U.S. Puts Boots on Ground Across Africa

March 25, 2012 AFP 0

• Humanitarian relief efforts mask ulterior agenda By Richard Walker As the war in Afghanistan winds down, the Pentagon’s focus has shifted to Africa and a new kind of warfare, using drone and missile attacks, […]

Print Newspapers: Will They Survive?

March 25, 2012 AFP 1

By Victor Thorn Mainstream newspapers are on a “death watch,” said one expert who dedicates his time to maintaining a massive clearinghouse of information on the Internet that is documenting the decline of the biggest […]

Sheriff Joe: Obama Birth Certificate a Forgery

March 18, 2012 AFP 2

By Victor Thorn American citizens are losing confidence in the mainstream media, and as a result they increasingly turn their attention to other news providers. A perfect illustration can be found in the way alternative […]

Cyndi Steele’s New Dilemma

March 18, 2012 AFP 0

•Wife of imprisoned Idaho attorney in dire straits By Pat Shannan Cyndi Steele, the wife of jailed free speech lawyer Edgar Steele, tells AMERICAN FREE PRESS that, while her husband is serving what amounts to […]

Obama Expands Use of Shadow Soldiers

March 18, 2012 AFP 0

•U.S. Special Operations Command: 66,000 elite soldiers to wage covert war By Richard Walker Barack Obama’s concept of modern warfare is to wage a global battle of attrition in secret against Washington’s enemies using elite […]

Populists Battle Plutocrats Over Pipeline’s Path

March 18, 2012 AFP 0

By Mark Anderson The extension of the Keystone XL “Tar Sands” Oil Pipeline—envisioned to eventually snake all the way from Canada, through the heart of the U.S., to Texas gulf-coast refineries—is meeting considerable resistance, especially […]

Paying Homage to Israel

March 10, 2012 AFP 0

• Congress, president, candidates drop everything to worship By Ralph Forbes March 6 was Super Tuesday—the day, we are told, “when the voters in 10 battleground states could decide who will be the Republican nominee […]


March 10, 2012 AFP 0

By Christopher J. Petherick WASHINGTON, D.C.—Across the street from the annual policy planning convention held by the pro-Israeli lobbying group American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a band of tireless grassroots activists staged their own […]

Funding Obama: Shekels and the super PACs

March 10, 2012 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn Under the banner of Hope and Change, when Sen. Barack Obama threw his hat into the presidential ring on Feb. 10, 2007 in Springfield, Illinois, he told an energetic crowd, “The cynics, […]

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