By Donald Jeffries
On Dec. 22, this writer interviewed Jan. 6 defendant Micki Witthoeft, mother of the murdered Ashli Babbitt, and Daniel Goodwyn, a man unwittingly caught up in the events that occurred during the Stop the Steal rally at the U.S.Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021.
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Witthoeft was making a return appearance on my radio show “I Protest,” and recounted how she continues to participate in a nightly prayer vigil and singing of the national anthem outside the prison where the Jan. 6 prisoners (J6ers) are being held:
We do a vigil outside the D.C. jail to draw awareness to the political prisoners and the hostages that remain behind bars there in Washington, D.C.—and now, in the Bureau of Prisons and prisons all over the country. We’re there every night to stand in solidarity and to sing the anthem at nine o’clock, which we continue to do and have done since they’ve been incarcerated in the D.C. jail.
Asked if there was any chance that Capitol Police officer Michael Byrd—who shot and killed Ashli Babbitt in cold blood on Jan. 6 inside the Capitol—would ever be prosecuted for the fatal shooting of her unarmed daughter, Witthoeft replied, “You know, this is D.C. People talk about a lot of things, but I do believe that Byrd will [face justice], and we’ll have justice for Ashli. That’s what gets me up every day.”
Witthoeft told me:
You know, there’s a grieving process which makes life itself hard to go on with. But, with the support of the Jan. 6 community, it became clear to me that I needed to come to D.C. and, you know, just try to be a voice for the voice that was stolen from my daughter and from so many other American citizens. …
They tried to scrub Ashli’s name from all these court proceedings, which, living in D.C., we attend as many of the court proceedings as we can for the J6ers.
I just have not had an opportunity to express my gratitude to Daniel Goodwyn for getting my daughter’s name on the public record.
On Jan. 6, 2021, Daniel Goodwyn walked past police officers who didn’t try to impede him in any way, and was inside the Capitol building for all of 36 seconds. He could actually have faced years in prison for that, but, eventually, he spent 60 days in jail. Goodwyn and his family wound up the victims of a Roger Stone-style pre-dawn SWAT team raid on his home. The heavily armed FBI counter-terrorism force “traumatized my family, put us all in handcuffs,” except for Goodwyn’s mother, who heads up “J6PatriotNews,” a website dedicated to updating information on the cases of J6ers.
Goodwyn recalled, “They were pointing guns at us with lasers.” And, while terrorizing a family at the break of dawn, “they were [more] concerned about catching Covid-19. … They were very concerned that I wasn’t going to wear a mask. They tried to put one on me.”
The FBI would then lie in their report that Goodwyn had “chewed through five masks. They’re big tough SWAT teams but they’re very afraid of germs.”
While the exact number of political prisoners related to the Jan. 6 protest remains unknown, being denied all due process, for almost three years at this point, Goodwyn noted, “I don’t know how many. … There are like 200 that are locked up right now.”
Witthoeft commented on that growing number of J6ers:
Part of our vigil every night is to read the names of the men incarcerated [for] Jan. 6. And it takes almost five minutes to read that list now. And more and more people are being arrested every day. … On any given day, the court docket is full of Jan. 6 cases, while the D.C. government allows 67% of violent crimes to go unpunished, unchallenged, and unprosecuted.
Witthoeft then explained the treatment J6ers could expect:
The crime in D.C. continues to grow, while they hunt down MAGA “me-maws” and “pa-paws” that were on the grass at the Capitol that day, for misdemeanor charges that would otherwise be, if you were not a Jan. 6 defendant, a $50 fine and a “go home.”
So, make no mistake, the Jan. 6 prisoners and the Jan. 6 political activists in this city get a raw deal from all accounts. The prosecutors, it’s a slam dunk. They come in there with ill-prepared cases because they know they don’t have to work too hard. We’re sitting in front of juries that are 99% Democrat voters, and they come in there wanting to fry their share of the J6ers.
As far as the judges and the court system in D.C., Witthoeft says:
The judges themselves are very skewed in their opinions. … Judge Reggie Walton will sit on the bench and say one American citizen was killed that day, and several police officers were killed that day. …
These men and women that sit in judgment of J6ers are really uneducated … and they adjudicate as such. They continue to perpetuate falsehoods. … They don’t try people for their actions, they try the day on the calendar.
Witthoeft is well aware of the battle ahead:
We know what we’re up against, but we cannot let this rest. This is such an injustice, not just to Ashli. The police behavior that day was atrocious. They fired flash-bangs into a peaceful crowd and caused the deaths and the maiming of American citizens and the dissolution of many American families.
Donald Jeffries is a highly respected author and researcher whose work on the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations and other high crimes of the Deep State has been read by millions of people across the world. Jeffries is also the author of three books currently being sold by AFP Bookstore.