• AHA refuses to run ad for tome on “special relationship” between United States, Israel.
By Ronald L. Ray —
Most people think of historians as quiet bookworms, squirreled away in corners of ancient libraries. Few recognize the more radical side of their profession, however, which for several decades has pushed various racial, social and political ideologies as the yardstick of historical interpretation.
Take, for example, the American Historical Association (AHA), the largest organization of professional historians in America. Claiming to “serve the interests of the entire discipline of history,” it also issues statements on everything from a jaywalking arrest to opposing Georgia’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Now, they have censored advertising for a new history book about the U.S.-Israeli “special relationship.”
Apparently, modern history comes equipped with a memory hole.
Against Our Better Judgment: The Hidden History of How the U.S. Was Used to Create Israel is Alison Weir’s first book, 14 years in the making. In 2001, increasingly troubled by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, she traveled alone to the occupied territories to learn firsthand the truth of events from the local people. What she discovered made clear that the Zionist-controlled mainstream media were lying to Americans, so she founded the organization, If Americans Knew, to make the truth more widely known. She is now also president of the Council for the National Interest, which promotes Middle East policies serving U.S., not foreign, interests.
On April 4, 2015, AMERICAN FREE PRESS spoke with Ms. Weir about her new book and the shocking experience that resulted when she attempted to place a paid advertisement for it in one of the publications of the AHA.
Against Our Better Judgment is a meticulously researched work, with hundreds of footnotes and numerous primary and reliable secondary sources—many of which are now out of print. A non-governmental organization rigorously checked the facts before publication and, although self-published, the book has been highly praised—even by former State Department officials.
The book tries to answer the question, “Why would Israel be considered an ally of the U.S.?” After all, notes Weir, it is a barren country with no natural resources to speak of. Surely the answer would be of historical interest to many, especially as a key to understanding the present conflict. As the author found out, the State Department actually long considered Israel a detriment to our national interests.
But Zionist Jews—some already or soon thereafter wealthy—organized massive fundraising and propaganda campaigns well before 1948. They deliberately co-opted Christians into their schemes and engaged in heavy-handed pressure tactics against non-Zionist Jews, the media and politicians. And after the illegal declaration of the state of Israel, the Zionists made sure Americans never learned about the widespread persecution and murder of Palestinian Christians or the destruction of Christian holy places.
One would think a paid advertisement for such a seminal book would be welcomed by the AHA, but they refused to accept it, without explanation. Ms. Weir’s follow-up inquiries led Dr. James Grossman, executive director of the AHA, to claim the book “does not fall within the scope of the mission of the AHA,” is “advocacy not scholarship” and was not “peer reviewed” or “reviewed by the mainstream press.”
Ms. Weir refuted these claims in an article on the website “Counterpunch,” pointing out that Grossman and the executive committee have not read the book. But they have advertised books and printed articles from “mainstream” sources that contained glaring errors, including writings about Israel. The objection of “self-publishing” from Grossman was turned back by proof the AHA previously advertised (page 19) Michael Swanson’s self-published The War State.
Ms. Weir even joined the AHA.
“I am very interested in history,” she told AFP.
Softcover, 260 pages, $18
She began posting in AHA web forums about the advertising refusal. She received some “very thoughtful responses” from both sides. But Grossman himself posted a response she characterized as “rude” and “hostile.” Moreover, said Ms. Weir, the partisans of Israel “very quickly stoop to character assassination, rather than discussing the factual content.”
Ms. Weir characterized the advertising rejection as “very puzzling. I don’t think they have a valid reason for rejecting [it]. . . . In a way, it is a restraint of trade. Some people can sell their books, and some cannot.” She saw the decision as contrary to principles of free speech and academic freedom, restricting access to the “marketplace of ideas.” She said the “our journal/our decision” justification is a “ ‘might makes right’ argument” and is not “principled.”
AFP also attempted to interview Grossman. He was unavailable for a telephone interview but agreed to answer our written questions. However, his reply to nine questions about refusing advertising for Against Our Better Judgment was terse: “The AHA has no comment on these questions.” No summary of AHA’s view; no statement about academic freedom, free speech or restraint of trade in relationship to their decision and no defense against Ms. Weir’s incisive criticisms of their actions. There was also no answer as to what influence, if any, resulted from pro-Israel, pro-Jewish or anti-Palestinian bias or prejudice—although a disproportionate number of executive committee members appear to be Jewish based on their names.
