‘Reshoring’ Movement Brings Jobs Back to U.S.

July 7, 2014 AFP 0

• “Reshoring” succeeds in bringing more than 600,000 jobs back to United States; helping reverse decades of “offshoring.” By Keith Johnson — The tide may be turning for those Americans who have lost their livelihoods […]

Ex-Rep. Reveals Dirty Secret of D.C. Politics

June 27, 2014 AFP 0

• Bob Ney details why Congress fears the Israel lobby. By Michael Collins Piper — A notorious Orthodox Jewish influence-peddler manipulated accusations of “anti-Semitism” to force a powerful member of Congress to give a lucrative […]

Naysayers Miss the Point

June 25, 2014 AFP 0

• 15% national retail sales tax could liberate the 99% from slavery. • Texas, Florida job market thrives after spurning state income tax. Rep. Jim Traficant — Naysayers keep coming out of the woodwork. They […]

Eric Holder’s Vendetta

June 25, 2014 AFP 0

• Patriotic Americans targeted by new task force created by U.S. Justice Department. By Victor Thorn — On June 3, United States Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he would revive a task force comprised […]

The Growing Movement to Impeach Obama

June 25, 2014 AFP 1

By John Friend — SAN DIEGO, Calif.—Roger Ogden, the founder and leading organizer of the activist group Stop Obama Now—San Diego, is easily one of the nation’s most dedicated, determined and hardest-working activists out there […]

AFP Plays Role in Cantor’s Dramatic Ouster

June 22, 2014 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper — Information first developed and brought to national attention by AMERICAN FREE PRESS played a critical role in the effort by grassroots voters in orchestrating the primary election defeat on June […]

Lakewood, N.J.: An Orthodox Final Solution

June 21, 2014 AFP 9

• Struggling to survive, throngs of homeless are pushed out of N.J.’s “Tent City” to make way for construction of massive “yeshivas” subsidized by taxpayers. By Dave Gahary — LAKEWOOD, N.J.—One of the more biting […]

Big Pharma Bribery Scandal

June 21, 2014 AFP 1

• China investigates world’s most powerful drug makers for rampant criminality. By Ronald L. Ray — The People’s Republic of China is infamous for a variety of corrupt business practices, but recently the communist government […]

Wall Street’s Plan to Control the Nation

June 21, 2014 AFP 0

• “Social Impact Bonds” are latest scheme to influence all levels of government. By Keith Johnson — Few have heard of social impact bonds (SIBs), yet they’re one of the latest and fastest growing schemes […]

Immigration Policy Promoting Collapse of America

June 21, 2014 AFP 0

• Shortsighted U.S. government policies on illegal immigration disregard massive numbers of dependent aliens, criminals, kids being given sanctuary at expense of U.S. taxpayers. Ronald L. Ray — The unending torrent of illegal aliens entering […]

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