The nation’s major annual forum of progressive, anti-war activists continues to reject speakers addressing topics of the deep state and 9/11, so Dr. Kevin Barrett and other intrepid truth-tellers organized a “Left Out Forum.” The Deep Truth conference panel discussions and presentations are now available online.
By John Friend
A recently concluded conference that was live-streamed to countless viewers over the Internet wrapped up last weekend to much fanfare. Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out began Friday, June 8 and concluded Sunday, June 10, and featured a number of prominent political dissidents, independent researchers and journalists, peace activists, and others concerned with countering and exposing the lies and insidious agenda of the deep state manipulating our government and society.
The conference was organized and produced in part by No Lies Radio, “a controversial, hard-hitting, truth-telling nonprofit Internet radio station broadcasting 24/7 at noliesradio.org,” according to the conference’s About Us page. No Lies Radio is an affiliate of the Pacifica Radio Network and has a history of live-streaming conferences and events dealing with 9/11 and the deep state, including the 9/11 Truth Film Festival held annually in the San Francisco Bay area and the Justice in Focus event organized by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth in New York City in 2016. No Lies Radio also hosts False Flag Weekly News, a weekly radio broadcast hosted by Dr. Kevin Barrett, a leading 9/11 truth advocate and contributor to this newspaper, and Professor Tony Hall, a Canadian academic that has focused on 9/11 and other controversial events, that is live-streamed to viewers around the world. Dr. Barrett was a leading organizer of the Deep Truth Conference this year and hosted and participated in panel discussions over the course of the weekend.
The Deep Truth Conference originated as a direct response to the hostility and censorship its organizers experienced when attempting to participate in the Left Forum, one of the largest progressive and anti-war networks in the country.
“The Deep Truth Conference is part of a continuing response to censorship by the Left Forum, the USA’s biggest leftist conference, held each year in New York City,” Dr. Kevin Barrett explained to this reporter recently. “In 2016, several pro-9/11 truth and anti-Zionist presenters made their debut at the Left Forum. I harshly criticized Noam Chomsky, even though going to the Left Forum to criticize Chomsky is like going to the Vatican to criticize the Pope. The next year, 2017, Zionist pressure groups, led by Spencer Sunshine’s Political Research Associates, forced the Left Forum to ban us. I called Sunshine to ask why he was afraid of our message, and we ultimately rented a room down the hall from the Left Forum and held the Left Out Forum. Like the previous year’s presentations, it was very well attended and well-received. This year, 2018, we were once again banned from the Left Forum, so the organizers protested and leafleted at the Left Forum to publicize the Deep Truth cyber-conference one week later.”
This year’s conference featured six separate panel discussions comprising some of the most important figures in the alternative media and 9/11 truth community, including: former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, a long-time peace activist and journalist; Alison Weir, an author who serves as executive director of If Americans Knew, a non-profit organization that focuses on the nefarious influence Israel and the pro-Israel lobby has on American politics; former congresswoman, peace activist and 9/11 skeptic Cynthia McKinney; Philip Giraldi, a former counter-terrorism specialist with the CIA and a leading critic of U.S. foreign policy; and Gilad Atzmon, the internationally renowned jazz musician, author, and critic of Zionism and the subversive influence of the pro-Israel lobby in the West; and other important speakers.
The panel discussions focused on a number of inter-related themes, including: the mass media, propaganda, and censorship; the oligarchic nature of Western political systems; false-flag and other deep state events; Zionism and Israel’s brutal occupation of Palestine; and issues relating to geoengineering, smart meters, and 5G technology.
A major theme throughout the conference was, of course, 9/11, a topic Barbara Honegger, a well-known 9/11 researcher and former associate at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University, focused on during her panel discussion.

“The Great Lie of who attacked America on 9/11 was used to railroad through the Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) which, to this day, is still the legal rationale for all of the 9/11 wars,” Honegger recently explained to this reporter. “9/11 killed nearly 3,000 innocent civilians, but the 9/11 lie has killed millions, displaced untold millions more, cost our nation and its allies thousands of lives and trillions in treasure, and has been used as the pretext for an invasive mass-surveillance police state. Only a critical mass of public awareness will make it possible to bring the real perpetrators of this heinous act to justice. The online live-streamed Deep Truth: Visionaries Speak Out conference has enabled those of us dedicated and courageous enough to know and speak the truth to reach that critical mass.”
Dr. Barrett echoed Honegger’s sentiment, correctly arguing that 9/11 is still a bleeding wound that impacts the lives and perceptions of Americans to this day.
“The truth about the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, JFK, RFK, and the USS Liberty is important, but the general public doesn’t have a direct emotional connection to those events,” Dr. Barrett noted. “But much of the American public is still traumatized by 9/11, so the truth about 9/11 still has tremendous potential to affect hearts and minds, and thereby change policies.”
The video archives of the entire conference, including all panel discussions and speeches, may be accessed at noliesradio.org/deeptruth.
John Friend is a freelance writer based in California.
My Reflections on Pope Francis’ Visit to Ireland… Nobel Laureate Mairead Maguire
… and His Plea for Forgiveness of Victims for Church Clerical Sexual Abuse
Pope Francis’ two-day visit to Ireland on the 25th and 26th of August 2018 comes at a time when people need hope. The Irish Church has been devastated by the abuse scandals, which have never been properly dealt with. The victims and survivors of church abuse have told their stories and knocked on doors trying to get a hearing, and meet those who would listen to the terrible injustices perpetrated on them by some Catholic clergy and religious institutions. It is only in the last few years that it has been recognized by the Catholic hierarchy that clerical abuse has taken place. The pain, frustration and anger of so many victims have been allowed to fester and perpetrators of these abuses in the past often protected for fear of damage to the institution. As with all corruption, unless we go to the root of the problem and take positive action to root it out completely, we can never have a true healing. It was into such a situation of pain and suffering of victims of clerical sexual abuse that Pope Francis arrived in Ireland. The Pope’s plea for forgiveness for the abuse scandals was long overdue.
