Big Brother in Disguise
The Rise of the New Technological World Order. By John Whitehead Early in the morning of Monday, Dec. 15, 2020, Google suffered a major worldwide outage in which all of its internet-connected services crashed, including […]
The Rise of the New Technological World Order. By John Whitehead Early in the morning of Monday, Dec. 15, 2020, Google suffered a major worldwide outage in which all of its internet-connected services crashed, including […]
By Patrick J. Buchanan Now that Joe Biden has won the 2020 presidential election, public interest in whether his son Hunter exploited the family name to rake in millions of dollars from foreign donors has […]
By Donald Jeffries For decades, thousands of people all over the world have reported seeing strange lights in the sky, dubbed “flying saucers” by Kenneth Arnold, who is associated with the first modern unidentified flying […]
By Dr. Kevin Barrett Less than a week after the first anniversary of 9/11, George W. Bush delivered this immortal though somewhat bungled line from a podium in Nashville: “There’s an old saying in Tennessee—I […]
By John Whitehead Like it or not, the Covid-19 pandemic with its veiled threat of forced vaccinations, contact tracing, and genetically encoded vaccines is propelling humanity at warp speed into a whole new frontier—a surveillance […]
By Mark Anderson A bipartisan group of senators has worked for weeks on a $908 billion “Covid relief package,” much of which has been agreed upon in theory. As of Dec. 8, The Wall Street […]
By Mark Anderson Wisconsin resident Conrad LeBeau is an author and activist whose father, a dairy farmer, taught him about the predatory banking system at a young age, which planted deep seeds for his quest […]
By Larry Elder After four years of attacking President Donald Trump as illegitimate, fascist, Nazi, tyrant, dictator, racist, anti-Semitic, Russian stooge, traitor, grifter, “xenophobe, sexist, homophobe, ignorant, fat, and lazy” former Vice President Joe Biden, […]
A Trump Christmas pardon for Assange and Snowden would be best gift ever. By Phil Giraldi President Donald Trump is continuing to fight against the presumed results of the November national election with his only […]
By Larry Elder Convinced that President Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection, the media suddenly became less hysterical. Just like that, the media, at least to some degree, rediscovered concepts such as fairness and […]
Joe Biden would most likely reverse any Trump cuts to agency’s bloated budget By Richard Walker A warning from the Pentagon that it could withdraw its military support for the CIA’s counterterrorism operations, thereby raising […]
Covid-19, economy, “racial injustice,” “climate change,” and China top the slate. By Patrick J. Buchanan The Biden-Harris administration will confront “a pandemic, an economic crisis, calls for racial justice, and climate change. The team being […]
By John Friend A document critical of Antifa and Black Lives Matter (BLM) distributed and later abandoned by a prominent law enforcement training group has outraged the radical left, their supporters, and their all-too willing […]
By John Friend Federal prosecutors in the Western District of Washington announced recently that terror charges have been lodged in Bellingham, Wash. against two women related to sabotage and violence against a railroad carrier after […]
By Donald Jeffries Georgia attorney Lin Wood has specialized in representing unpopular defendants for decades. Indeed, he has been called “the attorney for the damned.” He is best known as the attorney for the late […]
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