• Little known “TiSA” could solidify global governance.
By Mark Anderson —
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the U.S.-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will bring plenty of trouble if fully approved. The 12-nation TPP would be the world’s largest-ever trade and investment scheme, straddling the Pacific. TTIP would go so far as merging the United States and European Union (EU) regulatory systems by creating a wholly new “common market,” mirroring the early common market that over several decades led to the creation of the EU itself.
But there is also the lesser-known Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), which would be imposed on nearly the entire world.
Christian Gomez of the John Birch Society, wrote on August 18, 2015: “The TiSA would give the UN’s World Trade Organization (WTO) unprecedented control of the service sector, including jobs in banking, finance, courier and postal services, delivery and freight services, energy distribution, health care, insurance, maritime, professional services, legal services, licensing, real estate, telecommunications, transportation, tourism and much more.”
The whistleblowing website “WikiLeaks,” which has been dissecting TiSA, added: “According to World Bank figures, ‘services’ comprise 75% of the EU economy and 80% of the U.S. economy. For a typical developing country like Pakistan, services comprise 53% of its economy. The TiSA covers the majority of the global economy.”
Regarding TiSA’s stated purpose, the Office of U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) declared, “TiSA will support the development of strong, transparent and effective regulatory policies, which are so important to enabling international commerce.”
USTR added that the above-listed array of services “account for three-quarters of U.S. GDP and four out of five jobs in the United States,” which strongly indicates how steep the industrial-manufacturing job losses have been—aided by operational trade deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), enacted just over 20 years ago, and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), enacted just over 10 years ago.
WikiLeaks, which leaked portions of TiSA on its website, noted in a recent posting: “TiSA is the larger component of the strategic TPP-TiSA-TTIP ‘trinity.’ All parts of the trinity notably exclude the ‘BRICS’ countries of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. . . . TiSA is currently under negotiation between the United States, the European Union and 23 other countries. [It] creates an international legal regime that aims to deregulate and privatize the supply of services—which account for the majority of the economy across TiSA countries.”
According to draft text from TiSA, one of dozens of sections exposed by WikiLeaks, TiSA:
• Undermines financial reforms enacted since the financial crisis and bank bailouts of 2008 but continues to restrict “how legislators, regulators and supervisors can regulate the financial sector”;
• Contains a “standstill” clause, meaning that financial sector regulations may be literally frozen and no new restrictions allowed; and
• Would require each country to remove or limit any measure, even if they’re non-discriminatory, that has “significant adverse effects” on foreign financial services suppliers, such as when these suppliers argue that they “cannot expand their activities in the whole of the host country, or cannot sufficiently compete in the host country even if all TiSA provisions are respected.” Peru has opposed this measure.
The basic free trade credo in NAFTA-CAFTA is the same for TPP, TTIP and TiSA—based on the preposterous notion that parts suppliers, final product producers and consumers can and should be oceans apart. There is also the absurdity that nations should bleed their wealth by exporting their way to prosperity.
Former Treasury analyst (and Space Shuttle Challenger whistleblower) Richard C. Cook and social credit expert Wallace Klinck of Alberta, Canada, among other analysts, have separately established that our export obsession is a search for foreign purchasing power—borne of the fact that domestic purchasing power is so sorely lacking. Because the entire money and credit supply springs from interest-bearing loans, the drain exerted on the economy by interest obligations and other factors always results in too-little domestic purchasing power compared to the mountains of final products awaiting purchase.
Thus, nations unable to liquidate their own production go in search of more purses and wallets abroad to sell what’s been produced in order to stimulate more production. When the system inevitably malfunctions badly enough, war is a certainty as the time-honored measure of “rebooting” a vastly defective financial system.
Given recent TPP delays, now is the perfect time to keep sustained pressure on Congress to end all this trade treachery. Call (and write) your representatives and key committee members at 202-224-3121 or 225-3121 and don’t back down.
AFP Roving Editor Mark Anderson is a veteran reporter who covers the annual Bilderberg meetings and is chairman of AFP’s new America First Action Committee, designed to involve AFP readers in focusing intensely on Congress to enact key changes, including monetary reform and a pullback of the warfare state. He and his wife Angie often work together on news projects.
