Petraeus Set Up By Israel

November 20, 2012 AFP 0

• Familiar faces, institutions connected to woman who brought down CIA chief By Ralph Forbes The establishment media tells a tangled tale about the scandal that forced the resignation of David H. Petraeus as Central […]

Israel Sabotaging Obama’s Solution to Iran Issue

November 20, 2012 AFP 0

• Israel’s leaked news of ‘secret meeting’ between U.S., Iran to help Romney By Richard Walker In an effort to stir up pro-Israeli forces operating inside the United States, the Israeli government is leaking information […]

Students Rise Up Against Forced Chipping

November 20, 2012 AFP 1

• Critics say mandatory use of trackable microchip IDs makes better ‘prisoners’—not better ‘students’ By Mark Anderson SAN ANTONIO, Texas—The San Antonio sophomore who opposed microchipping student IDs that would track their every movement has […]

We Just Want to Grow Our Own Food

November 20, 2012 AFP 0

• AFP speaks with homeowner battling city hall for the right to plant, harvest own vegetables By Keith Johnson ORLANDO, Fla.—Who says you can’t fight city hall? Certainly not homeowners Jason and Jennifer Helvenston, who […]

50 States File Secession Petitions With D.C.

November 20, 2012 AFP 0

• Many states believe U.S. federal government so mismanaged, secession only option for future prosperity By Pete Papaherakles Washington has been flooded with petitions by a rapidly growing number of states moving to peacefully secede […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: Are You Prepared For EMP?

November 14, 2012 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Arthur T. Bradley, Ph.D., a National Aeronautics and Space Administration engineer stationed at Langley Research Center, was jolted by the 9-11 attacks and realized there was not one complete handbook on the market […]

Foreclosures Increasingly Militarized

November 13, 2012 AFP 0

• Sheriff in Colorado uses 22 SWAT officers to enforce court-ordered seizure of family house in default By Mark Anderson On October 30, the Clear Creek County, Colorado Sheriff’s Department dispatched 22 Special Weapons and […]


November 13, 2012 AFP 0

“There are only four commonly used antibiotics. If they don’t work, you go to vancomycin. If that doesn’t work—you die.” By Keith Johnson In recent years, deadly new strains of drug-resistant bacteria, also known as […]

U.S. Jews Embarrassed by Israeli Brutality

November 13, 2012 AFP 0

• President of prominent Jewish group urges fellow American Jews to break with “best ally” By Dave Gahary What is viewed by many gentiles as a Jewish unquenchable thirst for the ongoing murder, maiming and […]

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