• 15% national retail sales tax could liberate the 99% from slavery.
• Texas, Florida job market thrives after spurning state income tax.
Rep. Jim Traficant —
Naysayers keep coming out of the woodwork. They seem to oppose anything and everything, usually supported by myths, rumors, superstitions and misguided political analysis. I’m not talking about budgets or the fiscal cliff; I’m talking about the 15% national retail sales tax.
All of a sudden, the poor have become their own personal agenda. They exclaim how the poor will be destroyed and the rich will get richer. They seem to disregard the fact that a rebate to help lower income families is a key component of the 15% sales tax, a rebate that basically pays for the basic necessities needed to raise a family. This rebate will be equal to 15% of the poverty-level income for the given size of any family.
In addition, they overlook the greater opportunity for a decent job in an economy of growth and expansion versus the lethargic, communist economy that we continue to endure and sustain today.
Let’s check out some examples.
The mainstream media is bombarding us with all kinds of stories that the economy is getting ready to boom. They are citing job growth and consumer spending. They contend that the “economy has finally recovered” and soon “all the jobs lost since the Great Recession will be replaced.” Now, if you believe that, you probably believe all those Benghazi stories, too!
Here are the unvarnished facts, folks.
The average pay for most Americans is subpar. Most jobs being created are part time to avoid the high cost of benefit packages, including Obamacare. To boot, the growing number of Americans who have been unemployed for more than six months “remains historically high,” as reported by the U.S. Labor Department.
Another key factor that seems to be lost in this is that the Economic Policy Institute states that to keep upwith population growth, 7 million jobs need to be created to shore up the gap in the labor market.
In addition, independent entities exclaim the fact that “fewer people are working or seeking work.” The percentage of American adults who either have a job or are looking for one “remains at a 35-year low.”
Enough of this yellow-brick-road propaganda business. The truth is, the USA looks better than Europe and Japan. Every nation is flirting with absolute disaster. The governments of the world have become the providers of the world, doing too much and making most citizens dependent and needing more. This dangerous element has infected the USA. Big government has become the very lifeblood for too, too many Americans. And, soon, it will be so ingrained in our culture that it will not be able to abate.
The time is now to throw this cloak of communism aside and inject an independent, self-actualized lifestyle back into the American people.
Back now to the naysayers.
The major reason for all this so-called good news economy and jobs business actually comes from two states in America, Texas and Florida. These states have accounted for almost 40% of all new jobs created. In fact, Texas alone created almost 35% of all new American jobs.
Did you ever stop to analyze the reason for this success in Texas and Florida? Both states threw out the communist income tax. Period. They replaced it with a sales tax.
Governor Rick Perry would turn the USA completely around with the same economic plan. A leader like Perry is exactly what America needs—-a leader willing to attack the very beast that has literally destroyed us, the U.S. Income Tax code—-the U.S. Communist Income Tax code to be exact.
Join Project Freedom USA and come to hear me speak in Washington, D.C. July 18-19.
.James A. (Jim) Traficant Jr.* was born in Youngstown, Ohio on May 8, 1941. He received BS and MS degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. He also received an MS from Youngstown State University in 1976. From 1981-1985 he served as sheriff of Mahoning County, prior to his election to the U.S. Congress in 1984. He was reelected by overwhelming margins every year up until 2002 when, following his conviction on trumped up corruption charges, he was expelled from the House of Representatives.