• While world watches Ukraine, Netanyahu ramps up genocide in Palestine.
By Ronald L. Ray —
The apartheid, racist, terrorist, rogue nuclear state of Israel bears “prime responsibility” for a “dangerous and pressing humanitarian and economic situation” in Gaza, says a report commissioned by European Union consuls general. And in the week leading up to the Jewish feast of Purim in mid-March, which celebrates and re-enacts the Jewish victory over their enemies through Queen Esther, Israelis escalated violence against the oppressed Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. While both sides seemed to avoid a general conflict, there are signs that Israel may be establishing a situation that would enable them to complete their long-desired, genocidal “final solution” to the Palestinian “problem.”
The Israeli blockade of Gaza, ongoing since 2006, intensified last year, when Egypt’s military established a pro-Zionist puppet regime in the Nile nation. Since that time, Egyptians frequently have closed the Rafah crossing into Gaza and destroyed hundreds of Palestinian tunnels, depriving the Gazans of over 80% of needed “construction materials, medical supplies, food, [fuel] and other goods,” said the EU officials. Aside from the other horrific effects, 1.7 million Palestinians must suffer up to 16 hours per day without electrical power. They are caught in a devastating and destabilizing “squeeze play” between two hostile governments, and Egypt now contributes to the genocide.
A Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire was arranged in 2012, but Israel frequently has violated that agreement by destroying Palestinian and Catholic Church properties, firing on civilians in border areas, and poisoning water supplies in the occupied territories. Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are arrested or killed on a nearly daily basis by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), merely for peaceful protests or throwing a few rocks at the occupying soldiers. Over 40 Palestinians were injured in such clashes over the Purim weekend.
In retaliation, Palestinian militia members sometimes fire mortars and rockets at territory claimed by Israel, typically into open areas, where no one is endangered.
The latest surge in armed conflict between the two sides—the most intense since 2008—occurred on March 11, when three Islamic Jihad (IJ) members fired or attempted to fire a mortar at IDF troops apparently attempting to enter southern Gaza, according to an Agence France-Press report. An Israeli air strike killed the three, leading to IJ firing at least 60 rockets the following day into mostly unoccupied Israeli regions. The Israeli air force then launched some 29 air strikes against purported Palestinian militia strongholds and Rafah. By Friday, hostilities seemed to have been reduced.
In the midst of all this, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas announced that the United States still has presented no promised framework for peace in Palestine, occupied by the Israelis since 1948, although an April 29 deadline for an agreement looms. While Palestinians recently expressed a willingness to accept the pre-1967 borders, Israel has refused the compromise.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu demands a racist, completely Jewish state, opposing United Nations insistence on a right of return for Palestinians expelled since 1948. He appears unwilling to remove illegal Israeli settlements from the Palestinian territories, with the infamous “wall of separation” being built 85% within those territories, unjustly depriving the native inhabitants of their land and their rights. Israel’s illegal claim to East Jerusalem is also a grave stumbling block.
Apart from the bellicose Netanyahu’s nearly psychotic demands, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman responded to the recent border violence with psychopathic calls for the IDF to re-occupy Gaza entirely, while Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon belligerently claimed Abbas is “not a partner for a permanent [peace] agreement.”
Based on these and other recent events, it appears that the Israelis are employing a “divide and conquer” strategy against the rightful inhabitants of the Mideast land they have stolen. Israel presents irrational political demands while creating intolerable situations, which pit various Palestinian factions against each other and deliberately sabotage efforts for a just peace.
Moreover, decades of U.S.-financed crimes against humanity, exercised against mostly defenseless Palestinians, have created a criminal, horrific tragedy: the largest death camp in the world, where millions of Palestinians face hopelessness and long, slow, painful deaths from torture, murder, disease and starvation at the hands of Jewish butchers.
Netanyahu deliberately perpetuates ongoing genocide against the Palestinians. And if he can provoke the natives into responding with force, in order to then bomb them into oblivion, so much the better do the warmongers like it.
The time for words is over. Boycott Israel. Cut off diplomatic relations and all foreign aid to the Zionists. Isolate Israel from the civilized world. Free Palestine.
Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of THE BARNES REVIEW. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.
Nothing But Lies from ‘Netanyahoo’
• Israeli prime minister crafts elaborate cover story to hide own illegal arms smuggling
By Pete Papaherakles
On March 10, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the world of “hypocrisy” over Iran as he stood in front of a propped-up display of 40 green-colored rockets with red tips from a shipment of arms allegedly dispatched to Gaza from Iran. Reminiscent of his previous presentation to the United Nations using a cartoon bomb in which he claimed then that Iran was “only months away from building a nuclear weapon,” Netanyahu repeated the same worn-out mantra in what appears to be an effort to undermine United States negotiations with Iran.
