• Mohammed Morsi’s maneuvers behind-the-scenes prompted coup d’etat
By Mark Glenn
The recent overthrow of Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi had all the superficial appearances of being a “people’s revolution.” The real story is that Morsi—initially as much a carefully chosen puppet for Israeli and American interests as his predecessor, Hosni Mubarak—was taken down not by the “little people” in Cairo but rather by powerful players in Tel Aviv, Washington, D.C., New York and elsewhere who, after viewing recent developments in Morsi’s administration, saw Egypt falling out of their grasp were he to remain in power.
That Morsi was eyeing better horizons in search of brighter futures for his country was apparent from the very beginning of his administration. A mere month after he took office he broke with both precedent and protocol when he became the first Egyptian leader to visit Iran since that nation won its independence from the deadly grasp of Israel and the West in its 1979 revolution.
According to Israel’s online news source “Ynet,” while in Iran, Morsi met with then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—singularly hated by both Tel Aviv and Washington, D.C.—where the two discussed the danger that Israel poses to the region and, as Ynet stated, that perhaps Egypt would be better off abandoning its 30-year alliance with the West.
That a budding friendship had been formed during Morsi’s visit to Iran was further supported when Ahmadinejad returned the courtesy by also breaking with both protocol and precedent and becoming the first Iranian head of state to visit Egypt since the two countries broke off ties in 1979.
That this political rapprochement between Egypt and Iran was headed in a direction deemed dangerous to both Israel and America was made plain in the aftermath of these meetings, when Morsi declared his opposition to any outside armed intervention in the Syrian crisis and then insisted that Iran be part of the contact group that would oversee a political solution to the carnage.
But Iran was not the only fly in the Zionist ointment leading to Morsi’s overthrow. Russia also loomed large, and particularly after Morsi sat down face-to-face with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss various items involving trade, economic development, the possibility of Russia building as many as four nuclear power plants and Russian assistance in developing Egypt’s various uranium mines.
As troubling as these topics may have been to Israel and America, the issue that more than likely caused the most political heartburn was reported by RT shortly after the meeting between Morsi and Putin: “The presidents agreed that diplomacy is the only solution to the Syrian crisis and that foreign intervention into Syria is unacceptable.”
Perhaps the final nail in the coffin for the political career of Morsi was his stated desire that Egypt join BRICS, the economic block consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa meant to challenge the dominance of Zionist interests in the area of international finance, coupled with Morsi’s polite refusal of a many-strings-attached loan offer from the International Monetary Fund.
That the fix was in and that the U.S. and her co-conspirators knew that bad political weather was on its way in Egypt is at least circumstantially apparent. In a piece appearing in The Washington Times 10 days before the uprisings that resulted in Morsi being removed, 400 American troops specially trained to “respond to any threats, including protests and riots, to the security of Israel or the peace agreement” were sent to Egypt.