• Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks, proving “racist” white cops are the least of their worries.
By Pete Papaherakles —
There is now no doubt that Michael Brown was rightfully killed in self-defense by officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri. The grand jury conclusively decided this was the case, and all the evidence confirms that decision. Yet most of the media, blinded black leaders and liberals still try to make the case that the biggest problem today in America is white cops killing innocent black males. This myth has been repeated over and over again, but, according to statistics compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the United States Bureau of Justice Statistics, blacks have more to fear from fellow blacks than they do from police officers across the country.
Former New York City Mayor Rudolph William Louis “Rudy” Giuliani was excoriated by the mainstream media for citing statistics that prove white cops killing black males is minor compared to the thousands who are killed every year by other blacks.
During an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on November 23, Giuliani told blacks who were accusing white police of killing them that “white police officers wouldn’t be there if you weren’t killing each other.”
Giuliani pointed out that “93% of blacks are killed by other blacks.”
After the other talk-show guest, Georgetown University Professor Michael Eric Dyson, questioned that statistic, Giuliani responded by citing another figure from a 2010 Bureau of Justice Statistics report that did, indeed, conclude that 93% of black homicide victims from 1980 through 2008 were killed by black offenders.
This reporter took a look at the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report. In that study, the agency reported that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005. It corroborated Giuliani’s claim that 93% of blacks were killed by other blacks, or about 7,440 murders in that year alone.
A six-year FBI study conducted between 2007 and 2012 found that, on average, local police forces kill 400 people every year in America. Of those, only 96, or 25%, involved blacks killed by white police officers.
It is worth noting that, according to the nonprofit New Century Foundation, of the nearly 1 million violent crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites in America, blacks commit 85% and whites commit 15%.
Faced with an overwhelming lack of evidence to support their claims, rather than concede the myth of white cops killing black males the liberal media went after the FBI, claiming the agency lacked transparency.
Eventually, a Wall Street Journal analysis uncovered that, “hundreds of homicides by law enforcement agencies in the U.S. between 2007 and 2012 are not included in FBI records.”
The Journal analyzed “the latest data from 105 of the country’s largest police agencies,” and “found more than 550 police killings during those years were missing from the national tally or, in a few dozen cases, not attributed to the agency involved. The result: It is nearly impossible to determine how many people are killed by the police each year.”
Assuming this discrepancy is correct, the adjusted yearly death tally would rise to 492 police killings per year, bringing the number of blacks killed by white police officers per year in the U.S. to 105.
Putting these figures in perspective then, for every black killed by a white police officer in the U.S. every year, there are about 71 blacks killed by other blacks.
Worse, if you take—on average—9,252 black-on-black murders every year for the past 35 years, you arrive at a staggering 323,820 blacks killed by other blacks on America’s mean streets in just three-and-a-half short decades.
The problem, of course, is that this grim statistic will never be mentioned by Al Sharpton, the liberal media or any of the other race baiters out there, who are busy pointing the finger at racist white policemen killing “innocent, unarmed black children.”
By the way, last year 105 policemen were killed in the line of duty. This year 112 have been killed to date. That’s more than the number of blacks killed by white policemen, yet Sharpton sheds no tears for any of them.
Pete Papaherakles is a writer and political cartoonist for AFP and is also AFP’s outreach director. Pete is interested in getting AFP writers and editors on the podium at patriotic events. Call him at 202-544-5977 if you know of an event you think AFP should attend.
Cheered to see a ‘Free Press’ still defying the corporate media morons. In the 1960’s it was LA Free Press, Berkely Barb, Georgia Straight, and 100’s of small independent papers all over this land against Hearst, AP, Times, Southern Press (Canada) and countless monopolies whanging out the ‘establishment’ line. Not to mention the still active Alphabet Serial Liars on the air day and night. Funny it didn’ matter, just like now and the last election, the truth thrusts right out at you. The rest is just noise. Let’s all stop killing each other (6 million dead in Vietnam now, land mines and toxic agents don’t read news or cease lethality) just long enough to be thankful for a still free internet, and a still Free Press. JR
(((Hollywood))) keeps cranking out anti-white propaganda disguised as history.
For (((some reason))) no mention is ever made of the fact that American Indians & even other Blacks were slave-owners.
And guess who sold the slaves in the first place?
And guess (((who))) was prominent in the highest echelons of the slave trade?