“Just as Iran hid its deadly missiles in the belly of this ship, Iran is hiding its actions and its intentions in many of its key installations for developing nuclear weapons,” Netanyahu said. “We have been witness to the smiles and the handshakes between representatives of the West and the heads of the Iranian regime in Tehran, even as these missiles were being unloaded here in Eilat. . . . They want to continue perpetuating the illusion that Iran has changed direction. The facts that we are showing here, on this platform show the complete opposite.”
In a laughable description of the thousands of illegal Israeli settlements there, Netanyahu added: “If we build a balcony in a neighborhood of Jerusalem, we hear a chorus of vociferous condemnation of the state of Israel from the international community.”
Iran vehemently denied the allegations, pointing out that not only was the ship reportedly registered in Panama with an owner in the Marshall Islands and that the missiles were made in Syria, but that the whole scenario is completely impossible.
Iran’s PressTV described the implausibility of the charges.
Syria would have had to fly the M-302 rockets to Iran in a cargo plane. The missiles would then have had to be loaded on the Panamanian ship KLOS-C at the port of Bandar Abbas, sailing north to the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr, where bags of concrete were loaded conveniently bearing “made in Iran” labels. The ship would then sail through the Persian Gulf to the Red Sea where they were intercepted by Israeli forces off the coast of Sudan.
Israel claims that the rockets were to be shipped over land from Sudan via Egypt’s Sinai peninsula and delivered to Hamas in Gaza, all without the elaborate smuggling plot being detected.
Even some of the Israeli media have grown weary of such “propaganda stunts,” as the newspaper Ha’aretz described Netanyahu’s latest performance.
Still, the Western media repeated the allegation as fact and even White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said, “We were very clear about our views on the ship that was interdicted and the fact that we condemn in the strongest terms Iran’s efforts to supply terrorist organizations operating in the region with weaponry.”
Yet neither Netanyahu, Carney nor the mainstream media mentioned what was reported in February 16 by the Greek newspaper Kathimerini, which proves that the only hypocrisy taking place is by Netanyahu himself.
Here is what Kathimerini reported:
Israeli arms dealers tried to send spare parts for F-4 Phantom aircraft via Greece to Iran in violation of an arms embargo, according to a secret probe by the U.S. government agency Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) carried out in cooperation with the drugs and weapons unit of Greece’s Financial Crimes Squad (SDOE).
According to the probe, which Kathimerini has had access to, the operation was carried out in two phases—one in December 2012 and the second in April 2013. In both cases, officials traced containers packed with the F-4 parts on Greek territory. The cargo had been sent by courier from the Israeli town of Binyamina-Giv’at Ada and had been destined for Iran, which has a large fleet of F-4 aircraft, via a Greek company registered under the name Tassos Karras SA in Votanikos, near central Athens. SDOE officials established that the firm was a ghost company, while the company’s contact number was found to belong to a British national residing in Thessaloniki who could not be located.
According to HSI memos, the cargo appears to have been sent by arms dealers based in Israel, seeking to supply Iran in contravention of an arms embargo, and using Greece as a transit nation.
Last November, an Athens court ruled against the confiscation of the consignments and ordered that they be delivered to U.S. authorities.
The U.S. imposed sanctions against Iran in 1979, after a revolution which overthrew the Shah, extending them in 1995 to include firms dealing with the Iranian government. Several governments and multinationals have since followed suit.
Why Israel would be trying to help its avowed enemy repair its fighter jets is a mystery, unless, of course, Iran is being set up to take a fall.
Pete Papaherakles is a writer and political cartoonist for AFP and is also AFP’s outreach director. Pete is interested in getting AFP writers and editors on the podium at patriotic events. Call him at 202-544-5977 if you know of an event you think AFP should attend.
The Jewish people can’t let the Palestinians in because of past events. Suicide bombers going on buses in Israel and blowing up the entire bus, suicide bombers going into weddings and dance clubs and blowing themselves up maiming and killing hundreds of people. The people of Palestine choose their terrorist leaders, and their terrorist leaders Hamas, choose to use money given to them for guns and cement tunnels to attack Israel and teaching their children to hate the Jews. Instead of buying food and homes and creating peace and loving the Jews and all people. That has to happen first before there can be peace.