• Truth about South African icon at odds with mainstream canonization
By Pete Papaherakles
On December 5, one of the most notorious terrorists of our time, Nelson Mandela, was finally proclaimed dead at the age of 95.
In his long career, Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC), the Marxist terror organization he founded in 1961 with Joe Slovo, born Yossel Mashel Slovo, his Jewish communist handler, have been responsible for tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of murders in South Africa.
Declared a terrorist organization by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, the ANC was on a terror watch list and Mandela was forbidden entrance to the United States without a special waiver for over 20 years until President George W. Bush signed a bill removing the ANC from the list in 2008.
In 1962 Mandela was arrested and convicted of sabotage and conspiracy to overthrow the South African government on behalf of the Soviet Union and was sentenced to life in prison, barely escaping a death sentence. At his trial, he pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence that included mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which placed bombs in public places. The attacks included bombing the Johannesburg railway station where many innocent people were killed, including women and children.
While in prison, the ANC brutally murdered about 20,000 people in a campaign of terror to force them to join the ANC. Mandela’s wife, Winnie—whom he later divorced—was also a longtime ANC activist. She favored a method called “necklacing,” where a gasoline-filled tire is placed around the neck of a victim and set ablaze.
“With our boxes of matches and our necklaces we shall liberate this country,” she is infamous for saying.
An estimated 3,000 victims died by necklacing. It is widely believed that Mandela ordered these murders from prison.
A bevy of bombings and land mine incidents killed hundreds and injured thousands of innocent civilians in public places while Mandela was in prison. Targets included the Koeberg nuclear power plant, the Ellis Park Rugby Stadium, three courthouses, bars and arcades.
In 1985, Mandela was offered a release from prison by then-President P.W. Botha on the condition that he denounce violence and help end the bloodshed. Mandela refused.
By 1990, the communists behind Mandela had gained enough power to force his release. In 1993 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and following the collapse of apartheid in South Africa was elected president in 1994. Mandela’s Jewish communist collaborator, Slovo, became his secretary of housing. The two of them can be seen on a video clip of that era chanting their pledge to “kill all the whites.”
Since that time, an estimated 70,000 whites have been brutally murdered in South Africa by ANC blacks, a policy that continues today and is publicly endorsed by Jacob Zuma, South Africa’s current president.
Since Mandela took over in 1994, South Africa has gone from being the safest and most prosperous country in Africa to being the rape and murder capital of the world. In Johannesburg, 5,000 people are murdered every year. Unemployment went from 5% in 1994 to 50% today.
South Africa also has the largest number of people infected with HIV/AIDS in the world. In 2007, over 18% of adults—5.7 million people—had AIDS. In 2010, an estimated 280,000 died of AIDS.
President Barack Obama, also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who visited South Africa during his $100M African vacation last summer, delivered a eulogy for Mandela at the White House. He mourned the loss of Mandela with whom he shares the distinction of being his nation’s very first black president.
“We have lost one of the most influential, courageous and profoundly good human beings that any of us will share time with on this Earth,” said Obama. “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s life. . . . I cannot fully imagine my own life without the example that Nelson Mandela set, and so long as I live I will do what I can to learn from him.”
Pete Papaherakles is a writer and political cartoonist for AFP and is also AFP’s outreach director. Pete is interested in getting AFP writers and editors on the podium at patriotic events. Call him at 202-544-5977 if you know of an event you think AFP should attend.
Interest in AFP’s Mandela Exposé Explodes
• People flock to AFP Internet site for articles, broadcasts exposing censored side of media darling
By Dave Gahary
While the mainstream media continues to gush over mass-murdering anti-white terrorist Nelson Mandela since his death was announced in South Africa on December 5, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is celebrating his demise because his passing has generated significant interest in the Internet arm of the newspaper.
Although the all-important website traffic to www.AmericanFreePress.net has been building steadily over the past several years, an article commissioned by AFP Executive Editor Christopher J. Petherick and written by AFP reporter Pete Papaherakles, has launched the newspaper’s Internet presence to a new level, exposing literally hundreds of thousands more eyeballs to AFP.
While Mandela was hospitalized and portrayed as close to death when Petherick assigned the story to Papaherakles, Petherick believed that corporate-controlled media coverage would be fawning, although the South African’s past actions are criminal and indictable.
“We all know what Mandela was up to,” explained Petherick. “It’s an old story, so I told Pete to give us the real story about him.”
The article itself is an eye-opener for the uninitiated, which is clearly one of the reasons it has taken off. This is especially important since the effectiveness of the truth movement is predicated on introducing these and the many other hard facts to people who have never heard them before in order to build up a critical mass. If these truth-seekers are mentally ready for these alternative views, this will allow those new to AFP’s point of view to break through the government-media complex that has so successfully brainwashed the vast majority.
Although the article, originally posted on July 25, generated little interest at that time, its popularity exploded after Mandela’s death, reaching the No. 1 spot on the website close to midnight on Saturday. With the headline “The Real Mandela,” and a subhead of “Truth about South African icon at odds with public portrayal,” the article puts the pressure on the conventional wisdom on “Madiba,” a nickname given to him associated with the name of the clan to which he belonged.
“As South Africa’s 95-year-old Nelson Mandela lies in the hospital,” the article begins, “the worldwide media portrays him as a larger-than-life heroic figure and the liberator of his people. But is that truth or fiction? And how will honest historians judge him?”
Papaherakles goes on to explain that the African National Congress (ANC) was classified as a terrorist organization by South Africa, the United States and the UK.
Although in 1962 “Mandela was arrested along with 19 others, half of whom were White communist Jews, in a police raid of ANC headquarters at a farm owned by Andrew Goldreich, also a communist Jew,” and “tried for 221 acts of sabotage designed to overthrow the government and conspiring to aid foreign military units,” Mandela escaped the death sentence and “was given life in prison,” and was released in 1990 when “the communists behind Mandela had gained enough power.” In 1994 “the ANC was put into power . . . with Mandela as president.”
While these facts and more are detailed in the article, and will certainly never cross the lips of the talking heads dominating the airwaves, nor appear in the pages of the mainstream print publishing houses, the article’s online success is significant for not just the huge numbers of readers who were introduced to hidden facts, but the fashion with which the eyeballswere introduced to AFP’s website. That is what makes this story intriguing.
Ordinarily, new website traffic is generated primarily by like-minded websites linking AFP’s articles to theirs. This time, the main referral source was delivered through Internet search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo!. Just this one article brought AFP’s Internet signature to a whole new level, and the staff has already begun leveraging this newfound success to further expand the paper’s reach.
It’s important to note that this isn’t the first time one of Papaherakles’s articles has graced the “Top 10” list on the website. Three of his articles now sit there, waiting to be surpassed by the next Internet sensation, whatever that may be.
Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series.
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