Jewish slave trade:
— [ https://www.google.com/search?q=Jewish+slave+trade&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 ]
How many Native Americans was killed by Whites? Why they go Back to the 1800s? Whites been killing blacks over 400 years. Slavery goes back to 1500s
The one thing about this Article for myself as a writer, is the fact there is a difference in “Black Americans” and “African Americans”. The biggest difference is Black Americans are the ignorant people who stay in denial about “Black On Black Crime” so everyone can expect responses of “Racism BullS***”. More Blacks have killed blacks than all police officers put together, they are just using what the “Media” is “Portraying” to remain in “Denial” because they are all “Cowards!”
When it comes to black gang members and even rappers who sell drugs, black Americans live by the code, “Snitches Get Stiches” and won’t give information on black criminals because they are a bunch of scared pathetic “Jungle Bunnies!”
So they use any situation they can to be a voice to hide the fact that “Black Americans” are a bunch “Ignorant Morons”
Thank God for the “Intelligent Ones” who are “African Americans!”
Black Americans, can’t even see the scammer that Lavish Reynolds is. I’m sure when she makes enough “Interview” money from the “Media” she will disappear some where before the real TRUTH COMES OUT.
Thank God for the “Intelligent Ones” who are “African Americans!”
Why can’t this be posted on Facebook?
The only way they crash the U.S. Economy , Lots of Money is leaving the USA as just give away money, your taxes in Billions of dollars is being accumulated somewhere? Always the case. 324,00 Black on Black Death in the last 35 years. White on White kills more. Why? It has been so much talk in the ghetto but these hustlers come in as reverends and movements that really is a corporation of self. and worse , intimidating them by Jesse and Al & tHE gANG ….bEING POLITICALLY CORRECT , A WORD OR TWO LEFT OUT tHIS IS LIKE THE RAPE OF THIS NATION, AS WE THE PEOPLE, ALWAYS RATTLES THE CONGRESS THEM HEARING RACIAL ATTACKS PURPOSELY CREATED TO DESTROY THE FUTURE OF THE BLACK RACE. TRUMP IS A BUILDER , IT’S HIS BABY! nOTHING IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY WILL CHANGE. hOW MANY GREAT MINDS DO WE LOSE TO STREET VIOLENCE DAILY!? tRUMP IS A BUILDER. HE WILL BUILD UP AMERICA FOR ALL AMERICANS. tHE WORD IS AMBITIOUS AND SMART. pUT A LITTLE FAITH IN HIM NOW.
Now that the immoral bastards of Milwaukee are reaping the evil they have sowed by forsaking the gospel of Jesus Christ for the last 58 years, they remember the church, but the church if full of pseudo-Christians running after filthy mammon.
Unless we abolish the abominations of Separation of Church and State, Affirmative Action, Abortion, Euthanasia, Divorce, Sodomy, and Same Sex Marriage, and restore Bible Reading and Prayer Recitation in Public Education, and allow the open display of the Ten Commandments in mainstream America, America is finished.
For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who have the law written on their hearts and obey it, who will be declared righteous in God’s sight. Romans 2
There is a line several miles long of macho black as-holes waiting to get erased by the police.
“Mike Brown fiasco”
“SURVEILLANCE VIDEO: Police say Michael Brown was suspect in Ferguson store robbery”
CNN i-Report: “Michael Brown and other Black men, or boys would still be alive today had each of these individuals had respect for the authority of a police officer!”
The number of Black men, women, and children killed by other Blacks is astronomical when compared with the smaller number (percentage of Blacks) killed by police officers…….and more so than not, Blacks targeted by the police have actually been involved in criminal activity that warrants a police response.
RE: Justice or Else…and any Million Man/Woman March”
Illinois police agency investigating Farrakhan son
Malcolm X’s Daughter Exposes Farrakhan (The Extended Clip)
Louis Farrakhan’s Mosque And Home, Financed By Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi
Black History Month: Attallah, daughter of Dr. Betty Shabazz and Malcolm X Daughter
“It really does matter to stand for something … It is not always Anglos (racist-bigoted Caucasians/the KKK/the Aryan Nation/etc….oppressing U.S. born Blacks) . . . watch where you point the finger . . . sometimes it looks just like you (treasonous black elected leaders, lawyers, no good poverty pimps, jackleg preachers, etc., etc., keeping Blacks down)”
—Dr. Betty Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X
Finally, after what the Nation of Islam, especially the leadership of the NOI did to murder Malcolm X, I wouldn’t follow the leadership of Minister Louis Farrakhan and/or any other prominent leaders of the NOI.
Malcolm X was real, a true soldier who truly represented the Black community, and he actually lived in the Black community, with average every day Blacks who reside in the “Hood,” which is not true for the many charlatan Black leaders who claim to represent Blacks, but who in fact do just the opposite. Namely betraying U.S. born Black men, women, and children with legitimate grievances against rogue public servants, while living as far away from “inner-city/working class/every day” Blacks as pimping and hustling off of the misery of other Blacks can mean to them as being the path to success.
