• Recent Greek election proves populists can counter globalists
By Pete Papaherakles
Despite a worldwide smear campaign against it, Greece’s nationalist Golden Dawn party managed a strong turnout in the June 17 elections and actually moved up a notch in popularity. Their vote share remained at 7% proving that, even with all the fear mongering and attacks, Greeks were not deterred.
Of significance is the fact that Golden Dawn supporters have gone from an estimated 20K in ’09 to as many as 430K today, amounting to a twentyfold increase in three years. This huge trend is impossible to ignore, demonstrating that nationalism is a growing force the globalists just cannot stop.
The pro-bailout conservative New Democracy Party (ND) barely edged a win in the elections. ND leaders quickly announced they had formed a coalition government that would keep Greece anchored with the euro and pay back international bankers, who have saddled the country with crushing debt.
The Greek people have heard these same empty promises about sacrifices repeatedly for over two years. Many find themselves in soup lines.
The Greek economy has contracted 30%, and unemployment has soared to 23%, twice the Eurozone average. Greece also went from the lowest suicide rate in all of Europe two years ago to the highest today with the rate increasing 40% since last year. More than 2,500 Greeks have killed themselves since the crisis started in 2010. The promised prosperity is nowhere in sight as the standard of living is approaching Third World levels.
The main goal of the bankers has been to keep Greece in the euro currency and under their economic domination. When they felt that they were losing their grip after the last elections they used the media to terrorize the public about the horrors a bankruptcy and a euro exit would bring.
The four parties opposed to the bailout now represent 45% of the total Greek vote. This is the first time that opposition parties have had such a strong voice in Parliament.

As a result, it will not be easy for the ruling government to do as it pleases. Golden Dawn members have made it clear they will come down hard on any member of Parliament who tries to push through brutal austerity plans that further strangle the Greeks.
Peter Papaherakles, a U.S. citizen since 1986, was born in Greece. He is AFP’s outreach director. If you would like to see AFP speakers at your rally, contact Pete at 202-544-5977.