CONServatives, NDP, LIBERALs, Support Corporate Canada’s Punishing the harmless voters, both Native and non Native (and citizens of TPP) by way of SECRET TPP, et al, Tribunals’ Punitive Penalties, Fines, Costs and Awards
GREENs Against TPP and other Global Corporate Treaties/’Arrangements’ and Clauses Giving Power to Global Corporate Economy to Make Secret Changes and Any and All Discretionary $elf-Improvement$ without Notification, Discussion and Approval and at Any Time.
TRUE: X , or, False: ___.
Corporate Canada’s Traditional, BIG 3 Parties, NDP, LIBs, CONs, Desperate for Superseding Global Corporate Treaties/’Arrangements’ to Wipe Out Native Canadian, et al, ‘Gains’; Only GREEN Party Standing Up Against Global Corporate Economy’s Insider Trading and SECRET ‘Death-Star-Chamber’ ISDS Tribunals, et al?
Can the Voters make the DISTINCTION between; the bullying politicians, both; Native and non Native, who need to continue to Deprive their members of the Information (eg. The WAD Accord’s Compensation) and to Punish those who have been Deprived of the Info and those who need to Share the Info in order to protect the Human Rights of Unborn Native Canadians, et al? Corporate Canada’s Big 3 Parties do NOT want YOU to make the DISTINCTION.
The Traditional Big 3 Parties vs. GREENs and Quebec; ANTI-Globalists (GREENs) PROHIBITED from Debating TPP, et al, in Corporate Canada’s Election ‘Debates.’
For NO to Global Treaties/”Arrangements’ just VOTE for the GREEN Party’ Canada’s Big 3 Traditional Parties tell Voters.
How long have Global Corporate Associates been ‘Passing’ Legislation in Anticipation of Suing Once Ratified? ‘Trickle’ Up and Out Economics. Corporate ‘U.S.’ is desperate to Legitimize and Globalize (TPP/TTIP/CETA) ‘Full Invasion’; HSBC’s money laundering, Enron’s insider trading, Chase Bank’s fraud, etc. after its 2008 ‘Tactical Probe’ into Deregulation and Buying Short on Designer Meltdown leads to Global Recession, but, Non-Guilty. Corporate Canada and its Traditional Big 3 Political Parties are Anxious to increase its play time under the ‘skirts’ of Corporate U.S. in the International Economic Glitter Game. After New Zealand’s PM admitted that medicines will cost more due to the TPP, have the citizens of New Zealand and TPP, noticed PM Harper cuts funding for Canadian health care by $36 million and unchallenged by other parties, exacerbation leading to privatizing health care, etc. to pay TPP penalties to Global Corporate Assocs.
TPP nations, et al, need ‘good corporate citizens’ that respect our legislationand need to ‘out’ bad corporate voters via shareholder meetings; ‘persona non grata’?
Americans, Japanese, et al, look forward to working with Savvy Slave Trading Malaysians and Slick Cultural ‘Genociding’ Canadians. ‘But, we didn’t know.’ Traditional Canadian Parties Demanding Supplicance to Corporate Canada and its Global Corporate Assocs. is an unholy sin?
Will Pope Francis and other leaders Intercede with prayer against PM Harper, Corporate Canada, The Canadian Establishment, et al, for Continuing to Blame and Punish those who are continuing to be Deprived of the Due Diligence Info and Continuing its Cultural Genocide.
by David E.H. Smith, ‘Qui tam’
FULL Article, see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com
Please consider sharing the enclosed information and questions with 10 friends who will share it with 10 others.
TPPartnership, C-CITreaty & CETA TRIBUNALS; Corporate Canada fears China may Blow “Arrangements” between Can. Lobbyists’ Clients & Parties’ Executives (W.A.D. Accord*)?
