world. But similar to American automakers that shut down Preston Tucker, Meyer’s is a story you could repeat over and over again with so many of these like-minded inventors. All of their ideas were suppressed.”
These words are reminiscent of the legendary inventor Nikola Tesla who sought to electrify the globe with limitless free energy. But when silent partner J.P. Morgan figured out that he couldn’t place a meter on Tesla’s free energy and charge people for it, he blackballed this visionary within the banking and investment communities. With no financing available to him, Tesla eventually suffered a nervous breakdown.
On October 3, AFP contacted Andrew Vatty of the Morro Bay, California-based Hydrogen Garage, who said, “Stanley was a seed well planted. With his scalar-charged water, he presented something similar to Wilhelm Reich’s orgone energy. Someday we’ll tap into it, but right now the powers-that-be have all the money and won’t release it. Like Tesla, Meyer took us down a wormhole. Regrettably, everything that’s not oil is suppressed.”
Chad Brosius of a company named Alternative Energy Resources agreed. On October 3, he told AFP, “I believe the technology is being stifled. Three or four oil companies approached Meyer, but he refused their offers. He wanted to give his invention to the everyday man. He would have absolutely changed the world. How can you tax water? Oil companies would be screwed, and the government can’t control it. His electrolysis process was actually invented 200 years ago, and the best part of all is that the byproduct of his car was water vapor. There were no pollutants in the exhaust.”
Robey furthered this line of reasoning. When asked what would happen if fossil fuels were replaced, he explained: “First, the Middle East becomes irrelevant. Second, the petro-dollar would tank and thus destroy America’s economy. Since the rest of the world still relies on our dollar, they have a vested interest in preserving it, at least for the moment. Third, automakers that have never been interested in fuel efficiency would suffer serious consequences. They’re really not concerned with anything except the planned obsolescence of their vehicles. Finally, Big Oil and the petro-chemical industry that have defiled our planet would begin questioning their own self-preservation.”
Expanding on these thoughts, Robey insisted: “The first water carburetor was introduced in 1935 yet it’s still not on the market. This simple fact proves that all of the above-mentioned parties don’t want to lose their reins of power, even if something like Stanley’s water-powered car didn’t make a dent in their income for a long time. Petrol, coal, diesel and natural gas companies wouldn’t have the same power they did yesterday. Meyer invented his water-cracking technology nearly 30 years ago but it’s still not available. Corrupt political and economic systems have created this situation. People like Stanley Meyer expressed concerns for the environment. He knew what impact the burning of petrol had on nature. He wanted something better, but he’s been ignored and silenced.”
When the subject of foul play was broached, Robey took a different approach. He professed to this writer: “What does it matter how he died? Sure, the two Belgians with him at the time reacted very strangely. But what’s more important is that the world hasn’t been given an opportunity to accept the technology that he offered.”
Since Meyer’s death, there have been new advances that have followed in the footsteps of his work.
Leonard Holihan of England’s Advanced Energy Research Institute proclaimed, “This is one of the most important inventions of the century.”
With a device that fits in the palm of one’s hand and can be hooked up to any engine, Meyer predicted in the 1990s that he could convert a vehicle for as little as $1,500. Applicable to all modes of transportation, Meyer said during a 1992 interview, “When you have a free and abundant energy source like water, it’s only limited by the imagination to put it to work.”
Requiring only water and antifreeze, James Robey surmised: “There are such far-reaching ramifications that it boggles the mind. Over time, we could throw away all existing fuel systems and replace them with Meyer’s retrofitted spark plugs that create fuel injection and fires it via cracked water. This is the holy grail” of alternative fuels.
Not only would Americans be protected from contrived oil embargoes while enjoying a much cleaner environment, Meyer also broached another topic in 1992. “Without the supply of fossil fuels, within 180-240 days thereafter 1.5 billion people would face starvation.” To combat such a potentially dire kill-off, Meyer pictured mass production and fabrication installations placed throughout the world that weren’t under the centralized control of global elite corporations. Rather, he intended to turn his technology over to the people, who’d produce these fuel cells as quickly and cheaply as possible.
