Jimmy Carter Says Elections Corrupted

• Ex-president: United States has worst election process on planet

By Pete Papaherakles

Injecting billions of dollars into U.S. politics is a recipe for corruption, says former President Jimmy Carter. Placing the blame squarely on the Supreme Court for endorsing a corporate spending free-for-all in American politics, he said the justices gave unlimited freedom to special interest groups representing corporations and lobbyists to provide campaign funding through third parties that don’t have to disclose their donors.


“We have one of the worst election processes in the world right here in the United States of America,” he said, “and it’s almost entirely because of the excessive influx of money.

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“You know how much I raised to run against Gerald Ford?” asked Carter in his latest Conversation at the Carter Center. “Zero. You know how much I raised to run against Ronald Reagan? Zero. You know how much will be raised this year by all presidential, Senate and House campaigns? Six billion dollars. That’s 6,000 million.”

Carter did get public funding from the Democratic National Committee but received no money from private donors—corporate or individuals.

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In contrast, Romney and Obama are both on their way to possibly raising an astonishing billion dollars each in campaign funds this year. By August 31 Romney had raised $669M while Obama had raised $766M. In the month of August Romney raised $112M and Obama brought in $114M, and the stakes keep getting higher until Election Day. These funds are a combination of public and private funds, with public funds comprising only about a quarter of the total money raised.

The Supreme Court justified its 5-4 Citizens United ruling on the basis that the First Amendment prohibits government from restricting independent political donations by corporations and unions. As a result, special interest groups have taken control of the election process making it “shot through with financial corruption that threatens [America],” according to Carter. He expressed his hope that “the Supreme Court will reverse that stupid ruling.”

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is, of course, the most powerful lobby in Washington. Along with other pro-Zionist lobbies, individuals and corporations, they dominate campaign funding, thus influencing the political platform, including foreign policy, for both candidates.

Carter prefers publicly financed elections, currently used by other countries.

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Peter Papaherakles, a U.S. citizen since 1986, was born in Greece. He is AFP’s outreach director. If you would like to see AFP speakers at your rally, contact Pete at 202-544-5977.

1 Comment on Jimmy Carter Says Elections Corrupted

  1. Senator Bernie Sanders has the qualities and abilities of a true leader! Bernie is fair, kind, honest, humble, energetic, authentic, intelligent, experienced, and passionate about helping every child succeed in this country, thus collectively building a stronger and brighter USA for future generations! Bernie’s health care budget will save the average family $5,000 a year! Bernie is democratic (by the people) socialist (for the people). These democratic socialists programs built this country including our schools, our roads, our national parks, (which saved the buffalo), our US Post Office, social security, our fire depts, our military, etc., etc. Bernie is not communist. Bernie is Jewish the opposite of communist! Bernie’s goal is to raise the min wage to $15 an hour which is fair and long over due and will also grow the economy. When people make more they contribute more to small business and competition keeps prices down which creates more balance within the economy. Check out Bernie’s long record of helping ordinary people on YouTube. The veterans of foreign wars recently gave Bernie the highest congressional award for his fight for veterans. 170 top economists say Bernie’s budget will save the middle class and grow the economy. Get involved! Pass out fliers and make phone calls. Go to berniesanders.com for more information and contribute $5, $10, what you can afford! Check out your voting laws in your state today and remember every vote counts in this very important election. Vote smart! Vote Bernie!

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