Texe Marrs
Founder of Power of Prophecy ministry, Texe is heard worldwide to an ever-increasing audience.
The author and publisher of multiple books and videos on a wide variety of topics, Texe has become one of the best known, outspoken figures in the arena of uncompromising truth. Texe will discuss his groundbreaking new book DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline.
Call Julia Foster at the AFP office at 202 544 5977 (Monday through Thursday—9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST) to reserve your spot at the conference.
Dave Gahary had the chance to sit down with Texe to discuss his participation as co-host of the upcoming AFP FREE SPEECH CONFERENCE in Austin, Texas on Veterans Day Weekend, in this informative interview (10:30).
Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series.
Be sure to check out all of AFP’s free audio interviews. You’ll find them on the HOME PAGE, in the ARCHIVES & in the AUDIO section.