• The strange murder of Democratic Party staffer Seth Conrad Rich near his home in Northwest Washington, D.C. has continued to baffle police investigators.
• Did WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange just solve the mystery during a recent press interview on the matter?
By the Staff at AFP
Last month, Democratic National Convention (DNC) staffer Seth Conrad Rich was found dead near his home in Washington, D.C. Media reports were quick to label the murder of the 27-year-old man a “robbery gone wrong.” However, police have been baffled by the fact that nothing was taken from Rich—not his wallet, his phone, or his watch. On August 9, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may have blown the lid off the crime by announcing that his organization was offering a $20,000 reward for information on the killing of Rich.
In addition, Assange suggested that Rich was the individual who leaked shocking emails from Democratic Party big wigs proving that they were undermining Senator Bernie Sanders’s campaign in favor of Hillary Clinton’s.
Mrs. Clinton’s campaign and her supporters in the mainstream media have done everything they can to change the subject on the damaging emails, going so far as to accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of orchestrating the leak in order to help Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. But much to her chagrin, Assange’s announcement has reinvigorated the discussion about the DNC emails as well as the long and sordid history of murders and suspicious deaths of critics and one-time confidants of the Clintons.
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The mainstream media and Clinton’s surrogates have been pooh-poohing the claim that Rich could be the leaker. Snopes.com went so far as to publish a highly speculative piece dismissing the claim that Rich was the victim of a professional hit. Investigative reporters who have tracked the murders that have followed the Clintons over the years—like Victor Thorn, who passed away on August 1—know better.
To get all the facts about what critics call the “Clinton Body Count,” get a copy of Victor Thorn’s Hillary (And Bill) The Murder Volume for $30, softcover, 383 pages.
Even better, get the Hillary (And Bill) Trilogy, which includes Hillary (And Bill) The Sex Volume, Hillary (And Bill) The Drugs Volume and Hillary (And Bill) The Murder Volume for just $60—and get a free copy of Thorn’s last book before he passed away, Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be In The White House. There is no charge for shipping and handling in the United States.
I want to add a Cicero quote: “The traitor within the gates is the plague. He is more to be feared than a murderer”. The media is the traitor within the gate. Also, Solzenitsyn said, concerning the hundreds of millions of communist murders the press was silent about, “this only proves the media is in the hands of the enemy”.
The Presidential Elections are nothing more than make believe puppet shows, where the deceived electorate believe they are electing their next president, when in reality, the whole thing is only a farce perpetrated on the useful idiots by the Oligarchs of the Federal Reserve System.
The Great U.S. Presidential Deception Of All Times
And here is how they do it. Since the Oligarchs and their lying paid whores of the Mainstream News Media are accountable to no one, and the Oligarchs also own the Dollars Printing Machine, money is no object to them, so the Oligarchs begin by pouring millions of dollars into the laps of their News Media Outlets in order to control the polls, magnify, propagandize, and insert their favorite puppet, this time Hellary Clinton, in the highly subjective psychic of the perplexed useful idiots.
The Great U.S. Presidential Deception Of All Times
The Great U.S. Presidential Deception Of All Times
Watching Trump and WikiLeaks expose the Clintons has been worth it just to see justice finally served. Like OJ she won’t escape the public’s judgment just because she bought herself legal cover.