Bibi’s Warmongering

September 25, 2019 AFP Editor 4

By Richard Walker Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent offer to help Brazil put out massive fires in the Amazon came as he was starting his own bonfires in the Middle East where he has […]

Pollard & the Pervert

September 19, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Were the Lewinsky tapes used to blackmail President Bill Clinton to gain an Israeli spy’s release? By S.T. Patrick In Clinton Inc.: The Audacious Rebuilding of a Political Machine, author Daniel Halper released a bombshell […]

India vs. Monsanto

August 23, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Farmers in India are rejecting genetically modified seeds from Monsanto.  By Mark Anderson In this age of seemingly unstoppable corporate-government collusion and power, it’s refreshing to see some promising pushback. India’s cotton farmers represent a […]

Japan’s Military Rebuilding Rapidly

August 4, 2019 AFP Editor 3

Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan fear a new era of Chinese aggression. By Richard Walker Japan is now the world’s fourth most powerful military, due in part to President Donald Trump’s insistence when he took […]

Cabal Pushes for Iran War

July 4, 2019 AFP Editor 1

President Trump has resisted intervention so far, but pressure continues to mount from war-crazed neocons hell-bent on all-out conflict with Iran. By Richard Walker After Iran recently shot down a U.S. naval drone, President Donald […]

Bilderberg Boy Blames Trump

June 19, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Was former Gov. John Hickenlooper indoctrinated at the last Bilderberg meeting? This Bilderberg “graduate” recently told prominent Chicago globalists about his foreign policy and outlined his NWO-centered presidential candidacy. By Mark Anderson Former Colorado Gov. […]

Climate Collusion?

June 14, 2019 AFP Editor 3

The U.S. climate agency NOAA admits that a formerly dismissed scientist was right after all: Air-temperature monitoring stations provide faulty data. By S.T. Patrick The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has now admitted that […]

Lies About World War I Abound

June 14, 2019 AFP Editor 2

What we’re being taught about “War to End All Wars” is basically Allied propaganda. With the passage of time the difference between life in the Soviet Union in the 20th century and life in the […]

Israel Caught Election-Meddling

June 9, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Facebook has banned an Israeli lobbying firm for posting fake news intended to disrupt elections. By John Friend A mysterious Israeli-based political consulting and lobbying firm was recently banned from Facebook for spreading fake news […]

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