Dear John and Dr. Barrett
Lets tell all what allowed all this bad crap we are dealing with today? If you don’t have a good understanding of the foundations in the first chapter you won’t be able to identify what the proper corrective actions are needed.
Let start off with a document known as the first Charter of Virginia in 1606. In the first paragraph, the King of England granted our fore fathers license to settle and colonize America.
Please consider the king was just making a commercial venture when he sent his subjects to America, and used his money and resources to do so. I think you would admit the king had a lawful right to receive gain and prosper from his venture. In the Virginia Charter he declares his sovereignty over the land and his subjects and in paragraph 9 he declares the amount of gold, silver and copper he is to receive if any is found by his subjects. There could have just as easily been none, or his subjects could have been killed by the Indians. This is why this was a valid right of the king (Jure Coronae), “In right of the crown,”
The king declares that all his heirs and successors were to also receive the same amount of gold, silver and copper that he claimed with this Charter. The gold that remained in the colonies was also the kings. He provided the remainder as a benefit for his subjects, which amounted to further use of his capital.
The king declared the right and exercised the power to regulate every aspect of commerce in his new colony. A license had to be granted for travel connected with transfer of goods (commerce) right down to the furniture they sat on. A great deal of the king’s declared property was ceded to America in the Treaty of 1783. Stay focused on the money and the commerce which was not ceded to America. Always follow the money.
This brings us to the Declaration of Independence. Our freedom was declared because the king did not fulfill his end of the covenant between king and subject. The main complaint was taxation without representation, which was reaffirmed in the early 1606 Charter granted by the king. It was not a revolt over being subject to the king of England, most wanted the protection and benefits provided by the king. Because of the kings refusal to hear their demands and grant relief, separation from England became the lesser of two evils. The cry of freedom and self determination became the rallying cry for the colonist. The slogan “Don’t Tread On Me” was the standard borne by the militias.
The Revolutionary War was fought and concluded when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. As Americans we have been taught that we defeated the king and won our freedom. The next document I will use is the Treaty of 1783, which will totally contradict our having won the Revolutionary War.
Notice in the first paragraph that the king refers to himself as prince of the Holy Roman Empire and of the United States. You know from this that the United States did not negotiate this Treaty of Peace in a position of strength and victory, but it is obvious that Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and John Adams negotiated a Treaty of further granted privileges from the king of England. Keep this in mind as you study these documents. You also need to understand the players of those that negotiated this Treaty. For the Americans it was Benjamin Franklin Esgr., a great patriot and standard bearer of freedom. Or was he? His title includes Esquire. Esquire usage was a granted rank and Title of nobility by the king. He was also a Mason.
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and John Jay as you can read in the Treaty were all Esquires and were the signers of this Treaty and the only negotiators of the Treaty. The representative of the king was David Hartley Esqr..
Benjamin Franklin was the main negotiator for the terms of the Treaty, he spent most of the War traveling between England and France. The use of Esquire declared his and the others British subjection and loyalty to the crown.
In the first article of the Treaty most of the king’s claims to America are relinquished, except for his claim to continue receiving gold, silver and copper as gain for his business venture. Always follow the money. Article 3 gives Americans the right to fish the waters around the United States and its rivers. In article 4 the United States agreed to pay all bona fide debts. If you will explore other period times for papers on money you will understand that the financiers were working with the king. Why else would he protect their interest with this Treaty?
I wonder if you have seen the main and obvious point? This Treaty was signed in 1783, the war was over in 1781 and the Constitutional Convention date of 1787. If the United States defeated England, how is the king granting rights to America, when we were now his equal in status? We supposedly defeated him in the Revolutionary War! So why would these supposed patriot Americans sign such a Treaty, when they knew that this would void any sovereignty gained by the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War? If we had won the Revolutionary War, the king granting us our land would not be necessary, it would have been ours by his loss of the Revolutionary War. So much for the spoils of war go to the victor. To not dictate the terms of a peace treaty in a position of strength after winning a war; means the war was never won. Think of other wars we have won, such as when we defeated Japan. Did McArther allow Japan to dictate to him the terms for surrender? No way! All these men did is gain status and privilege granted by the king and insure the subjection of future unaware generations. Worst of all, they sold out those that gave their lives and property for the chance to be free.
Remember,it was one key person that was a Esquire and Mason. And he at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, “A lady asked Dr. Franklin, Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy. A republic replied the Doctor if you can keep it.” What did Franklin know when he gave that answer? We should go fly a kite? The claim that the constitution is not an active document, we don’t own our land, and we are not sovereign people is true.
Yes, traitors, impersonators and friends of the fallen ones, the seed of them and followers of them, they are. But no one cares as they celebrate a phony 4th of July while the Queen chuckles again.
And for sure there is a lot more all the way to 1933 we we the People were declared an enemy of the State.
if you were a student of the Jesuit preparing to enter into international and law, you must know these events for cause and effect.
Dear John,
You should read the following 48 page researched document,
and send it to all the attendees of the conference. Details why
the locations of the Pentagon and Towers were targeted for destruction…