Courts Enforce Black Codes
Supreme Court rejects damages for innocent man who spent 14 years on death row
CNN i-Report: RE: Want to weigh in? . . . 10TH District Councilman Herb Wesson, and my experience . . . Herb Wesson is a Liar, Deceitful, and a Disgrace to the Essence of What in means to be an elected official!
Compton: Corruption, Incompetence, or Just Business As Usual?
Compton: Corruption, Incompetence, or Just Business As Usual?
Attorney Harper is the same attorney who was held in contempt of court and subsequently jailed for taking advantage/attempting to cheat Marlene Pinnock . . . can’t be good when any Black attorney is in a photo shoot with ambulance chasing poverty pimps!
The Democratic Party has used the influence of Black Reverends, Pastors, etc., to win over virtually the entire Black voting electorate, to grease the palms of the sleazy and the greedy, While being of no Benefit to the Black community!
Message to the University educated hypocrites/affluent but treasonous Blacks/Sellout Black Leaders Judges/lawyers/Jackleg Preachers and Poverty Pimps:
Don’t you know taking advantage of inner-city U.S. born Blacks and other U.S. born Blacks (the homeless, the disenfranchised, the unrepresented, the misrepresented, etc., etc.) is my (no good Black elected officials, sellout Black lawyers, numerous jackleg reverends and poverty pimps, some of the Crips, some of the Bloods, Black Drug Dealers and Pimps, etc., etc.) ticket out of the “inner-city/hood/the slums” so that members of my family and I (no good Black elected officials, sellout Black lawyers, numerous jackleg reverends and poverty pimps, some of the Crips, some of the Bloods, Black Drug Dealers and Pimps, etc., etc.) can live in the suburbs of Cerritos, CA, Palisades, CA, etc., etc.,…
…because it never crossed my mind to do anything worthwhile to improve the quality of life in my own neighborhood so that other individuals and the Black community can live in a better neighborhood too.
FBI Documents Link Clintons to Marxist-Terrorist Network
Hillary’s America: The Secret History Of The Democratic Party
Exposing the Marxist/Communist Past of Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton: I Admire Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger
Secret Service agents: Hillary is a nightmare to work with
Hillary and her ‘coke habit’
Clinton News
Americans never give up your guns
Lying Crooked Hillary
1. You shall have no other gods before Me.
2. You shall not make idols.
3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5. Honor your father and your mother.
6. You shall not murder.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
8. You shall not steal.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10. You shall not covet.
He that loves death do not love Jesus.
If you look at the data U.S. police kill twice as many black people as white people, proportionally. This also means that police kill far more white people than black people, a lot more.
Inside of all of this data are many societal factors including racism but more likely including other more significant factors such as how police approach black men on the street knowing that young black men often commit most of the serious crimes in a particular city. So the crime of some black men create a negative image for many black men. Four black youth on a street corner may appear more threatening than four white men in a city where black crime is high.
If Somalis commit most of the crime in a city would one view a group of Somali men on the street at night as potentially more threatening than white men or Chinese men? Of course. It is human nature to think this way as part of ones survival instincts.
I would like the reader to think about something. If we saw videos on TV of white people being killed by police in a similar unjustifiable way that some of the black people were killed by police would that lead us to a different view about what the police were actually doing? The perception by some in the black community and other communities as well that police are targeting blacks in order to kill them might not be right. Maybe some police through the country are just irresponsible and hurt and kill people of all colors under unjustifiable circumstances, but the videos that get on TV are just the white police killing black men. That news is higher profile because it is not just murder but maybe racism too. Makes for a better story to fan the flames of racism in the media.
I am not trying to minimize or justify police killing black people. I am trying to have everyone look at the larger picture of what police are doing to fully understand what is going on and how to fix it.
The Michael Brown incident brings this into clear focus. I have read the details of this killing. It is pretty clear than Michael Brown attacked a police officer while the officer was sitting in his car. The officer felt his life was threatened and shot and killed Michael Brown. Reports that Michael Brown had his hands up surrendering to the officer have been proven false based on the forensic examination of the scene and the wounds on Mr. Brown’s body. I suspect that a white man killed under similar circumstances would have made local news but not the national news and caused all the strife it did. Why? Because the black community saw it as white on black crime by police. Or was it just an officer trying to save his own life? Ask yourself what you would have done as the police officer if you felt your life was being threatening by a large, strong black youth.
