The following interview was conducted by AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer Ronald Ray with author and former presidential candidate Merlin Miller, who recently visited Iran on his second mission of peace to meet with a number of prominent Iranians and to promote goodwill between the United States and the Persian nation.
By Ronald L. Ray
Recently, 2012 U.S. presidential candidate Merlin L. Miller visited the Islamic Republic of Iran in an effort to develop greater goodwill, on a private level, between citizens of the ancient Persian nation and the United States. On Sept. 17, 2016, AFP spoke with Miller about his Iranian experiences, in an effort to get past the tightly controlled propaganda of the Zionist-run mass media.
The artificial “mainstream” narrative about Iran foisted on Americans is designed to dehumanize Iranians and desensitize U.S. citizens to the moral and military insanity of another major war on behalf of banksters, Israel, and oil companies—this time against an ancient Aryan nation with a highly developed culture and history, and a population of 79.2 million. Iran is also the 18th largest country in the world by geographic area.
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The idea that such a large and geo-strategically important nation could be conquered easily, let alone successfully subdued or occupied, is delusional. The Zionist/neoconservative bloodlust for Iran’s destruction reaches the level of psychopathy, however, when one considers that both Russia and China are key allies and trading partners of Iran.
We should listen to those like Miller, who have significant firsthand experience of Iran and Iranians, in forming a sound foreign policy toward that nation. Miller has correctly assessed the situation: “Zionist interests are sacrificing American interests and Iranian interests.”
Asked about the current economic, political, and religious circumstances for the average Iranian, Miller responded: “The general attitude is continued uncertainty, despite sanctions relief.
People are not seeing any real relief. Sanctions continue ‘unofficially’ due to banking/Zionist leverage.
The $400 million delivered [by the U.S. to Iran] was not a gift from America, but release of a portion of their frozen assets. Two billion dollars more is being withheld and, through legal maneuverings, ‘allocated’ to supposed victims of Iranian actions, rather than returned as expected through the agreements.”
Iranians, like most ancient peoples, have a long political memory. According to Miller, Iranians still experience resentments resulting from the Anglo-American coup that overthrew democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq in 1953, followed by the increasingly repressive puppet regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.
Since 1979 particularly, says Miller, the Iranians followed a hardline sovereign-nation approach to the problems being caused for their country by “influential Zionist . . . and business interests.”
After many years, the people tired of sanctions and the lack of change and elected the current president, Hassan Rouhani, who was willing to negotiate with the West.
Now, Miller reports, there is increasing disillusionment with Rouhani’s inability to deliver economic improvement. “Rouhani has gone overboard trying to compromise and be a moderate force,” is the feeling among Iranians, says Miller.
He is “increasingly viewed as a ‘Western marionette.’” So far, serious economic relief and partnerships have come from China, but certainly not from the West.
Consequently, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, running for president again in upcoming elections, could return to power. Ahmadinejad, a populist and nationalist, is “very much a man of the people” from a “modest background,” says Miller.
“We have a pending Trump political victory here in America, but Iran is also trending toward greater nationalism.”
Miller believes that “Iranians are not trying to develop nuclear weapons,” although they probably researched them. They “have complied with the terms of the [P5+1] agreements, forfeiting much of their nuclear capabilities but without realizing much of the promised benefits.”
Miller continues, “Iranians are much more politically savvy than we give them credit for, or than Americans are.” As Shiites, they are not radical Muslims and are “very warm and accepting” of Americans, if not the American government.
Resentments toward Americans, if any, come from Americans’ apathy about changing the Iranian situation.
The Persians are “not a bunch of terrorists and degenerates,” but “good family people.” Miller says Americans need to overcome Zionist propaganda about Iranians as “despicables.” Rather, they are highly cultured, and Americans “have a lot of use for their resources, [as Iranians have] of ours for them.”
Nevertheless, Islamic beliefs and religious leaders have more power than the Iranian government, and Iranians fear being Westernized to the point of losing their faith. They see the destruction of Christianity by cultural Marxism and try to censor the latter from their society, but with only partial success.
Miller would like the U.S. to work toward building commerce and good relations with Iran, so that we can “see the reality of what’s going on” there. “If we could follow relations to the point where the average American can visit Iran easily, and Iranians visit America, the process would do wonders.”
For his part, Miller hopes to find widespread interest in Iran for his book, Eagles Are Gathering, and a screenplay, “False Flag”—both being translated presently—in order to help Iranians better understand the true American political situation and the influence of the Zionist New World Order.
“Zionists would love to stoke the fires of discontent against Iran again, and a new false-flag [operation] could put Iran back in their crosshairs,” he said.
If Donald Trump is elected U.S. president, he should consider Miller for ambassador to Iran.
Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of THE BARNES REVIEW. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence. Contact Ron by email at [email protected].
Well done Merlin, good to make connections when the Western Governments are playing stupid games which are not in the interest of us citizens. They have a lot of information on the subtle things happening in the Middle East but can’t always get communicated. Good contacts with them means that good quality information can be communicated.
As an aside, this Press TV interview in Iran from Sep 2012 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1xHiMa4B8Y is getting significant renewed interest due to the pending election and increasing relevance.