Issue 35/36 2024 News You May Have Missed

Biden Economy Is a Lie

U.S. job growth in the first quarter of 2024 was far less robust than initially estimated by the Biden administration months ago. On Aug. 21, Goldman Sachs Group and Wells Fargo economists issued a revision to the government’s preliminary jobs report for that time, showing payroll growth in that time was anywhere from 600,000 to 1 million jobs weaker than was currently estimated. According to “Bloomberg” news, this downward revision is the largest in 15 years and suggests the labor market has been cooling for longer than originally thought. These new estimates will likely force the Federal Reserve to rethink any plans to lower interest rates in the coming months.

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Saudi Debt

According to left-wing website “The Intercept,” Saudi Arabia owes U.S. taxpayers close to half of a billion dollars for U.S. military refueling of Saudi jets that bombed Yemen between 2015-2019. The Pentagon has been trying to collect the debt, but the Saudis continue to snub America.

War Crimes

Canadian doctor Ben Thomas recently came back from volunteer work in Gaza. In early August, he testified at the International Court of Justice about Israeli war crimes, telling the story of a Palestinian doctor he knew, who had been detained by Israeli soldiers. The Israeli soldiers made the Palestinian doctor stand naked for two days, often pointing weapons at him. The soldiers would curse at him and even urinate and defecate on the floor where he stood for no other reason than to humiliate him.

Israeli Assassins Targeted

According to journalist and translator Haidar Al-Karrar, on Aug. 25, Hezbollah fighters targeted and blew up a special Israeli intelligence operation at Israel’s Glilot Base, killing an unknown number of Israeli soldiers and intelligence officers inside. In a speech that day, Hezbollah leader Nasrallah stated, “This is a military intelligence base, housing a large number of officers and soldiers, and it manages many assassination operations. … The intended target was the Israeli Military Intelligence (Aman) Unit 8200 base in Glilot, near Tel Aviv, and our information indicates that one of the two rockets reached this base.” Nasrallah rejected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s claim that the Israelis thwarted a major attack on cities in Israel. “This narrative is full of lies,” said Nasrallah. “The claims that there was a plan to target Tel Aviv, or targets within the city of Tel Aviv, or Ben Gurion Airport are false allegations.”


Needless Death

As the war in Ukraine continues, every day, thousands of Russian and Ukrainian men are needlessly dying. In early August, Ukrainian forces invaded western Russia in a risky move to occupy Russian land and position the country better for peace negotiations. That move has cost Ukraine thousands of soldiers it can’t afford to lose, along with hundreds of vehicles and other military equipment. Russia’s Ministry of Defense reported on Aug. 27, that, since Ukrainian soldiers moved into the Kursk region, “the AFU [Ukrainian military] losses have amounted to more than 6,600 troops, 73 tanks, 34 infantry fighting vehicles, 62 armored personnel carriers, 432 armored fighting vehicles, 201 motor vehicles, 45 artillery guns, 13 multiple-launch rocket system launchers, including four HIMARS MLRS and one MLRS, five SAM launchers, nine electronic warfare stations, two counter-battery warfare radars, one air defense radars, five engineering vehicles as well as two counter-obstacle vehicles and one UR-77 mine clearing vehicle.”

Sent Them to Die

Russia’s Ministry of Defense, on its Telegram social media page, has been posting videos of Ukrainian prisoners of war telling how they were sent to the frontlines to fight despite never receiving training or support. One Ukrainian POW who was captured on Russian land in the Kursk region said, “The commanders sent us to the neighboring position to hold defense there, however Russians were already there. We requested support but the command just left us behind. There were a lot of killed and wounded in action, but nobody took them away from the battlefield. I did not want to fight for them. The enlistment officers forced me to. They just sent us to death.”


Historic Mosque Destroyed

On Aug. 26, respected author Trita Parsi wrote on social media, “When ISIS hacked to pieces ancient Assyrian statues, the world rightly condemned them. When the Taliban blew up the ancient Buddha statues in Bamyan, the world condemned it. Israel just blew up the 700-year-old Grand Mosque in Gaza [on Aug. 26], equating itself with ISIS and the Taliban.” No Western media outlet reported on the destruction of this cultural site.

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New Brain Technology

Elon Musk’s brain technology company Neuralink announced its new brain implant, designed to allow paralyzed patients to use computers and other mechanical devices by thinking alone, is working well in a second patient. The company said the patient, identified only as Alex, did not face
issues of “thread retraction” like Noland Arbaugh, Neuralink’s first patient. Arbaugh received the implant in January. The tiny wires of the implant had retracted post-surgery for Arbaugh, resulting in a sharp reduction in the electrodes that measure brain signals, but this was not the case in Alex, who seems to be doing well.


Dumb Ruling

On Aug. 14, a California judge ruled in favor of three UCLA students who had sued their school, not because they were ever actually blocked from attending classes by pro-Palestine protesters, but because they believed they might be if they interacted with the demonstrators. The students filed the lawsuit on the grounds that they felt religiously obligated to support Israel—despite that Israel is a country not a religion. According to the students’ claim, they felt like they would have been prevented from going to class or entering the library, though they admitted that no one ever stopped them. The three students didn’t actually win any judgment except for the judge’s ruling stating that UCLA has to make all classes and buildings available to Jewish students, which UCLA has consistently done.

Anti-Aging Breakthrough

On Aug. 16, ABC News reported on a new medication being studied by researchers at Telomir Pharmaceuticals that may have the power to turn back the clock on all of us. In Florida, researchers used dogs to test a new drug that reportedly increases the size of telomeres, a section of chromosomes that shrink as we age and play an integral part in the aging process. The owners of one dog named Zeus told ABC that, after Zeus started the medications, there was an immediate change in the dog’s energy levels. Zeus had been suffering from inoperable cancer and was on death’s door before he started the drug trial. “I’m not a scientist … but I think anything that we can have that will take a very dire situation and turn it around, I’m all for it,” Zeus’s owner told ABC News.


Shroud Material Two Millennia Old

Scientists have made a new discovery that suggests the famed burial cloth known as the Shroud of Turin was made of material that was created around 2,000 years ago, the same period when Jesus lived and died. Italian researchers used specialized x-ray technology to examine the linen sheet and were able to determine its age. This contradicts some earlier findings on the shroud’s age.

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