My point is, let us all see incidents as they occur in the light of fact because not doing so not only creates more problems and hurt but does not solve the real problem of reducing police killings.
This article reminds me of Rand Paul, who has quite a few positions I agree with. But he came out in public with the idiotic statement, “there is no such thing as racism.” Which is insulting and hurtful to those who have had to deal with racism in their lives. Racism does really exist, Mr. Paul and Mr. Free Press writer.
I don’t think Rand Paul is a fool. But I think he revealed himself as a sleazy politician trying to use race to incite enthusiasm in a certain crowd of white men he views as his supporters. Unfortunately, to win an election, he has to appeal to educated, less insular and less easily angered and frightened people as well—like me for instance. I’m sure it is true that black people kill each other, as much as it is true that white people kill each other. It is also true that our largely white military-finance-government cartel will kill anyone who gets in their way and is guilty of genocide multiple times over. They are the real enemy. So we should work on unity, not bickering like this sad article attempts to put forth.
Yeah, Rand Paul. I was impressed by a lot of things Rand Paul said in debates. Then I just deleted him completely after the racism denier statement. (I guess slavery, Jim Crow, separate seats on the bus, separate water fountains, extra-judicial murders, lynchings, etc., are just a fantasy someone made up? Idiot.) My advice to the author of this article and to Rand Paul is get over their weak egos and hang out with people of color once and a while. Get a new perspective. You might realize we now all have more in common than you knew. I’m white too, but I’m not a cynical ignoramus.
For example the article states:
“this reporter took a look at the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report. In that study, the agency reported that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005.”
However if you look at the FBI crime table for 2005 the homicides were 10,083 which breaks down to white: 4,955 Black: 4,898.
Stop believing BS just because it’s posted online. Do some fact checking:
Arrests by Race, 2005
Finally, some good news.
13% of the population
50% of all murders
40% of all violent crime
40% of all welfare
# 1 cause of death for black males between 18-35: homicide
highest abortion rate of all races: 31.8 per 1000 live births
out of wedlock births: 72%
All of this comes from FBI statistics.
My people need to return to the “GOD” that brought us here. We were better when we had our own. Why do you think you are being copied by all the other races with talk, music, now in our colleges as Presidents? The ‘STRIPPING’ NEVER CEASED. We need to ask why no charges are against towns, counties, state, for the police allowing illegals to remain in the beginning.
What about white-on-white crime? Stats please?
It’s Time to Stop Blaming Black-on-Black Crime
FACT: WHITE FOLKS moved out of urban areas throughout the UNITED STATES back in the ’80s and ’90s because of the rise in BLACK on WHITE VICTIMIZATION in SCHOOLS, BUSINESSES and COMMUNITIES! Millions of BLACK FOLKS refused to WORK, moved into HOUSING PROJECTS, and encouraged their OFFSPRING to misbehave in SCHOOLS, so that they could get SOCIAL SECURITY “CRAZY CHECKS”! BLACK FOLKS were strongly encouraged by the LIBERAL BLACK and WHITE DEMOCRATS to become “ENTITLEMENTERS”, “REPARATIONISTS” and “FREELOADERS”!
Follow us on FACEBOOK: NAAWP
Of all the lies I’ve heard about Christ, this one is new. In all my life I’ve never heard that any race was superior to another. That was a Nazi thing not a Christian thing. What you said is complete and utter fallacy.
Not nearly enough. Keep going. Try to hit the 20 million mark in the next 30 years.
These lies are the foundation for Caucasian racism in our country.
Obama is deliberately releasing 1,000s of illegal immigrants convicted of crimes who then commit more crime, but Americans are too busy mourning the nine Charleston crisis actors…er ah…”victims” (that is), and fighting over the Confederate Flag, to care. This is a deliberately manufactured crisis that is ever worsening.
End Of The American Dream
Washington Examiner
Cloward–Piven strategy
Jaroslav Kukla might not be able to help himself.
Ashkenazi Jews 40% more likely to be schizoid
Israeli and American scientists have discovered a gene among Ashkenazi Jews that increases their chances of developing the mental disorder schizophrenia, as well schizoaffective disorder and manic depression. According to a study recently published in Nature Communications, the gene in question raises Ashkenazi Jews’ chances of experiencing the disorders by roughly 40%, and by 15% in the general population.
That’s what Israeli media has to say about it. Naturally, Jewish-owned media in America is covering it up.
“You fu**ing white sick goyim, you can blame the Blacks for your own degenerate genes only to a certain point and date. But you can hide your own bastardish blood, genes and mental illnesses forever!!! YOU WILL NOT BLAME THE BLACKS FOR YOUR OWN MISFORTUNES FOREVER!!!!”
