In spite of Robert Mueller et al.’s best efforts for nearly two years to find something damning to pin on President Trump, the Senate has finally admitted there is no evidence Trump undermined the 2016 U.S. election. Sen. Richard Burr’s statement to CBS News made the front page of AFP Issue 9 & 10, just mailed and available online now.
By Donald Jeffries
For close to two years, the United States government has been chasing a farfetched theory that Donald Trump and members of his staff “colluded” with Russian officials during the 2016 presidential election.
After conducting some 200 interviews and sifting through 300,000 documents in the course of their investigation, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has all but admitted the obvious: There is no evidence of any such collusion.
This was reflected in a headline from NBC News in early February, “Senate Has Uncovered No Direct Evidence of Conspiracy Between Trump Campaign and Russia.”
In a recent interview with CBS News, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Richard Burr (N.C.) stated, “If we write a report based upon the facts that we have, then we don’t have anything that would suggest there was collusion by the Trump campaign and Russia.”
Vice-Chairman Democrat Mark Warner (Va.) countered, “I’m not going to reach any final conclusions until we finish our report.” Warner alluded to “Russian agents, Russian actors reaching out to the Trump organization with promise of dirt on . . . Clinton.” Burr also mentioned the Obama administration’s response to alleged Russian interference in the election, and the committee would be releasing information on that within a “matter of weeks.”
The House intelligence committee, now chaired by a Democrat, plans to reopen and expand its own investigation into the matter. The Republican-led House reported last year that it had found no collusion. “If the committee is driven based upon the facts that we have at hand, I have a very difficult time understanding how you can come to two different conclusions,” Burr responded to CBS. “Unless, for the first time, you let politics come into play.”
The House committee is chaired by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), one of Trump’s most partisan political opponents. Trump recently accused Schiff of “trying to build a name for himself. And I think that’s fine because that’s what they do. But there would be no reason to do that. No other politician has to go through that.”
Predictably, Trump responded to the committee chairman’s remarks with a passionate tweet: “Senator Richard Burr, the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, just announced that after almost two years, more than 200 interviews, and thousands of documents, they have found no collusion between Trump and Russia! Is anybody really surprised by this?”
Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho), another member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, was more emphatic in his comments during a recent appearance on Fox News.
“There has been no evidence of collusion,” Risch declared. “It is not there. I was a prosecutor. I know what evidence is. It is simply not there. People need to listen to the president when he says that. . . . How long can this go on? It has got to come to an end.”
Risch went on to note, “I have been a governor, almost 30 years in our state Senate. I have never seen the hate and vitriol against an individual that there is against this president.”
Donald Jeffries is a highly respected author and researcher whose work on the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations and other high crimes of the Deep State has been read by millions of people across the world. Jeffries is also the author of two books currently being sold by AFP BOOKSTORE.
Theres plenty of evidence for collusion. Both the Israelis and Russians want the U.S. balkanized. Trump is a self destructive low tech virus. Anyone who pretends to be anti zionist and simultaneously pro trump is a useful idiot. Trump is pretty much an honorary Jew considering his daughter and the way hes ingratiated himself to them over all the years. if you actually believe the manufactured disinformation campaign that trump is “antisemitic”, you’re a complete idiot. and he is speaking directly to you, lying, just as a jew would
I wish there was some way to get this to our president! “Violence shall no more be heard in my land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders: but thou shall call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.” Isaiah Chapter 60 verse 18 He could use it to show what a righteous thing the wall is! Jack