Who Really Shot Down Malaysian Flight MH17?

August 23, 2014 AFP 5

• Don’t trust the mainstream media to investigate. By Pete Papaherakles Although the United States and Britain and their media claim that pro-Russian separatists with the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin took down Malaysian […]

Congress Snubs Vicar of Christ

August 23, 2014 AFP 3

• House honors Israel ad nauseam but won’t recognize Pope Francis. By Michael Collins Piper — Anyone familiar with the official congressional record knows full well that hardly a week—maybe even a day—goes by that […]

Christianity in Mideast Vanishing

August 23, 2014 AFP 2

• U.S. policies create animosity; All denominations targeted; Christians martyred by IS. By Richard Walker — Across the Middle East, Christians are being slaughtered and forced to leave the lands of their birth. The tragedy […]

ADL: The Entire World is ‘Anti-Semitic’

August 21, 2014 AFP 13

. . . but especially the Orthodox Church. By Pete Papaherakles — Although the United States, Britain and their media allege with certainty that pro-Russian separatists with the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin were […]

Obama’s ‘Refugee Crisis’ Revealed

August 19, 2014 AFP 0

• Expert says Mideast is where real humanitarian disaster exists. By Victor Thorn — The numbers are genuinely staggering. According to a June 20, 2014 United Nations report, refugees worldwide have now topped 51 million. […]

Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia Suspicious of U.S.

August 18, 2014 AFP 5

By Bill White — Poland has joined the Czech Republic and Slovakia in pondering a defense strategy independent of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and United States security guarantees of dubious value. “The Polish-American […]

Ebola in America

August 17, 2014 AFP 1

• Government imports deadly virus despite fears it will spread. By Victor Thorn — With the death toll in Africa from the deadly Ebola virus nearing 1,000 and total cases over 1,700, what insanity compelled […]

INTERVIEW: Mark Anderson Speaks with Congressman Jones

August 14, 2014 AFP 0

• NAFTA, CAFTA have destroyed life for workers not only in America, but Central America, too. By Mark Anderson — WASHINGTON, D.C.—In an exclusive interview with this AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporter, Representative Walter Jones (R-N.C.) contends […]

Americans Take to the Streets Over Alien Invasion

August 12, 2014 AFP 0

• Across U.S., citizens protest insane immigration policy adopted by Obama, Holder.  By John Friend — RAMONA, Calif.—During the past week, the crisis along the United States-Mexico border and the invasion of America by illegal […]

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