• Clandestine session at Library of Congress involves top U.S. policy makers
By James P. Tucker Jr.
Members of the Trilateral Commission’s (TC) North American Group and congressmen who attended the gathering struggled hard to hide their meeting in Washington, D.C., November 30-December 3. They wanted no public viewing of their efforts to get yet another war started in the Mideast.
The North American Group is a regional subgroup of the TC, founded in 1973 by billionaire David Rockefeller to expand ties among North America, Europe and Asia.
Attendees to the secretive gathering met upstairs in the main lobby of the Library of Congress, which, though usually open to the public, was partially sealed off. Unless you had a TC pass, you were barred from entry.
As AMERICAN FREE PRESS goes to press, we have been unable to confirm whether all members of TC’s North American Group attended the confab. However, some of the best-known figures in this regional group include former United States Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice, former Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, the neoconservative warmongering academic Eliot Cohen, former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers and former Representative Jane Harman (D-Calif.).
Those current senators and congressmen who attended the gathering slipped into the meeting by means of an underground railway that connects several congressional office buildings with the U.S. Capitol.
Some legislators walked above ground on their return because their offices were more convenient. At night, they were impossible to identify by their small congressional tags and their TC badges. But several were overheard telling their staff escorts that war was looming in the Middle East despite calls for spending cuts, tax increases and the so-called “fiscal cliff.” They anticipated much bloodshed.
“It could be the biggest [war] we ever had over there,” one was overheard saying.
“We’ll get into the fighting, too,” said another, but he appeared unhappy at the prospect.
If so, the war will “spill the life’s blood of our young men and the heart’s blood of our women,” he added, and it will be mostly financed with your tax dollars.
James P. Tucker Jr. is the world’s foremost expert on the global elite, and is the author of JIM TUCKER’S BILDERBERG DIARY.