Quit spewing your anti-White Gentile hate, disinformation and lies (I know, impossible, but try) you slimy, little Jewish snake.
“Whites are not going to “fix” black aberrant behavior because . . .”
Because blacks and only blacks are responsible for their actions. Period!
“. . . it is based on decades of brainwashing that denigrates, demeans and minimizes black contributions to society and history.”
Get lost with that propaganda! What contributions? Let’s see the ‘long’ list! Black contributions to society are minimal at best and laughable and bogus at best. If these “contributions” were by White people, they’d be insignificant. That is the reality of the matter. Period!
The NAACP (Ni*gers Always Against Caucasian People) never looks at the black that are murdered by blacks as lives that matter. Only racist remarks by them when a white cop is involved.
The “ghetto monkeys” who are so violent in their DNA that we should put up a fence around them and let them exterminate themselves!
Local NAACP Head Faked Being Black to Get the Job
Drama has arisen in the city of Spokane, Washington. An official investigation has been opened into whether or not Rachel Dolezal, (Ashkenazi Jewish), the president of the local chapter of the NAACP, was lying when she identified herself as an African-American on her application for a position on the citizen police ombudsman commission, KXLY reports.
If she did lie, this would violate the city’s code of ethics. More importantly, it would be a source of major LOLs.
For my part, I can’t blame her. Who doesn’t want in on that Black privilege action?
In fact, I don’t see how anyone can judge her; it seems she ran the NAACP better than any Black would have. The Spokesman Review says she “revitalized” the organization. This isn’t surprising, given that Whites are so much more intelligent and capable than Blacks.
The very fact that this woman was able to style her hair and paint her skin and pass for Black for several years, speaks to just how monumentally stupid Black people are.
QUESTION: Why should I join the NAAWP?
The problems we have with race in the U.S. and the rest of predominately European countries for that matter, is the infiltration and implementation Marxist ideology by Jews and their Zionist agenda of the communist new world order. This is why we are at each other’s throats.
Nothing is as effective as racial strife to keep the attention away from the Jewish takeover of our government.
History shows that Jews are responsible for all the wars since and including WW I. Try as they might the Zionists cannot bury real history.
Jaroslav Kukla, you are an ADL shill wandering the Internet like your people in a desert hoping someday to become white.
Worry not about our beautiful white genes. You have your prominent facial features and Tay-Sachs to contend with daily. Jew is a race not a religion.
White or Black, find out who is manipulating your lives, keeping you segregated mentally and replacing you with millions of third world immigrants. You will discover the world wide war on the goyim.
Hitler was right.
Who told you that college is free for blacks? That is a lie and please do your research. I am an African American and the only free education I got was K to 8th grade and then my parents sent me to a private all girls school and now I have a masters in sociology. Don’t worry yourself about who is helping and who is not helping blacks, just worry yourself about what your race is doing. FYI there are more whites on government assistance than blacks, so please stop with blacks is uneducated, on welfare and get free education. If that is so, so does the poor whites. That’s who you should worry about, them poor whites who are on drugs ready to commit a home invasion. The same way you feel about blacks, I feel about whites. Just because a few whites are druggies, unfit mothers, uneducated because they dropped out of school early, on welfare, Sec. 8 and other free gov’t assistance, serial killers, child molesters and rapists, doesn’t mean all white people are the same. I’m proud to be black and I wouldn’t want to be anything else.
LIBERAL SPIN: The rhetoric around crime is factually wrong and allows some to ignore and pass the blame for systemic misdeeds.
In 2015, over 35,000 WHITE WOMEN were RAPED by BLACK MEN, during that exact same time period 9 BLACK WOMEN were RAPED by WHITE MEN
Thanks black people!
Case in point:
Going by Rudolph the Red Nosed liar’s logic and the logic of the author of this bullsh*t piece. I would only have to look at the mob wars, battle of Gettysburg, World War when it was mostly Caucasians slaughtering Caucasians and Asians.
Point is white on white murders over the last 20 years have been historically horrendous. How about the Twin Towers false flag murder for profit? Blacks weren’t prominent in that aspect. And let’s not forget the fact that the CIA created one of the main conditions of black on black slaughter with the flooding of cocaine in the black communities. Huh stupid!
The amnesiatic dumbness on the part of whites is astonishing. But the GREAT GOD and KING CHRIST who sees beyond the surface knows and will acknowledge the truth behind the plight of black people. That we have been set upon by a ruthlessly greedy and savage populace of wolves. And just because whites dwell in denial, will not change a damn thing.
