Sanctions Unite Iranians Against U.S.

November 13, 2012 AFP 0

Harsh U.S.-sponsored sanctions against Iran punish the people, create enmity against West By Pete Papaherakles The international sanctions levied on Iran under the orchestration of the United States were supposed to help bring down the […]

Time For Real Change

November 6, 2012 AFP 0

• Today we must begin creating real opposition to Democrat and Republican duopoly By Michael Collins Piper As AMERICAN FREE PRESS goes to press, the final outcome of the 2012 election remains up in the […]

Judge Sides With TSA Gropers

November 4, 2012 AFP 0

• Jurist rules parents can be jailed for objecting to “porno-scanning” of children By Keith Johnson In a vicious assault against the First and Fourth amendments of the United States Constitution, a judge in Nashville, […]

‘Energy’ Behind Regime Change?

November 4, 2012 AFP 0

• Seems like everywhere an oil or gas pipeline pops up, U.S. troops are soon to follow By Pete Papaherakles As tensions rise in the Middle East amid threats of war in Syria and Iran, […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: “Throw the Bums Out!”

November 4, 2012 AFP 1

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Tim Cox, the founder of Get Out Of Our House (GOOOH) discusses his background in corporate America, what precipitated the founding of the organization, what GOOOH hopes to accomplish and how it […]

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