• Ex-Secret Service agent may find himself on “enemies list” for new tell-all book about Obama
By Victor Thorn
In Life Inside the Bubble, author Daniel Bongino described his 12 years of experience as a former secret service agent to presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Following his resignation from White House duty, Bongino has set his sights on winning a seat in the House of Representatives next year in Maryland’s sixth congressional district.
During a spate of recent interviews, Bongino has been quite vocal in his criticisms of Obama. To get a clearer idea of his misgivings, AMERICAN FREE PRESS spoke with Bongino on November 12.
When questioned about Obama’s 2008 promise to fundamentally change America, Bongino answered: “In contrast to another Democrat, Bill Clinton, who proclaimed that the era of big government was over, Obama is fundamentally taking away people’s economic liberty. Obama talks about the money you and I earn as if it was the government’s money. All of this comes from a guy that never ran a business or balanced a budget.”
In terms of why he resigned from Secret Service duty, on November 7 Bongino told Russell Goldman, a producer and journalist at ABC News: “If there was one event that helped me make up my mind, the most visceral was the Obamacare debate. The public doesn’t have any idea how many deals were cut.”
Asked about his personal recollections of how Obamacare unfolded, Bongino replied: “I can’t provide any direct secrets because that wouldn’t be ethical. But I can say this about Obamacare: Whoever they could buy off was bought off. Obamacare was sold to America like popcorn—all fluff and no substance. That’s how a community organizer became the CEO of our nation. He learned to market his ideas better than the next guy.”
Bongino continued by telling AFP: “The people behind Obamacare were always cutting deals with congressmen and other organized interests. That’s not a way to design a system that will potentially take over one-sixth of America’s economy.”
Concerning day-to-day politics inside the White House, Bongino offered this perspective: “Obama’s inner circle didn’t hire people to tell him the truth. They hired acolytes, cronies and insiders that told him what he wanted to hear. Do you know how many people should have told Obama that millions of Americans were going to lose their health insurance? But they don’t listen to this kind of advice. It’s a very dangerous game.”
Touching upon what he calls the patronage-punishment game, Bongino explained: “Obama is using government like a weapon. If you’re not on the patronage ride like Solyndra or the mayor of Detroit, then you see the punishment side. Under Obama we have a system that ignores the Constitution and skirts the law. Look at how IRS officials targeted conservative groups like the tea party.”
In this context, Bongino warned: “Obama’s people are all about division politics. I don’t want to sound too conspiratorial, but at some point I’m sure they’re going to target me, too. If you’re not in a protected group, they end up attacking you.”
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 40 books.