AFP archived stories

Can GOP Dump Romney and Nominate Ron Paul?

August 7, 2012 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper Because there are real doubts that presumed GOP nominee Mitt Romney has what it takes to displace the current White House occupant in the general election, there are some Republicans who […]

Contact Your Senators Now to Audit the Fed

August 7, 2012 AFP 0

From the Staff at AFP With H.R. 459—the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2012—having passed the House July 25 with an impressive 327-98 tally, it’s time to pull out all the stops and contact your […]

New Mega-Bank Has Potential to Destroy Europe

August 7, 2012 AFP 0

By the Staff at AFP A massive new European financial organization called the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) is primed to become the region’s mega-bank, more powerful than even the European Central Bank. If all the […]


August 4, 2012 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW “The largest divestment around Israel/Palestine that’s happened in the United States thus far,” says Rebecca Vilkomerson, the Executive Director of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), as she discusses the Boycott, Divestment and […]


August 2, 2012 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Rae Abileah, co-director of CODEPINK Women for Peace, discusses the details of her successful lawsuit against the man, an American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) supporter, who violently assaulted her in the United […]

Dust Bowl 2012

August 1, 2012 AFP 0

This Drought Has Worldwide Ramifications By Victor Thorn For six years during the 1930s, America suffered such severe drought conditions that the Midwest portion of our country became known as the Dust Bowl. Coupled with […]

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