Renegade GOP Members Lambasted

March 4, 2022 AFP Editor 0

By John Friend A group of renegade Republican politicians – two Congressional representatives and a state senator – are facing severe criticism from the establishment GOP and members of the liberal media for participating in […]

Tucker Carlson’s Transformation

March 4, 2022 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries Tucker Carlson has come a long way over the past decade. He’s an entirely different person from the young, bowtie-wearing mainstream conservative he used to be when he first burst upon the […]

Will Court End Affirmative Action?

February 9, 2022 AFP Editor 1

By Donald Jeffries Whatever worthy intentions might have been behind affirmative action, the overt favoritism of one group over another has fomented further division in an already fractured society. As critics pointed out early on, […]

Latest Revelation Proves ‘Russian Collusion’

October 25, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries The recent indictment of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann is just another confirmation of how the elite pushed a knowingly ridiculous “Russia fantasy” regarding the 2016 election. Sussman’s indictment by […]

Are the Good Times Over for Joe?

October 19, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Patrick Buchanan “When sorrows come,” said King Claudius, “they come not single spies but in battalions.” As the king found out. So it seems with President Joe Biden, who must be asking himself the […]

Latest Revelation Proves ‘Russian Collusion’

October 12, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries The recent indictment of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann is just another confirmation of how the elite pushed a knowingly ridiculous “Russia fantasy” regarding the 2016 election. Sussman’s indictment by […]

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