The Senate’s most globalist-oriented insider, John Kerry (D-Mass.), has been named as one of 12 members of the newly formed “Super Congress” that is programmed to make almost dictatorial budget decisions.
Kerry—a Skull and Bones man, longtime Council on Foreign Relations elitist and a rumored attendee at the 2009 Bilderberg meeting in Greece—is also a cap-and-trade proponent who supports the implementation of global warming taxes.
Further evidence of Kerry’s New World Order allegiance can be found in his selection of 2004 Bilderberg attendee former Senator John Edwards (D-N.C.), who, it is rumored, was selected as his vice presidential running mate by corporate luminary and Bilderberg member James Johnson.
Edwards has since been embroiled in a love-child scandal, in addition to facing a potential prison sentence for improperly using campaign funds as hush money for his mistress, Rielle Hunter. The Federal Election Commission has also demanded that Edwards repay $2.3 million to the U.S. Treasury.
Lately, Kerry has made headlines for two questionable statements. First, following prolonged debt-ceiling debates, Kerry took the press to task in no uncertain terms:
“I have to say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it’s exercising today. The media has got to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it.”
In other words, Kerry wanted the media to deny First Amendment rights to those who demand that the government should actually be forced to spend within its means.
Then, despite President Obama adding more to the national debt—in inflation-adjusted dollars—every four days than Presidents Truman and Eisenhower did from 1950 to 1960, Kerry attributed Standard & Poor’s credit downgrade of the U.S. to a different source: “I believe this is, without question, a Tea Party downgrade.”