Populists Battle Plutocrats Over Pipeline’s Path

March 18, 2012 AFP 0

By Mark Anderson The extension of the Keystone XL “Tar Sands” Oil Pipeline—envisioned to eventually snake all the way from Canada, through the heart of the U.S., to Texas gulf-coast refineries—is meeting considerable resistance, especially […]

Video Tells Dwyer’s Shocking Story

February 10, 2012 AFP 3

By Michael Collins Piper On January 21, 1987, following his conviction on trumped-up corruption charges and facing a lengthy prison term, Pennsylvania State Treasurer R. Budd Dwyer shot himself at a crowded press conference, continuing […]

Obama Refusing to Face Accusers in Georgia Court

February 4, 2012 AFP 0

By Pat Shannan ATLANTA, Ga.—Although most Americans don’t know it because of a news blackout, on January 26 the issue of Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to be president was finally heard by a lawfully-seated state […]

Obama Yearns for End to Afghan Debacle

January 6, 2012 AFP 0

Lurking in the shadows are the two Siamese twin gorillas that have been behind all the wars and misery inflicted upon the Afghans since at least the 1970s—Big Oil and the ubiquitous Israelis. By Ralph […]

Fed Insider GOP Frontrunner?

October 21, 2011 admin 0

By Frank Whalen In a stunning upset to “GOP frontrunner” Rick Perry, Godfather Pizza CEO Herman Cain emerged victorious in the recent Florida Republican straw ballot. Cain received 37 percent of the vote, more than […]

OWS Hits Times Square & Goes Worldwide

October 14, 2011 admin 0

By Jeffrey Smith – The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) demonstrations, in a series of flashing developments, have gained major new support, becoming an undisputed national movement with demonstrations attacking America’s secret rulers spreading to 80 […]

Agent Orange: 50-Year Legacy of Misery

October 14, 2011 admin 0

By Dave Gahary A toxic herbicide known as Agent Orange (AO), named after the orange stripe painted across drums containing the defoliant, continues to wreak horrific biological damage on newborns today, not only in the […]

Military Supports Ron Paul Campaign

October 1, 2011 admin 0

By Mark Anderson While the corporate media keep throwing two gubernatorial bookends—Rick Perry of Texas and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts—in our collective face, as if they are the only Republican presidential candidates to consider worthwhile […]

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