• Evidence shows Pakistan has already shipped nuclear weapons to Sunni ally.
By Richard Walker —
When Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), warned last December that the new Saudi defense minister, a 29-year-old with no military experience, was a dangerous political gambler, it was a shot across the bows of the United States and Britain, countries that have turned a blind eye to the threat the Saudis pose to peace and security in the Middle East and beyond.
It was a rare move by the BND, a formidable and highly professional agency not known for issuing shrill public warnings or making outrageous claims. It was a message to the West that it needed to pay close attention to the military adventures of a Saudi leadership that continues to be one of the world’s largest arms procurers.
The move by the BND was interpreted by some in the intelligence world as a wake-up call to Washington and London in particular. It seemed to confirm that major Western powers and their leaders were failing to recognize mounting evidence that Saudi Arabia poses a grave threat.
According to a European intelligence source who spoke to AMERICAN FREE PRESS on condition of anonymity, the BND carefully crafted the warning after President Barack Hussein Obama and UK Prime Minister David Cameron ignored classified reports of a nuclear deal between the Saudis and Pakistan and the possibility that the new Saudi defense minister might seek to start a war with Iran, knowing the U.S. would have to come to the Saudis’ aid.
The source had this to say:
“The CIA and MI6 have known for years the Saudis have been shopping for a nuclear weapon—one they could buy already assembled, like an off-the-shelf purchase. Saudi royals were said to have invested billions in Pakistan’s nuclear programs. In return, Pakistani military elites, also Sunnis, set aside for Saudi Arabia two low-yield nuclear devices that could be transferred to them at short notice. The Russians told Washington three years ago they believed the Saudis had already taken possession of one of those devices, but the Obama White House dismissed the warning.”
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The failure of the U.S. and Britain to pay more attention to the Saudis can be linked directly to the largesse the Saudis have dispensed, through their lobbyists, to politicians in Washington and London, and the tens of billions of dollars they have spent with British and American weapons manufacturers.
U.S. hostility toward Iran can also be tied to Saudi pressure in Washington and to the close relations between the Bush and Clinton families and the Saudi royals. The Saudis have bought themselves a clean bill of health to engage in dangerous military adventures, including the recent wholesale slaughter of civilians in Yemen and their military assistance to the Arab leadership in Bahrain to suppress its Shiite majority.
The young Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud launched the war in Yemen against Houthi rebels within weeks of his appointment. His hasty decision signaled to the BND and to the Russian Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, FSB, that he is a loose cannon. An article about him in the UK’s Independent newspaper carried a banner headline suggesting he might be the most dangerous man in the world.
The BND warning about Salman referred to his impulsive desire to intervene in the region. According to intelligence sources in Europe, the BND remains worried the Saudi prince might be preparing for a conflict with Iran. That would square with the fact that the annual Saudi military budget has reached a staggering $57 billion, making it one of the world’s most advanced militaries and the globe’s third biggest spender on weapons. The possession of one or two nuclear weapons could be part of the planning for such a war.
One of the very few politicians in the U.S. to identify the Saudi threat is Virginia State Senator Richard Hayden “Dick” Black, a former U.S. Army Judge Advocate General colonel.
In an interview with Russian news source RT, Black said that the U.S. has been in bed with Saudi Arabia for so long and that we ignore its “absolute barbarity” and the outrageous things it does. He sees the growing Saudi-Turkey axis as a problem for the West.
Black might wish to include Israel in his analysis. It has been making overtures to the Turks and Saudis in light of the fact that Russia has been building an intelligence capability in the region along with Iran, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon.
Richard Walker is the pen name of a former N.Y. news producer.
Perhaps the claims too are true that the Saudi ruling family are ethnic Jews that converted to Islam in recent generations for political reasons, much as has proven to be true about the so-called “Young Turks” of Turkey that killed a million Armenians.