But here is a warning, especially to you older biased bast*rds. Your children and your women and men are beginning to show the same signs as my kith and kin. They have flooded white America with crystal meth, they have made the white male a castrated character in his own household. LOL! The children peer pressure the parents into the same nonsensical behavior as teens. More and more whites are involved in divorces, murder for hires and other life insurance death schemes. Comparing the modern day white all-American family to the family of “Leave it to Beaver” is not even considerable. And why? Because the same methods they have perfected on the black family has been beautifully used on the white family!
I hope you all choke on it!
“The Holy Spirit directed me to be at Willard Straight just after 12PM today. As He preached through me people were gathering for a protest that “Black lives matter.” They began the protest with a “die in” and started lying down during the preaching to represent black people who had died during encounters with police. The Holy Spirit took it from there…Hebrews 9:27, and one day they would really die and without faith in Christ they would spend eternity in Hell for their sins (some were named). Below is a recording of the scene after the Holy Spirit finished preaching through me. One woman…who said she knew Christ was trying to stop the preaching. The message of God’s love was considered unloving.”
My comment: brain and spiritual dead students should be protesting blacks killing blacks.
In Just 35 Years, 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Other Blacks
After the protest they began marching to the Arts Quad chanting “Black lives matter!!!” The Holy Spirit had me stand up and preach that God loves black people, white people, etc. And God showed His love for ALL people through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ. Romans 5:8-10; Romans 10:13.
The great experiment has reached the point of conclusion and the result could not be any more certain. After 50 years of integration we have few positive results and a more bitterly divided society than existed prior to the civil war.
I know it runs counter to the glorious vision of multi-cultural harmony and a color blind society that is the dream of some, but the time has come to get rational and stop fantasizing about something that, at the very least, is not possible at this time. Forcing races to live together hasn’t worked and will continue to fail. It’s just not what everyone wants.
Why not try a semi-segregated societal structure? Why not give the black people their own place to do as they see fit and the same for the whites, Asians, Hispanics, etc.? There can also be those places where the interminglers can be as well. Perhaps they can sort out the difficulties and show us the way to live side-by-side. Why is this notion of racial integration so sacrosanct that we will risk our own destruction to see it to the end?
A blanket policy of forced integration has, and will, only lead to further trouble. When something isn’t working I prefer to try something different.
I left the U.S. because, short of something along the lines of what I have proposed, I see a violent confrontation in the near future. I hope someone, somewhere can see the foolishness of continuing a policy that is ripping the country apart. One size does NOT fit all.
You are correct. 9,000 is the total number of murders…every year. Multiply times 35 years and you will be in the ballpark.
You are also correct about whites killing 85% of whites. On the most part, people kill members of their own race. The difference is that the whites are not blaming black cops. If you go back and read the article you will see how this reference to the 93% started with Rudy Giuliani’s quote.
You shouldn’t refer to the article as “bull” just because you have trouble processing statistics. If you see a statistic that blacks commit an equal amount of a particular crime as whites, for instance, you have to take into account that blacks are only one fifth the population of whites. This means blacks are committing that crime five times more frequently than whites.
If you look at page 3 of the 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report cited in the article you will see a chart detailing all this. This was the report cited by Giuliani, and the basis for this article.
“Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The victimization rate for blacks (27.8 per 100,000) was 6 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000). The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (table 1).”
“The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 TIMES HIGHER than the rate for whites.”
This article addresses the myth that white cops are inordinately killing blacks, not overall global deaths. If you’d like to see this matter addressed, please email the AFP editor.
Live like a thug…die like a thug.
Millions more have been seriously INJURED!
Over the past 35 years in America, an estimated 324,000 blacks have been killed at the hands of fellow blacks; proving “racist” white cops are the least of their worries.
PTSD is true…..post-slave traumatic syndrome. Black collective lack of self-esteem has been passed down generation to generation after Emancipation. Black people clearly do not know how to repair this psychological condition or have no motivation to do it. It’s hopeless. God will sort it out. Get on with your life and get a gun. The poorest people are ALWAYS the most violent….ALWAYS.
Blacks should have been sent back to Africa after slavery ended but Jews wouldn’t allow it because they were needed to dilute the white race, the same way Latinos are being used now. So now interracial everything is being promoted because Jewish elites are in a hurry to destroy the white race.
Criminal Justice Information Service
87% of Whites are killed by Whites but that never gets mentioned. Or in Europe’s wars or crime 90+% of killers are whites. It like ‘more Muslims kill Muslims in the ME than we do’ as an excuse to bomb wedding parties, invade nations based on lies, starve 500,000 Iraqi children to death (nothing to ‘regret’ according to Madeline Albright even if those deaths achieved nothing).
