“Five Eyes Network” Sees All

December 4, 2013 AFP 0

By Richard Walker While its name could be the title of a trashy spy novel, the “Five Eyes” network just happens to be the most powerful espionage club in the world, capable of tracking all […]

Whistleblower Tells of White House Intrigues

December 3, 2013 AFP 0

• Ex-Secret Service agent may find himself on “enemies list” for new tell-all book about Obama By Victor Thorn In Life Inside the Bubble, author Daniel Bongino described his 12 years of experience as a […]

Fire of Freedom Ignites in Europe

November 28, 2013 AFP 0

 • Increasing numbers of vibrant, Old World nationalist groups continue independence struggle By Ronald L. Ray Since the worldwide financial crisis of 2008, caused by avaricious investment and banking houses, longstanding ethnic tensions in several […]

Pathological Altruism: White Man’s Burden?

November 28, 2013 AFP 0

• Professor Kevin MacDonald expounds upon “pathological altruism” By Pete Papaherakles Most Americans are familiar with the phrase: The road to hell is paved with good intentions. On October 24, a respected psychology professor from […]

Is Germany the Ultimate ‘Rogue Nation’?

November 27, 2013 AFP 0

• New book decisively counters the myth of “German villainy” By Michael Collins Piper Benton L. Bradberry’s The Myth of German Villainy is a book about which this reviewer can absolutely say, “I wish I’d […]

The New Axis of Evil: Saudi Arabia and Israel

November 27, 2013 AFP 1

• Despite religious differences, two Mideast states work hand-in-glove By Richard Walker To the rest of the world they are strange bedfellows, but Saudi Arabia and Israel have a shared agenda to shape the Middle […]

Israeli Data Spies Have Eyes Focused on U.S. Citizens

November 23, 2013 AFP 0

• Tentacles of Israeli “security” firms stretch across U.S., globe By Keith Johnson While the National Security Agency (NSA) spying scandal continues to grab national headlines, the equally egregious intelligence gathering on United States citizens […]

Rothschild-Israeli Ties to JFK

November 21, 2013 AFP 7

• World’s richest banking dynasty had intimate tie to assassination conspirators By Michael Collins Piper Dozens of new books and reports from diverse sources purporting to bring out “the truth at last” about the John […]

Entrapment Approved by Appeals Court

November 21, 2013 AFP 0

• Your hard-earned tax money being used by feds to set up citizens to commit crimes By Keith Johnson Federal law enforcement agencies will now find it much easier to frame gullible patsies for staged […]

‘Amnesty Terrorists’ Use More Radical Tactics

November 21, 2013 AFP 0

• Advocates for illegal aliens, amnesty adopt more belligerent approach to promote agenda By John Friend In recent months, immigrants, both legal and illegal, and their supporters and advocates are taking a much “more radical […]

Round Table Elite Meets

November 21, 2013 AFP 0

• Global plutocrats, fat cats, money-bags and magnates convene in Chicago By Mark Anderson The Business Round Table (BRT) is a plutocratic group that exerts its influence on critical United States issues such as raising […]

Psy-Ops Standard Fare for U.S.

November 20, 2013 AFP 0

• CIA, Mossad have been dabbling in mind control for decades • Secret U.S. documents reveal infatuation with “brainwashing” By Michael Collins Piper Recent articles in AMERICAN FREE PRESS about “mind control” have led some […]

Rally at the Alamo for Gun Rights

November 20, 2013 AFP 0

• Police brutality against gun-carrying U.S. veteran spurs massive rally at icon of American freedom By Mark Anderson SAN ANTONIO, Texas—A pro-gun rally held at the historic Alamo by the new group Open Carry Texas […]

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