Say ‘No’ to Victoria Nuland

February 9, 2021 AFP Editor 0

25 organizations urge Senate to reject Biden pick. By S.T. Patrick Twenty-five organizations have signed a letter asking the Senate to reject President Joe Biden’s nominee for undersecretary of state for political affairs, Victoria Nuland. […]

Presidential Pandemic Parallels

February 8, 2021 AFP Editor 0

Woodrow Wilson, Donald Trump, the Spanish Flu, and Covid-19. By S.T. Patrick By the time the 1918 influenza pandemic (Spanish Flu) had finished unleashing its wrath upon the population of the world, it had infected […]


February 8, 2021 AFP Editor 0

Texas legislator begins independence discussions. By Mark Anderson The Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), which AFP has been covering for the last 10 years, is an organization that is becoming more visible and viable than ever […]

Bad Vaccine News Suppressed

February 7, 2021 AFP Editor 1

Afraid of being labeled “vaccine deniers,” mainstream downplays dangers. Vaccines previously approved for emergency use have now been tied to life-threatening anaphylactic response, systemic inflammation, excess mortality and even morbidity among vaccine recipients By Tilton […]

Democrats Invent New Language

February 6, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson Proposed new House rules issued by Rules Committee Chairman James Mc-Govern (D-Mass.) call for establishing a Select Committee on Economic Disparity and Fairness in Growth that wouldn’t just address economic and social […]

Eyewitnesses Suspect Provocateurs

February 5, 2021 AFP Editor 1

By Maggie Rose McGrath Most every news outlet, left or right, is twisting the facts and spinning the narrative that it was “Trump supporters” that “stormed” the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6. The […]

The Pendulum Will Swing

February 3, 2021 AFP Editor 1

By Patrick Buchanan Donald Trump has stumbled and fallen, and the establishment is not going to let slip this last opportunity to stomp him and his movement to death. A month ago, House Speaker Nancy […]

Assault on Red States Begins

February 3, 2021 AFP Editor 1

Democrats need to rein in rhetoric or they risk instigating a real civil war. By Paul Craig Roberts The opening salvo against “Red State America” was the article of impeachment against President Donald Trump introduced […]

War on Terror Comes Home

February 1, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Ron Paul Last month’s massive social media purges—starting with President Donald Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter and other social media platforms and outlets—was shocking and chilling, particularly to those of us who value free […]

Monopolies Kill More Than Competition

January 30, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries Republicans, who have generally defended consolidation of corporate power through mergers and buyouts, are finally decrying what Sen. Marco Rubio calls the “monopoly power” of Big Tech companies. Rubio told Fox News, […]

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