By Victor Thorn —
After rioters and looters ransacked Ferguson, Missouri for the second time in three months following the justified use of force by Police Officer Darren Wilson against an 18-year-old thug named Michael Brown, AMERICAN FREE PRESS felt it would be beneficial to speak directly with those most impacted by the wanton destruction committed by black criminals and organized leftist protesters.
On December 1, this reporter contacted five individuals. The first, a local business owner, didn’t want his name used due to possible repercussions.
“My shop got destroyed during the first riots in August,” said the man. “It put a real hurt on me because for two weeks we had no work. In my opinion, the police should have given a gun to every law-abiding citizen in Ferguson. Then, all the people who tried to put us out of business would’ve been dead the first night.”
He did not mince words about who was responsible for the riots.
“Every finger of blame should be directed at Michael Brown,” he said. “He stole cigars, then roughed up a shopkeeper and then walked down the middle of a street. When a policeman told him to move, Brown attacked him, threw punches and tried to steal his weapon. In my book that’s called assault, resisting arrest and maybe even attempted murder.”
Obviously still angered by what transpired, this man continued: “If you want to know what Michael Brown was like, look at his stepfather. He was caught on camera screaming to other protesters, ‘Burn this bitch down.’ Authorities are now deciding whether to charge him with inciting a riot. If you ask me, everyone that said Michael Brown stood passively with his hands up should have their nuts cut off and shoved in their lying ass mouths.”
As to the overall intent of what happened on the evening of November 24, this Ferguson resident stated: “The looters were morons looking for something for nothing. They robbed and stole everything they could get their hands on.”
Toni Burrow, a volunteer at the Pakt Community Resource Center in Ferguson, had her own ideas as to why the violence ensued.
“The media is not our friend,” she told this newspaper. “If you look at all the sensationalism that was peddled for three months, it’s clear they were at the heart of this unrest. But when all is said and done, it’s people like me who have to rebuild our city. I don’t have time to die. We have to move on.”
Bob McGartland, the 28-year owner of Robinwood Tire and Auto, told AFP: “People like Reverand Al Sharpton only wanted to be in front of the cameras. The facts and truth about what happened to Michael Brown were presented to Sharpton and the New Black Panthers, but they won’t accept it. Now, nobody’s supporting their cause because they’ve alienated the entire community. The destruction and violence hasn’t helped them.”
McGartland echoed previous statements as to what was the reason for violence: “The looters wanted a free lunch. The businesses they hit, like Walgreens, aren’t here anymore. I used to shop there all the time. Now I have to drive further away. These businesses support the local people, many of them black. Today, their employees are out of work and stores can’t service them.”
Another employee, whose company would only let him speak on condition of anonymity, said: “Our sister store got burned down. It’s heartbreaking because that same location got hit by a tornado three-and-a-half years ago. Sales are down in Ferguson because everyone is scared.”
Darlene Stewart of the First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson was still in shock about the extent of the devastation to her town, which included someone burning down one of their religious centers.
“I don’t know why these people would target and burn down one of their own churches,” she said. “I can’t understand it. Churches are supposed to represent peace. Do you know what a local minister told me when he heard that Sharpton was coming to town? ‘There’s going to be trouble.’ All that the looters did was take advantage of a catastrophe and throw more fuel on the fire.”
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 50 books.
Ferguson is 15 years post-White Flight.
Everyone who stands with the phony state of Israel including those who say they are Christians need to be brought before a tribunal led by Christians of Palestine and Syria.
Whether it’s the West coast version of The New York Times, or the San Jose Mercury-News or USA Today, it’s the same subversive message. Whether it’s the Commie Ron Owens Talk Show or the fake-patriot Michael Savage talk show, it’s all the same Jewish-Commie subversive message in the Jew-owned Media.
What we have here is a very obvious and very well-organized push by the Jewish Media to foment unrest and to destabilize society by using the Negroes as their pawns.