Immigration Decision Hailed as a Victory

September 18, 2012 AFP 0

By Pat Shannan On September 5, states facing illegal immigration trouble received some good news. A federal court in Arizona upheld a law that allows police, who are enforcing other laws, to check the immigration […]

Freedom of Religion Non-Existent in China

September 18, 2012 AFP 0

By Victor Thorn Imagine if 2M Christians, Muslims or Buddhists were detained in the United States in prisons, labors camps and “reeducation” centers. The voices of protest would be deafening. Yet in China, some estimate […]

FREE AFP Health Report

September 18, 2012 AFP 0

Enjoy AFP’s health report, free. Some of what you’ll find inside this edition: Raw Milk Producer Wins Critical Victory Revolutionary Fish Hatchery Reduces Toxins Wheat, Grains Not as Healthy as Many Think

Free 9-11 Issue

September 11, 2012 AFP 2

FREE ISSUE To commemorate the false flag attack that thrust the United States into police-state territory, AMERICAN FREE PRESS is offering for free, this SPECIAL 9-11 Anniversary Edition, in PDF format. Twenty-four pages of hard-hitting […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: EMP on Capitol Hill, Act Now!

September 11, 2012 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, a world-renowned WMD expert, and the Executive Director of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security, who has educated AMERICAN FREE PRESS readers on the threats of Electromagnetic […]

AUDIO INTERVIEW: Can Marijuana Cure Cancer?

September 9, 2012 AFP 0

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Filmmaker Len Richmond discusses his chosen profession, the impetus for his documentary What if Cannabis Cured Cancer, early uses of marijuana and hemp and their predominant place in American society, when and […]

Government Spying

September 5, 2012 AFP 0

• Secretive N.Y. eavesdropping unit admits spying on Muslims in America a huge waste of time & money By Victor Thorn After squandering millions of taxpayer dollars and subjecting thousands of Muslim Americans to surveillance, […]

One-Third of Americans Poor or ‘Near Poor’

September 5, 2012 AFP 0

• Worst humanitarian crisis in nation’s history threatens United States By Keith Johnson You don’t need to thumb through a history book to find snapshots of Americans suffering through a great depression. Today, the poverty […]

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