• For all their talk about the Illuminati, the bankers, the elite, the parasites and the demonic creatures, none of the speakers once mentioned the role that Zionism plays in this
By Pete Papaherakles
Bilderberg 2013 was beyond a doubt the most spectacular year for protesters against the Bilderberg group. More than 2,000 people flooded the grounds of the Grove luxury resort in Watford, in Hertfordshire’s lush British countryside, on Saturday, June 8, while another 1,500 gathered outside due to capacity restrictions, according to local police.
These numbers are off the chart compared to previous years and show an explosion that must be spreading panic into the hearts of the “Bilderberg boys,” as the late Jim Tucker liked to call them.
Hundreds of police and security officers were involved in and around the premises, and an additional £2M were requested by Watford police to cover the additional expenses. It must be noted that the police were extremely friendly and courteous, and anyone who says otherwise is lying.
The event took on the feel of a festival concert as an area about the size of two football fields was filled with primarily young people, many of whom were strumming guitars, dancing and singing, and smoking marijuana while the police within the grounds seemed to have no problems with any of it.
Former Ohio Representative Jim Traficant gave a press conference to a crowd of reporters about his take on Bilderberg and mingled with the ever-growing crowd for several hours, sharing his unique insights and experience with everyone.
At the festival, a stage was set up where speakers and entertainers addressed the public throughout the afternoon as the crowds filled the area. Two featured speakers included controversial author David Icke and radio show host Alex Jones. Icke took the stage first and opened with a tribute to Tucker.
“There’s a spirit looking down upon us at the moment, and he’s got a big smiling face and a big hat on, and until very recently we used to know him as Jim Tucker,” Icke said. “Decades ago, Jim was on the case when virtually no one had heard of the Bilderberg group, let alone what it connects to.” Icke then went on to talk about his hallmark theme of how we are all one and have to unite spiritually in order to defeat Bilderberg.
Jones came on next, in his trademark bombastic style, and the event started to resemble a professional wrestling bout as Jones began barking insults at the “New World Order scum.” He told a cheering crowd how the evil parasites wanted all of us killed or enslaved into their global tyranny. He told the crowd that “this day was the beginning of the fall of the Bilderberg group” and that “nothing could stop the justice that is coming down upon them.” “These demonic creatures, these Nazi eugenicists,” Jones bellowed, “[are] finished once and for all because the freemen of this world will no longer acquiesce to their tyranny.”
Jones also paid tribute to Tucker for tirelessly pursuing the Bilderbergers for 36 years, although he could not finish the sentence without telling the crowd about his own heroics as he worked himself up to another frenzied crescendo about the globalist “scum.” His performance continued for what seemed an eternity, culminating with growls and slogans about never surrendering, as his groupies cheered in ecstasy.
For all their talk about the Illuminati, the bankers, the elite, the parasites and the demonic creatures, none of the speakers once mentioned the role that Zionism plays in this. Don’t they know that most of the bankers, media, executives and so many of the Bilderbergers are Zionists?
So why does Jones constantly equate Bilderberg with Hitler, the Nazis and the Holocaust®? Could it be that some “critics” of Bilderberg are nothing more than tools of the Zionists who co-opted the anti-Bilderberg movement in order to lead young activists into confusion about who really runs the world and what their real agenda is?
Pete Papaherakles is a writer and political cartoonist for AFP and is also AFP’s outreach director. Pete is interested in getting AFP writers and editors on the podium at patriotic events. Call him at 202-544-5977 if you know of an event you think AFP should attend.