The Truth About Benghazi

August 23, 2013 AFP 1

• Attack on consulate tied to illegal U.S. arms trafficking • Administration refuses to back off ridiculous cover story By Victor Thorn It’s a dirty little secret in Washington that has so far been kept […]

The New Poor

August 16, 2013 AFP 0

• America’s middle class sinking under the poverty line By Victor Thorn Amid White House claims that the economy is rebounding, Americans are actually being placated by a vast illusion. During the Great Depression, soup […]

Blackness Settles Over Detroit

August 8, 2013 AFP 0

In 1960, Detroit bragged of being America’s richest per capita city. Today, 53 years later, it sits decimated and bankrupt. Although most AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers don’t reside in the Motor City, its plight is […]

GOP Revolting?

August 2, 2013 AFP 0

• At a time when Republicans should be unifying for a possible conservative takeover of the Senate during next year’s midterm elections, not to mention vetting viable candidates to make a 2016 presidential run, the […]

Confronting the ADL’s Campaign of Hate

July 28, 2013 AFP 0

• Anti-Defamation League a “bolshevik, Talmudic nightmare” By Victor Thorn As AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers have learned, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has waged a particularly nasty vendetta against Paul Topete, frontman for the band PokerFace. […]

Obama’s Secret Courts

July 18, 2013 AFP 0

• Obama expands use of unconstitutional secret courts; proceedings kept from American public By Victor Thorn When the Obama administration decides that a particular threat is “imminent” and requires a warrant to either electronically spy […]

Malfunction or Missile?

July 18, 2013 AFP 0

• High-level insiders say your car can become a death trap with the push of a computer button By Ralph Forbes “Reporter Assassinated?” was AMERICAN FREE PRESS’s Issue 27, page 1 story describing the mysterious […]

Supremely Disappointing

July 4, 2013 AFP 0

• Supreme Court rules against the people of Arizona; illegal aliens hail voting decision On June 17, the Supreme Court superseded state’s right by torpedoing a November 2, 2004 ballot initiative where Arizona residents overwhelmingly […]

The NSA: Made in Israel

June 27, 2013 AFP 0

• NSA expert exposes role of Unit 8200 in massive snooping op By Victor Thorn Despite denials by Google spokesmen that they willingly permitted any of their data to be mined, it appears they did […]

NSA: Never Say Anything

June 27, 2013 AFP 0

For years, AMERICAN FREE PRESS has been ahead of the curve in regard to the surveillance state that’s been in existence under the Bush and Obama administrations. Whether exposing the Echelon global intercept program following […]

Obamacare 2014: Ticking Time Bomb

June 17, 2013 AFP 0

Starting next year, once it becomes fully implemented, Obamacare will represent one-sixth of the entire United States economy. As such, it will intimately affect every person in America. Many citizens are rightfully concerned by an […]

Obama Unravels: Scandals Rock Administration

May 31, 2013 AFP 0

In a city where politics is considered bloodsport, a trifecta of recent controversies—the IRS targeting conservative groups, the DoJ secretly wiretapping journalists and lingering  unanswered questions about the consulate office attack in Benghazi, Libya—have plunged […]

Green Tyranny

May 25, 2013 AFP 0

• Environmental dreams turn to nightmare By Victor Thorn In Maryland, nine counties are facing what’s called a rain tax based on the square footage of pavement on their property. In New York City, Mayor […]

The White House War Against Whistleblowers

May 16, 2013 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn As a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), in November 2005, Thomas Drake revealed to Siobhan Gorman of the Baltimore Sun that his employer wasted $1.2B on an Internet surveillance system […]

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