For her part, Ms.Weir concludes that she believes it is important to have the facts from both sides about the U.S. and Israel versus Palestine.
“One thing that motivates my work is opposition to racism and discrimination,” she said. She points to a United Nations resolution calling Zionism a form of racism.
“Israel is based on discrimination,” she added.
Her goal—apparently not shared by the AHA—is to bring that truth to Americans, and to get the U.S. out of its destructive foreign entanglement with Israel.
Prior audio interviews with Alison Weir:
AIPAC Slaps America in the Face, Again (May, 2013)
If you’ve ever suspected that the U.S. mainstream media has a pro-Israel bias, you’re right, and Alison Weir has the proof (April, 2010)
Ronald L. Ray is a freelance author and an assistant editor of THE BARNES REVIEW. He is a descendant of several patriots of the American War for Independence.
…is Alison Weir’s first book…
It is Weir’s second book, if you can call her 93-page pamphlet of anti-Israel propaganda a book. Her first book, and her best work, and what she should devote the rest of her worthless life to, is “Peter, Good Night.” It is children’s fiction.
Weir is truly an outstanding fiction writer. As an amateur historian, she is a total failure. Poorly writing history, Weir follows the advice of Hayden White, who has been rebuked by every serious historian.
No wonder the book embarrasses the AHA.
Thanks, Luke, for your comment. The Israelis have been mining Dead Sea salts for years, but I am not in a position to say how much of an economic impact that has.
With regard to the natural gas, it is a matter of some dispute as to how much is under Israeli territory, although it may be significant. The Gazan gas fields belong to the State of Palestine, not the Zionist Occupation Government. They are one of the reasons for the ongoing genocide of Palestinians by the Jews.
With regard to Ms. Weir, she was coming at the matter from a primarily historical perspective. Especially at the time the U.S. foolishly got into backing Israel, the land was mostly desert and of no obvious importance.
Even though IT is allowed by Amazon to insult, bully, libel people at will (clear violations of Amazon’s Terms of Use, etc.), I was banned from posting further, and most of my comments deleted due to me posting too many documented/linked facts about “Israel/Jews”!
Pay attention to the “DD Marcie,” etc. comments which this SHILL is libeling me personally as a “Dishonorably Discharged” Veteran! And is still doing this even after knowing I am not allowed to reply! For the record, I am a 100% disabled, service-connected” U.S. Army vet, and proof of this is posted on my own profile on Amazon.
Also notice the “names” IT gives to others that support this book, i.e.: “Restraining Oder,” or “Ma Kettle” for the commenter Pat Kittle, “White Supremacist,” “anti-Semite,” etc.!
This SHILL has also claimed to be a U.S. Navy vet, and even posts (on ITS “profile”) what IT calls ITS DD214 (military discharge paperwork, but has no name, dates of service, etc. on it), yet still has the nerve to insult USS Liberty survivors! One survivor even posted a review to this book on Amazon, and was insulted by the SHILL!
Also, if you notice, the last I checked (two days ago), only two of the 1-star reviews for this book on Amazon are from “verified purchasers” of the book, which suggests that Amazon is “cooking the books,” as well as showing clear cut favoritism towards the SHILLS!
Oh, by the way, “Speaking Truth to the Powerless” (AKA “Jack Sigman”) is allowed to have not just one, but two 1-star reviews for this book, yet is not a “verified purchaser” of the book from Amazon!
Did I mention Amazon is owned by a billionaire “Jew”?
Marc C. Daniele (review for this book on Amazon under same name)
The book tries to answer the question, “Why would Israel be considered an ally of the U.S.?” After all, notes Weir, it is a barren country with no natural resources to speak of.
The Dead Sea contains trillions of dollars worth of minerals.
The Recently discovered natural gas fields off shore from Gaza are worth trillions of dollars also.
Israel At the present time is drawing up plans to pipe the gas to Europe.