The city of Toronto, Canada may seem out of place for having two programs to explore the 9-11 terrorist attacks that ravaged America 10 years ago, but those sponsoring these two important events say that growing international interest in 9-11—in a world where citizens outside of America often can speak more freely about this issue—is the reason for having The Toronto Hearings Sept. 8-11 at Ryerson University, and a presentation by the U.S.-based Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) on Sept. 11 at a nearby theater.
The Toronto Hearings have been set up to gather testimony from notables such as California architect Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth.
Gage and 12 others functioning as witnesses will present findings and insights in their respective areas of expertise and influence to a four-member panel that is expected to gather the testimony and put together a call for a new 9-11 investigation.
The Citizen Investigation Team will give what CIT leader Craig Ranke says will be a “multi-media presentation” on the Pentagon, based on the documentary National Security Alert. That documentary includes the testimony of various eyewitnesses around the Pentagon and says that whatever commercial airliner approached the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001, did so north of the nearby Citgo station and the Navy Annex—dramatically different from the official claim that a jet plane approached the Pentagon on a trajectory south of those landmarks.
This newspaper last year reviewed Ranke’s latest production, based on an earlier version released in 2007 called The Penta-Con, and found it compelling. It nails down a lot of firsthand information and has minimal conjecture.
The Sept. 11 presentation at Toronto’s Royal Theater is based on the latest documentary. For more information, call (949) 682-4060.
As for The Toronto Hearings, other witnesses include widely read 9-11 author David Ray Griffin, former Underwriters Laboratory employee Kevin Ryan, who became a 9-11 whistleblower and lost his job when he asserted his views on the properties of structural steel in the WTC twin towers, and, among others, Canadian-born 9-11 author, former diplomat and former (Berkeley) English professor Peter Dale Scott. Another witness is retired Danish chemist Niels Harrit, a noted author who has published several peer-reviewed articles, including those on 9-11, in major scientific journals. He gives 9-11 presentations around the world.
A news release on the hearings notes that while having them in Toronto stresses the international scope of investigating 9-11, this location was chosen “so that people directly associated with the events [of 9-11-01], such as victims’ families, can travel to the hearings. Toronto is a nine-hour drive from New York City.” The address is 240 Jarvis Street.
Broad aspects of 9-11 to be covered include “al Qaeda, air defense failures, anomalies of Flights 77 (Pentagon) and 93 (Pennsylvania), the nature of false-flag terrorism, and psychological resistance to accounts that challenge the official one.”
The Toronto Hearings will be broadcast online at TorontoHearings.org.