By Mark Anderson
Amid a mainstream media response that is part unqualified praise, part silence, and part misdirection, there is a preponderance of evidence indicating that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), beyond a reasonable doubt, has committed widespread fraud and a string of non-violent felonies over the last several years. Yet, with nary a peep from that myopic mass media cartel, and no interference from the authorities, the Somali immigrant was allowed to run in, and managed to win, the 2020 Democratic Primary nomination in Minnesota, which puts her on the path to serving a second term in the U.S. House of Representatives, depending on who might challenge her in the November general election. She previously served one term from 2016-2018 as a Minnesota state legislator.
“How does this woman who hates our country win?” President Donald Trump asked, in a fiery campaign speech Aug. 17 in Mankato, Minn. “She calls the Minneapolis police a cancer.”
Omar evidently abridged campaign finance rules as shown in an end-of-the-year report in 2016, in which she recorded a $2,250 disbursement to Kjellberg Law Offices on Nov. 20 in an apparent instance of illegally deriving funds from campaigning for personal use. The publicly available report shows that “Neighbors for Ilhan” made a “non-campaign disbursement” to pay her legal fees not related to politics.
Minnesota campaign finance law stipulates: “Money collected for political purposes and assets of a political committee or political fund may not be converted to personal use.”
Kjellberg also represented Omar in her shady divorce proceedings from a marriage in which she was hitched to Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, a rather obscure “British citizen” who, by his facial characteristics and by his name, appears to be her sibling. Last year, “Alpha News” said it investigated “the interesting background of Omar after ‘Powerline Blog’ writer Scott Johnson indicated Omar may have engaged in marriage fraud. Omar, who publicly identified Ahmed Hirsi to be her husband, is currently married to Elmi—who . . . appears to be Omar’s brother.”
“Over the past 18 months, there have been multiple allegations against progressive Rep. Omar which the media have failed to properly investigate,” the online investigative news site “Neonettle” noted, citing “32 new, verifiable, archived pieces of evidence,” which strongly suggest Omar engaged in the “most extensive spree of state and federal felonies by an elected congressperson in U.S. history.” Attributing that quote, as well as the evidence, to investigative journalist David Steinberg, “Neonettle” summarized key pieces of evidence as follows:
Evidence surfaced when Omar’s father, reportedly a former high-ranking Somali military leader, died in June, supposedly from Covid-19 complications. Condolences came from the Somali immigrant community, as Steinberg wrote for “The Blaze.”
When Omar’s father, known as Col. Nur Said Elmi, arrived in the U.S. in 1995, he claimed to be “Nur Omar Mohamed” and “received a Social Security number with that name.” Ilhan and some of her family members “entered the U.S. fraudulently as members of another family, the Omars.” Omar’s birth name was Ilhan Nur Said Elmi, indicating she and Ahmed have the same lineage and names.
“Scores of verified items of evidence against her are in the public record. Omar has never challenged their authenticity and has never produced a single piece of evidence to support her version of events. Among the charges that could be brought against Omar are immigration, education, and federal student loan fraud. Omar also filed at least two years of fraudulent tax returns and possibly eight,” “Neonettle” stated.
“She likely received subsidized health care and childcare during this time. For eight years, every application she signed for state and federal aid was likely fraudulent,” Steinberg also wrote, while telling conservative radio host Glenn Beck recently that Somali social media message boards in the Minneapolis area are largely responding favorably to his work, including someone he called “the original source” from four years ago.
“Everybody on Earth has figured this out except the entire journalism profession,” an exasperated Steinberg also told Beck, while elaborating on some of the content from his articles in “The Blaze.” “From 2009 to 2017 it appears [Omar] married . . . either her genetic brother or her legal sibling to bring him to the U.S. for immigration fraud. They immediately enrolled in a college. It appears they illegally applied for student loans. So, now we’ve got student loan fraud, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, [and] we’ve got perhaps eight years of tax fraud. . . . I have a file she submitted [pertaining to divorcing her apparent brother] to the court. It’s a nine-question form. It appears she committed perjury on eight of the questions.”
He added to Beck, “We’re up to about 150 years in prison and dozens and dozens of felonies, and we’ve just scratched the surface.”
Mark Anderson is AFP’s roving editor. Email him at [email protected].