Popular Freedom Activist Harassed

April 29, 2012 AFP 0

• Speech before National Rifle Association earns Ted Nugent visit from Secret Service By Pat Shannan Rock star, hunter, talk-show host and outspoken freedom advocate Ted Nugent has never been one to hold back his […]

Oil Politics

April 29, 2012 AFP 0

• China soon to be world’s top petroleum refiner By Victor Thorn With gasoline prices hovering around the $4-per-gallon mark—and even higher in metropolitan areas—a popular author, documentary filmmaker, broadcaster and speaker disclosed some information […]

New DHS Security Technology Will ‘Read’ Your Body

April 29, 2012 AFP 0

• Serious privacy concerns raised by latest Homeland Security scheme to ‘prevent terrorism’ By Keith Johnson As if invasive, groping patdowns and humiliating full-body “porno” scanners weren’t bad enough, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) […]

Press Targeted By DHS

April 21, 2012 AFP 0

By Ralph Forbes / AFP Southern Bureau Are you of the opinion that the invasive Transportation Security Administration “pat downs” at airports are a violation of your constitutional rights? Wait until they  start treating you […]

Clintons the First ‘Birthers’?

April 21, 2012 AFP 0

By Pat Shannan A new story making the rounds on the Barack Obama birth certificate scandal comes from a respected Hollywood producer, who also happens to be a long-time friend and financial supporter of Bill […]

Warhawk Romney Will Bankrupt U.S.

April 21, 2012 AFP 0

• Populists concerned about Republican candidate’s rabid internationalism, unabashed love for Israel By Michael Collins Piper If Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) hopes to mold the Republican Party’s 2012 national campaign platform into a document of […]

U.S. Training Terrorists to Kill Iranians

April 21, 2012 AFP 0

By Richard Walker Just like his predecessor, President George W. Bush, Barack Hussein Obama and his Israeli allies are working together to train foreign terrorists—sometimes even in the United States—to assassinate Iran’s scientists and military […]

A Requiem for John Demjanjuk

April 21, 2012 AFP 0

By Jim Traficant The long ordeal of John Demjanjuk is finally over. Demjanjuk passed away March 17, in Bavaria, Germany. He was 91 years old. I met John in 1993 in a small solitary cell […]

AFP PODCAST: The Truth About Hutaree – Part 1

April 16, 2012 AFP 0

AFP PODCAST On March 27, United States District Judge Victoria Roberts dismissed almost all charges against seven members of the so-called Hutaree militia, stating that angry “diatribes” and “hatred of law enforcement” did not add […]

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