Oh but they are not racists they say. Just civilized whites defending culture and then they go and show us they are racists.
Brown was a thug, plain and simple. He put himself in a situation where he could, if he had a rational brain, expect to be killed. The rioters are all thugs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the 11% African-not-American-black Arab Communist president, Barack Obama are all thugifying race-baiters.
Or how’s this: KKK nostalgia for lynching; Whether we like it or not, the previous civil war for emancipation may now need to be reversed for the preservation of society. I would say that given the level of mental dementia demonstrated by these individuals, that all legal avenues to suppress this movement need to be engaged, and yet for some, dare I say shall resort to the methods of pointed hoods of old.
“DO the foul racists here; and they are both foul and racists, ever feel any common humanity when they condemn out of ignorance, fear and hatred peoples who have suffered for the civilization that has spoiled us and starved the world??”
They used to say it was communists who threatened the world. Then it was ‘the Muslims’ as though they don’t have civil wars, inner struggles of moderates vs radicals and Sunni vs Shia and describing the ME as if it were one country and people (like describing all Europeans as Nazis because of Germany in WWII). Now we are back to Russia bashing, and blaming blacks for racism.
Horrifying. Evil and terrible. Every people has its good, its bad and its ugly. Here we see the bad and the ugly of our own ‘civilization’ blithely ignoring the fact that whether 500 years ago or just the last 100 years we ‘civilized Whites’ have killed 10 for every one killed by the rest of the ‘baddies.’
Some more unforgettable facts for the bigots to ignore.
It is very insulting to me that you so freely throw around the derogatory term “retarded.” For one so concerned about the rights of the downtrodden, you should know that such terms continue to perpetuate the misconception of, and bias against, the minority victims by the majority. Shame on you. Your insensitivity sickens me. You should really consider some counseling and sensitivity training before your words do further damage to those who are impaired by no fault of their own.
I weep for you and those who you have denigrated with your terrible words. You sadden me. Shame be upon you.
You would think when you study history that whites would be the last ones referring to any other racial groups as thugs, criminals, murders, or uncivilized. For centuries this has been the only behavior they’ve displayed since they found their way out of “THE CAVE” because blacks have been infected with a white European culture via politics, religion, history and education. Blacks are forced to live in a paradox pretty much looking at the world from a European point of view. This is why whenever there’s a conflict between him and his black counterpart, he deals with him the same way the average bigot would deal with a black person and that’s violently.
So if you want see real violence, go read up on medieval Europe or watch movies like The Gangs Of New York or better yet turn your TV on you can witness them shooting up schools, movie theaters, dropping bombs non-violently on innocent women and children in the Middle East with a mis-educated president leading the charge.
1. More than four times more blacks than whites are killed by cops.
2. Maybe there is such a high percentage of black criminals because systemic racism in our criminal justice system, from racist cops to racist judges and juries have created them!
If you look at t he FBI’s own stats, since the “war on drugs” began, you can see this clear as day:
Since about 10% of blacks and whites use, buy and/or sell drugs, you would think, with six times more white people, that those incarcerated for non-violent drug offenses would reflect that proportion. However, the opposite is obviously true, non-violent drug offenders in prison are overwhelmingly black!
So, it’s very convenient to target and incarcerate tens of millions of young black males over the past 45 years, thus destroying any hope of their going to college, become professionals, make a good living, etc. Then you point out the effects of this racist enforcement, and blame them for there being so much crime in the black community!
Even a woman I’m sure you greatly respect pointed out this sleazy strategy:
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power government has is the power to crack down on criminals. When there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.” – Ayn Rand
3. Oh, and the grand jury’s decision in the Michael Brown case did NOT decide anything with certainty. That was not a trial, there was no opposing attorney to cross-examine the very flawed witnesses the DA brought forward, in order for him to throw the case (as he was supposed to be advocating for indictment). You have not heard the last of that case, as the DA has openly admitted he allowed perjured testimony be heard. A very biased woman, who wasn’t there, made up her whole story, yet he knowingly allowed her to poison the jury.
That said, this problem will not and cannot be fixed through traditional social discourse, since the radical blacks have declared war on the police and society at large. Violence is here and will be with us for as long as this brand of black radical racism continues. The radical black agenda has designed a fabricated social fiction as a means to their end; i.e. which allows them to loot, steal, kill, and then claim that whatever chaos they want to generate is justified through their prism of historical white social injustice.
Whether we like it or not, the previous civil war for emancipation may now need to be reversed for the preservation of society. I would say that given the level of mental dementia demonstrated by these individuals, that all legal avenues to suppress this movement need to be engaged, and yet for some, dare I say shall resort to the methods of pointed hoods of old.
