• Globalists pressure states to accept free trade deal.
By Mark Anderson —
Frustrated by logjams in Washington that have so far blocked passage of massive global free trade agreements, internationalists are now going straight to state and local governments to court them and lay the groundwork for the pending Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
The recently enacted “EU in the U.S.” program is being carried out in association with the Delegation of the European Union to the United States. According to its own literature, the delegation “represents the EU in dealings with the U.S. government in areas that are part of the EU’s [assigned tasks], raises awareness of EU issues and concerns and promotes the importance of the EU-U.S. relationship among the American public.”
The “delegation” is working with U.S.-based world-governance groups to soften up the U.S. at the federal and state levels—even down to the city and county levels—for much tighter ties between the U.S. and the EU.
The delegation’s top ambassador to the U.S., João Vale de Almeida, on April 1 met with Kansas Governor Sam Brownback to talk about TTIP negotiations and the state’s trade and investment with the EU.
The TTIP is the same proposed U.S.-EU free trade pact revealed at last April’s meeting of the Brookings Institution, as AMERICAN FREE PRESS exclusively reported. On September 30, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who keeps a home in Illinois, told the Chicago Council on Global Affairs he wants to see a U.S.-EU trade deal reached as soon as possible.
This newspaper also exclusively reported that the plutocratic Business Roundtable met October 30 at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago to discuss both the TTIP and the even larger Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement, or Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Together, these two free-trade pacts cover the majority of the Earth.
Getting these trade pacts passed constitutes an enormous leap forward for global consolidation along political as well as economic lines.
The delegation is carrying out the EU in the U.S. program at the following meetings: April 28 at the World Affairs Council (WAC) of Las Vegas, May 1 at the Peoria (Ill.) Area World Affairs Council, May 1 at the World Affairs Council of Austin, Texas and May 2 at the Greater Cincinnati World Affairs Council. The World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth will take up this matter May 1-10, May 16 and May 27. At least nine other WAC meetings for this purpose will take place in May, from Seattle, to Denver, to New Mexico and elsewhere.
These World Affairs Councils and other WACs operate under the banner of the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA). AFP has exposed WACA as a leading umbrella organization for “grassroots globalism.” Some 92 local and regional WAC chapters operate under WACA to make the world safe for the global trade and banking systems which undergird largely unelected governmental control in a planned world system.
These meetings are occurring as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group are about to conduct their annual meetings, in which they conduct private governance for our public officials to follow.
The “Trilaterals” are meeting in Washington April 25 to April 27, and the 62nd Bilderberg gathering is expected to take place in Denmark, probably in Copenhagen. The vast majority of the members of both of these highly influential groups support the TTIP.
Mark Anderson is AFP’s roving reporter.