Trump, Fauci & the Virus

September 25, 2020 AFP Editor 2

By Donald Jeffries Not surprisingly, the left has been nonstop parroting the mantra that Donald Trump failed miserably in addressing the Covid-19 crisis. Even The Washington Post recognized this early on, with a March 27 […]

Deep State Coup

September 21, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Is a ‘color revolution’ playing out in America? By John Friend Top Democratic leaders, elite technocrats, and other Deep State actors are fomenting a coup against President Donald Trump utilizing the same strategy and tactics […]

Assange in Battle for Extradition

September 19, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Press Freedoms Hang in the Balance in London.   By S.T. Patrick As America’s leading journalists continue to bicker self-righteously over the timing of Bob Woodward’s publicly released tapes made with President Trump in preparation […]

Who Killed the Rule of Law in America?

September 19, 2020 AFP Editor 0

People realizing America is really ruled by a systemically criminal Deep State. By Dr. Kevin Barrett My home state of Wisconsin hosted progressive anti-bankster uprisings in the 19th and early 20th centuries. More recently we […]

Leaders Must Unite Against Violence

September 18, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Mayors need to ignore Trump’s abrasive comments and let the feds help end rioting. By Donald Jeffries As looting, destruction of property, and wanton violence continue across a large swath of America, local and national […]

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