Biden Green Lights Israel to Attack Iran

March 8, 2023 AFP Editor 0

By Richard Walker Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s hawkish prime minister who leads the most far-right government in his nation’s history, appears to have been given the green light by the Biden administration to attack Iran when […]

WHO Pandemic Treaty: One Size Fits All

February 24, 2023 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson What one might call “double trouble” is on the horizon. First, there is the unsettling “One Health” worldview being pushed by the world’s medical establishment, including the prestigious UK-based health journal The […]

Christians Are in the Crosshairs

February 24, 2023 AFP Editor 2

By Dr. Kevin Barrett When I was born in 1959, all 50 American states considered sodomy a criminal offense, as it had been since colonial times. Most of the blue states repealed those laws in […]

Uncle Sam the Worst Global Terrorist?

February 22, 2023 AFP Editor 0

By Philip Giraldi It was perhaps completely predictable that the government-subservient mainstream American media would almost completely ignore the devastating report released by top investigative journalist Seymour Hersh on Feb. 8. Audio Part 1 […]

Green Energy Solutions Not Working

February 9, 2023 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries All reasonable people want a clean environment. Nobody supports littering, or air and water pollution. But what was once “environmentalism” and “ecology” has changed from concern for the actual environment into heavy-handed […]

Winning the Spy War

December 16, 2022 AFP Editor 0

By Philip Giraldi One should assume that a variety of spies using various kinds of cover are thick on the ground in Ukraine as well as in adjacent areas in Poland and the Baltic states. […]

The Empire Blew Up Nord Stream

October 18, 2022 AFP Editor 0

By Dr. Kevin Barrett After Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) belabored the obvious by implying that the U.S., not Vladimir Putin, blew up the Nord Stream gas pipelines, the maverick politician was accused of “anti-American […]

Fact: America Is at War With Russia

July 18, 2022 AFP Editor 1

By Phillip Giraldi The Biden administration, installed following the controversial 2020 election which many Americans question the legitimacy of, keeps insisting that it will not involve American soldiers in the war in Ukraine. However, Biden’s […]

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