Infamous ‘Nazi Diary’ Turns Out to Be a Dud

August 16, 2013 AFP 0

• Researchers want to know how much material has been excised from philosopher’s manuscript By Michael Collins Piper When it was announced that major portions of the long-lost diary of former high-ranking Third Reich official […]

Blackness Settles Over Detroit

August 8, 2013 AFP 0

In 1960, Detroit bragged of being America’s richest per capita city. Today, 53 years later, it sits decimated and bankrupt. Although most AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers don’t reside in the Motor City, its plight is […]

Sheriff Stops Feds

August 8, 2013 AFP 1

• El Dorado County, Ca. sheriff bans feds from harassing his constituents in national park By Pat Shannan In a letter dated June 17, 2013, Eldorado County, California sheriff John D’Agostini notified the United States […]

The Weird World of John Hagee

August 8, 2013 AFP 3

• “HAGEECON” 2013: Bevy of Christian, Jewish Zionists want more war with Islam in Mideast By Michael Collins Piper Barack Hussein Obama came under heavy fire when more than 4,000 people showed up in Washington, […]

Court Approves Indefinite Detentions

August 7, 2013 AFP 0

• Journalists filed lawsuit to challenge warfare state By Mark Anderson The Second Circuit Court of Appeals on July 17 tossed out a lawsuit that challenged Section 1021 of the lengthy 2012 National Defense Authorization […]

Who Will Be Next Fed Chairman?

August 7, 2013 AFP 0

By Pete Papaherakles With a new Federal Reserve chairman nomination expected soon, the buzz is on as to who President Barack Obama will appoint to replace current Fed Chair Ben Shalom Bernanke. Will the new […]

Has Massive WWII Gold Hoard Been Found?

August 7, 2013 AFP 19

• “The biggest economic discovery in history . . . worth “$100 trillion” By Dave Gahary A man claiming to have in his group’s possession the legendary treasure known as “Yamashita’s Gold,” consisting of over […]

GOP Revolting?

August 2, 2013 AFP 0

• At a time when Republicans should be unifying for a possible conservative takeover of the Senate during next year’s midterm elections, not to mention vetting viable candidates to make a 2016 presidential run, the […]

Chef Paula Deen Skewered, Roasted

August 2, 2013 AFP 0

• Ethnic double-standard painfully obvious to all but most devout supporters of political correctness By Jenifer Dixon A black actor can joke about killing white people on national television with no backlash, but when a […]

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