By Paul Craig Roberts
Recently, I demonstrated the laughable and ludicrous mistakes made by a BBC “Reality Check Team” tasked with covering up the Democrat vote fraud in Michigan. Now the presstitutes at USA Today have come up with a totally different coverup for the same fraud. The earlier BBC coverup reported that election officials said they had made a “data entry error.” This error, said to have been corrected, was the way the BBC explained away a sudden 138,000 votes for Biden in the early hours of the morning when no one was watching. I blew this lie out of the water.
So, the presstitutes had to find another coverup. The new coverup lie from USA Today is that there was no “data entry error” and no election officials admitting to one. According to the USA Today coverup story, the added votes never happened. Instead, there was “an apparent typo on a lone national media site,” and this typo was picked up by social media and then by President Trump. In other words, the USA Today presstitutes are saying that the BBC fact check team is incompetent and unreliable. Why prefer USA Today’s coverup story over the BBC’s coverup story? Which coverup story do we believe? The answer is: Neither. Both are lies.
The USA Today coverup story says no additional 138,339 votes for Biden suddenly appeared. So, what “disappeared” Trump’s sizable lead? No Biden votes added but Trump’s lead disappeared. Magic.
An identical ballot dump for Biden to the one in Michigan also occurred in the early hours of the same morning in Wisconsin, wiping out Trump’s lead. So far, the press prostitutes have not been able to devise a coverup for this second occurrence of the same thing.
What, media shills, is your coverup story for Wisconsin? (And for Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia? Georgia officials have announced a recount after acknowledging many irregularities.) Are the miscounts in Michigan and Wisconsin two data entry errors or two typos picked up by social media or one of each?
Think what it means that the entirety of the U.S. media, allegedly the “watchdogs of democracy,” are openly involved in participating in the theft of a presidential election.
Think what it means that a large number of Democrat public and election officials are openly involved in the theft of a presidential election.
It means that the United States is split irredeemably. The hatred for white people that has been cultivated for many years, portraying white Americans as “systemic racists,” together with the Democrats’ lust for power and money, has destroyed national unity. The consequence will be the replacement of rules with force.
Why do Democrats have any more right to force than Trump?
The Democrat theft of the 2020 presidential election has split the country far worse than the Morrill Tariff did in March 1861, leading to the secession of the southern states and the invasion of the southern states by the North.
The Red States, that is, the homes of the original ethnic American population, have been demonized by the intellectuals, professors, press prostitutes, and Democrats for four years and longer. The real Americans are demonized as “white supremacist racist Trump deplorables.”
The war against real Americans will intensify under the Kamala regime. Biden’s obvious episodes of mental confusion will cause him to be moved aside. The United States will have as president a leftwing “female of color” who has expressed her hatred of white Americans. Unfortunately for the real Americans, they are unorganized, and Trump is the only leader that they have.
It is not difficult to imagine that one of the first things the Kamala regime will do is to get rid of the Second Amendment and then begin arresting Red State gun owners to ensure that Red State Americans have no self-protection. It is easy to imagine, knowing the hate Democrats, intellectuals, professors, and the media prostitutes have for Red State Americans, that next a virus will be released, a pandemic declared, and Red State America moved into internment camps. Why would a demonic movement that is determined to destroy white statues and monuments, white museums, white history and culture, and “white privilege” not also want to destroy white people?
As U.S. armed forces are made up of Red State Americans, Washington’s ability to prance around the world as a hegemon will disappear. Russia, China, even Iran would be able to easily defeat the “superpower” in war.
It would be poetic justice if the consequence of the openly stolen election is the end of Washington’s hegemony.
Regardless, America’s influence has been cancelled by the stolen election. As one European observer has noted, “The United States has to spread democracy by violence, since it sure as hell can’t do so by example.”
Voting by mail greatly facilitates the use of the vote-altering software and the use of ballot dumps. One reason for the mask mandate and Covid fear was to justify mass voting by mail.
The media speaks with one voice. The print, TV, NPR, social media, and the anti-Trump internet sites exercise censorship and control the explanations. We are experiencing a well-designed and successful coup against American democracy and accountable government. No, this is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a revolution against Red State America.
Republicans are too establishment to effectively fight back. They fear that exposing and resisting a stolen election would discredit American democracy. In effect, patriotism makes them impotent.
Republicans should think instead what it means to be governed by a president covered in criminal scandal who also seems to be suffering mental confusion and is likely for one or both of these reasons to be moved aside. If Harris becomes president, we will have in the Oval Office a female of color who hates white people and is vindictive against them.
The Democrat Party is now in the hands of indoctrinated leftists who despise the working class and champion “oppressed minorities.” Immigration floodgates will be thrown open. Red States will be cut out of the federal budget. Gutsy Republicans such as Devin Nunes and Jim Jorden will be falsely investigated, and Trump will be falsely prosecuted. The rest of us will be silenced in one way or the other.
Think about how unlikely the Biden/Harris ticket is for success. Everyone knows that Biden suffers mental confusion. His campaign events were barely attended. Harris had so little support in the Democrat primaries that she was the first to drop out. Even the Democrats didn’t want her; yet she ends up the Democrat VP choice. Americans watched as Democrat regimes in Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and other cities responded to rioting and looting by hampering and defunding the police.
How can such an unattractive party whose elected officials refused to enforce law and order win the presidential election? The answer is fraud. Whether or not you believe this report from a U.S. Postal Service employee that he was ordered to backdate late mail-in ballots in Michigan, it serves as an example of how easy voting by mail makes vote fraud.

The threat posed to democracy by election software is devastating. With such software in the hands of intelligence services, every election in every country can be decided behind the scenes.
This makes it easier for elites to rule. The vote altering software turns democracy into a cover for self-interested rule. Yes, elites have always tried to purchase elections, but now they can program them.
I have often written that the digital revolution was the greatest threat humanity faces. Proof piles up every day.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President Ronald Reagan and was associate editor and columnist at The Wall Street Journal. He has been a professor of economics in six universities and is the author of numerous books available at the American Free Press bookstore.
Excellent article Dr Roberts.