Robey added another intriguing element to the equation. “I spoke with a man named Charlie Holbrook who accompanied Meyer when he made a presentation at the Pentagon. Stanley soured on partnering with them when he discovered they might use his invention in a military-industrial application. After his death, the Pentagon secretly replicated his technology at a Florida university.”
In “It Runs on Water,” a documentary hosted by famed science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, Meyer allowed cameramen to photograph him driving his water-powered dune buggy. Commenting on this film, Lisa Zyga wrote in her July 17, 2007 article “Suspicions Surround Water- Fueled Car and the Death of Its Inventor,” “Meyer’s innovation is the simple process of electrolysis. By passing an electrical current through water, the bonded hydrogen and oxygen can be separated and burned to power a car engine.”
Despite defying both the Law of Conservation of Energy and the First Law of Electrolysis, Meyer told interviewers from a Colorado Springs TV station: “My water fuel injector simply replaces the spark plug. We then hook it up to a hydrogen computer system that regulates and meters the flow going into the injector. It processes the water in such a way as to release this thermal explosive energy.”
On December 1, 1996, Tony Edwards of London’s The Sunday Times expanded on this notion. “Meyer claimed to have adapted a 1.6-liter Volkswagen dune buggy to run on water. He replaced the spark plugs with injectors that, he said, sprayed water as a fine mist in a resonant cavity where it was bombarded by a succession of high-voltage electrical pulses. He claimed this instantly converted the water into a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen that could be combusted in cylinders, driving the pistons just as in an ordinary petrol engine.”
Skeptics who eventually filed lawsuits against Meyer haven’t swayed James Robey’s opinion. He told AFP, “Meyer turned conventional wisdom upside-down by applying voltage without amperage. Whereas other scientists still relied on a Neanderthal method of brute force electrolysis that wasn’t efficient, Meyer did it intelligently. Critics try to obscure the fact that water is 66% hydrogen. So Stanley invented something that was both efficient and pollution-free. You could place your mouth near the exhaust pipe of his dune buggy and smell nothing but water vapor. . . .
“But the scientific community slammed the door on him and said he was a charlatan.”
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 50 books.
Where does the electrical energy come from which is used to split the water?
If I was a young person now, I would study resonance and electric variations that work off of ionic potential in water and air. That’s the new plastics, for any young folk reading this. Learn the old school science then apply it toward these new school avenues.
You have come too late to tell me it was a fraud or it did not work. It does. If it was such a scam, why is every water fuel inventor murdered or mysteriously stopped from completing their work?
Answer: U.S. Government and big oil!
You have little idea about what it takes to “bring new technology into the world.”
Meyer died trying. The land on Seed Road was already owned.
The phenomenon of “Explosions in Water.”
I chased this paper down around 1993. It otherwise NEVER would have seen the light of day.
“Natural water” is “pre-charged” as it were, with static electricity, lightening, photos from the sun; from this is where comes the forces helping electrical polarization.
The basic “experiment.”
R.I.P Stan
QUESTION: Why have, and do all inventors, who are curiously idiotic, never done so?? They do, they brag, they reveal themselves to the enemy (The Pentagon, G, damn it!!) and then expect saintly success!!! If I had been such and such inventor, my first and only goal would be to freely give it out to “all” people. The perhaps not too difficult problem would be the postage, cost. Some inventions could and should be for making money for yourself, but other inventions, because of their nature and what they represent, and are in a sense, co-functional to the interests of liberty, civilized advancement and life itself, and ought to be given away so as to foil the genes of greed and criminality.
Let us not reveal all the inventions to the oil giants until they are protected, duplicated and distributed all over the planet with all the valid information. We all know the power of the oil giants; let us spread these inventions in a way that cannot be blocked by anyone.