Wall St. Insiders Poised to Make Hundreds of Billions+ Buying Short on ‘U.S.’ & ‘Long’ on China, et al, re; TPP, TTIP, CETA & other Secret (‘Omerta’) Global Corporate Treaties/”Arrangements’; ‘You Should have Known’, Pres. GHW Bush on Corporate ‘US’ Reneging on NAFTA
Financial & Human Rights News;
NON Shareholders HAVE TO PAY the arranged PENALTIES. Line Up to PREFERRED IPOs SHOrtens.
Repatriating off-shore; profits, goods & services contracts, financing, etc. and co-manufacturing still not on the table?
What the TREATY of VERSAILLES was to the 20th century PALES in COMPARISON to the TPP, CETA, C-CIT, NAFTA, et al, in the 21st.
There are several reasons for the secrecy (“omerta”) of the dispute resolution tribunals. They are:
1) To Protect the parties to the treaty, &/or, agreement, ie. corporate sponsors, from having to reveal to the non-shareholding tax payers the existing arrangements that it has with its own government. For instance, the Canadian W.A.D. Accord suggests that corporate Canada’s lobbyists pay considerations to the executives of the political parties for two main reasons:
A) to promote corporate Canada’s agenda (Corporate New Zealand, et al) with governing party(ies) by:
i) reducing its taxes & thus, the “net increase” in taxes for non-shareholders
ii) increase its funding for “economic development” which covers
the cost of, among other things, the present & future advocacy,
ie. lobbying & the cost of the considerations that corporate
Canada pays out, etc. It may be regrettable that given the source
of the accessed “economic development” funds, ie. those
95% – 99% of Canadians who are non-shareholding tax payers
there is a great deal of room for discretionary spending & its
B) to protect corporate Canada’s agenda by paying the other (non-governing) political parties considerations in order to limit the scope of the “opposition” to manageable issues that can be compromised in order that “opposing” parties can claim victories (at least a limited victory) for their constituents. Under this
arrangement both, the politicians & the lobbyists’ clients are protected from scrutiny by the role of the parties’ executives.
2) To Protect the parties to the treaty, &/or, agreement, ie. corporate sponsor from having to reveal to the each others’ corporate sponsors their existing arrangements that it has with its own government &
each counties’ corporate sponsors are not obliged to share the benefits & considerations (& future considerations) that they receive from their respective governments ie. their non-shareholding taxpayers. Often the benefits are shared as an inducement to conduct business together in the more convenient jurisdictions.
3) To Protect the parties to one treaty, &/or, agreement (referred to as the “original” treaty/agreement) from having to reveal to third parties the nature, &/or, details of their “original” arrangements to other third parties who may want to enter into a treaty, &/or, agreement with either of the parties to the “original”
agreement/treaty. That is to say, that acquiring & having privileged information of an outsiders treaties, &/or,
agreements will cause contention as the third party will undoubtedly insist upon more favorable terms & conditions to a new treaty/agreement than the original treaty/agreement. For example;
“You did this with them, so I insist upon more, or, I’ll deal with them, or, others”.
The European Union is particularly interested in preventing the Canada – European Union CETA from becoming divisive whereby individual EU member countries may be enticed, &/or, coerced into making preferential, but, “very secretive” side deals with corporate Canada, et al, by preventing the non-shareholding taxpayers from learning about the aforementioned reasons for the tribunals’ secrecy whereby the non-shareholding taxpayers pay for the increase in the value of the shareholders’ stocks & dividends is insider trading & stock manipulation.
FULL Article, see; ‘Inside Trading…’
at davidehsmith.wordpress.com
Also see;
‘The Submission’ to The SUPREME COURT of CANADA:
“The SHAREHOLDERS & Corporations of AMERICA, Australia, Canada, the EU, the Trans Pacific nations et al
the harmless Canadian NON shareholders, both; Native & non Native, et al”
‘The MERKEL (Chancellor of Germany) Letter; To Sue, or, Be Sued?’
at davidehsmith.wordpress.com
Please consider sharing the enclosed information & questions with 10 friends who will share it with 10 others…
Grassroots America and overly polite global neighbors and need to know;
Is it Impolite, or, just prudent to Compare Corporate ‘America’s’ Desperation to ‘Share’ and Expand its $17 Trillion Debt via its flurry of Global Treaties/’Arrangements’ to the ‘bitchy’ (post Nixon PMS bullying) Desperation of Zza Zza Gabor when she slapped a cop for giving her a traffic ticket (for stepping out of her ‘land of the shrinking mirror’)?