When was the last time you saw a riot or any media coverage for a white guy being killed by a police officer? I’ll give you the answer—never.
Statistics aren’t racist—they seen no color, race, or orientation.
Would you prefer a nation where people are free to rob, rape, kill, and any other offense? Because that’s what you’re asking for. Sadly, with any good comes bad, but I can tell you that slaughtering innocent cops that are just sitting in their car is far worse than a justifiable homicide due to a physical conflict.
Each and every death is a sad and terrible failure in our country’s people—it has nothing to do with Government, police, or anyone. It’s our own fault and we’re causing it.
The only ignorant thing here is you—until you admit what the real problem is (which isn’t racism) then nothing will ever get better.
It’s clear that blacks cannot remedy the situation by themselves as they have been targeted by the Jewish elites for elimination and corruption (Al Sharpton, Messy Jesse Jackson, Don Lemon, Clarence Thomas, etc). Many whites want the same thing. Bill Gates is sterilizing the entire 3rd world and calling it vaccination. Maybe when blacks are all dead, whites will stop blaming blacks and focus on the Jewish problem 100% instead of projecting and venting on blacks who can do nothing to remedy the situation. Black ties to Africa were erased by the Jews who started slavery. Without a history there can be no future.
The Blacks paid with their lives for our freedom.
As to use of force. Every officer’s actions with respect to use of force is highly scrutinized. We learned in the Rodney King trials that MDC communication, scripts for books an officer wrote, even cell phone texts and posts are at times scrutinized if an officer is involved in a serious use of force incident.
This whole narrative that officers use excessive force and face no consequences is just plain false. If anything is true, officers tend to use as little force possible, especially if they are dealing with a potential racially-charged incident. And unfortunately that sometimes leads to an officer getting hurt.
Every cop has to justify in reports any and every act of violence he has to use in the line of duty. And often, it is all recorded on video. There is a whole lot more scrutiny on the “person in authority” than on the thug in the streets. If a cop’s actions are judged excessive or unjustified, he is punished in some way—suspended or discharged from his duties, or even sued or prosecuted for his actions.
The thug, if he is even caught, often gets away with his crime, and is never picked up by the press and exposed as a national and international pariah as the poor cop who was only doing his duty or acting self-defense as was Darren Wilson.
Miriam, if you read other articles posted by AFP on the Brown case you will discover that officer Wilson volunteered for this duty in the crime-ridden neighborhoods of Ferguson because he thought he could do some good.
Brown was a thug, plain and simple. He put himself in a situation where he could, if he had a rational brain, expect to be killed. The rioters are all thugs. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the 11% African-not-American- black Arab Communist president, Barack Obama are all thugifying race-baiters. They have made a tragic situation—the crime on American streets—into a political revolution. The end of this cannot be good. Ordinary people who live ordinary lives, who are the ordinary victims of thugs and criminals, continue to be the victims of this new revolution, foisted on us by the liberal-Communist press and the tyrant dictator that reigns in Washington.
Putting aside the drama and the personal attacks, let’s focus on facts, shall we?
First of all, let’s leave hospitals and doctors out of this, since they are irrelevant to the subject at hand.
The issue is whether white cops “killing innocent blacks” is the problem in America today. You seem to be biased against the police in that you refer to them as “criminals” and you refer to the perpetrators as “innocent.”
If you rob a store, refuse requests to not walk in the middle of the road, punch a cop in the face and try to kill him with his own gun, as in the Michael Brown case for instance, you can no longer be referred to as “innocent.” Robbery, assault and attempted murder are felonies.
As far as blacks go, FBI and DoJ statistics both show that blacks commit 85% of violent crimes while being 12% of the population.
You can choose to call the statisticians criminals or racists, but that doesn’t change the facts.
The police are paid to protect the citizens from criminals. They risk their lives everyday and many are killed by these thugs.
Why are you condemning these men whose job it is to protect you and instead support the robbers, rapists, thugs and murderers?
It sounds like you haven’t been the victim of one of these animals yet. If you had, you’d know that the police are the only protection you have and you would be more appreciative.
This author is trying to find some way to feel superior to blacks when in all reality his conversation exemplifies white trash mentality trying to invoke a falsified phenomenon of supremacy. When the cops or hospital kills his innocent and or healthy white skin son or daughter, tell him to keep writing! Peace and love to all, even the trash bags in here invoking covert racism under the disguise of sovereignty and free press hogwash. The writer does a disservice to the American Free Press newspaper and should be banned for howling ignorance to cover up his very own internal incapabilities and retardation.