Corporate America, after its 2008 ‘Tactical Probe’ into Deregulation and Its Subsequential Buying Short on its Global Recession, is Anxious for Its Legitimized and Globalized (TPP/TTIP/CETA) ‘Full Invasion’; HSBC’s money laundering, Enron’s insider trading, Chase Bank’s fraud, etc.
Corporate Canada and its Traditional Big 3 Political Parties are desperate to increase its play time under the ‘skirts’ of Corporate U.S. in the International Glitter Game.
TPP, TTIP, CETA; Roll-back NAFTA, et al, Tribunal Penalties (ISDS) paid by Canadian lil’ guy; $125 M and $25 M legal fees to Reneging Corporate America. U.S. Pays ‘0.’ ‘You Should have Known’; President Bush. Prohibit Future TPP, et al, ISDSs.
Corporate ‘U.S.’ is Leaving Grassroots America/Canada, et al, Fatally Vulnerable; China can Kill TPP, et al, by Offering its Trade Partners Alternative to citizen Punishing Dispute Settlements (ISDS) and few other ‘Hearts and Minds’ choices? CHINA too ‘Humbling’ for Corporate America and Assocs.? Is a Kinder and Wiser CHINA too ‘Humbling’ for a Desperate Corporate America and its Assocs.? How long have Global Corporate Associates been ‘Passing’ Legislation in Anticipation of Suing Once Ratified? ‘Trickle’ Up and Out Economics.
TPP and Global Corporate Treaties/’Arrangements Not about How Much Trade and more about Preferred Trading Partners and more about Tort ‘Abolishment’ than Tort ‘Reform’?
TPP nations, et al, need ‘good corporate citizens’ that respect our legislation and need to ‘out’ bad corporate voters via shareholder meetings?
Americans, Japanese, et al, look forward to working with Savvy Slave Trading Malaysians and Slick Cultural ‘Genociding’ Canadians. ‘But, we didn’t know.’
Traditional Canadian Parties Demanding Supplication to Corporate Canada and its Global Corporate Assocs. is an unholy sin?
Will Pope Francis and other leaders Intercede with Prayer against PM Harper, Corporate Canada, The Canadian Establishment, et al, for Continuing to Blame and Punish those who are continuing to be Deprived of the Due Diligence Info and Continuing its Cultural Genocide to Protect the Human Rights of Unborn Native Canadians, et al.
Making the leaders of TPP, Shareholders, et al, ‘Persona non Grata’; Shareholders’ Meetings I.D. Toxic Neighbors, In-laws, et al?
But, will the lil’ guy get 10 years to read, consider, discuss and improve upon (with lawyers paid by Global Corporate Assocs.)?
The Big 3 vs. Green Party and Quebec ANTI-Globalists (GREENs) PROHIBITED from ‘Corporate Canada’s Election’ DEBATE . . .
For NO to Global Treaties/Arrangements just VOTE for the GREEN Party’ Canada’s Big 3 Traditional Parties tell Voters.
Can the Canadian, CETA nations, et al, voters even debate the Pros and Cons of the TPP and other Global Treaties/’Arrangements’ when the CBC and Corporate Canada’s media have Decided that the TPP is NOT a CHOICE, but, merely a matter of ‘Choosing the best negotiator’ of their Arrangements?
by David E.H. Smith, ‘Qui tam’
• After New Zealand’s PM admitted that medicines will cost more, have the citizens of New Zealand and other TPP nations also noticed similar moves like Canadian Prime Minister Harper below? ‘To help pay for the harmless taxpayers ‘guilty transgressions’ against Global Corporations in Canada, Prime Minister Harper has recently cut the funding for health care by $36 billion dollars.’ (please see article below)
There is absolutely no ethical reason for hyping a mountain of corporate ‘arrangements’ to punish the harmless, lil’ guy by espousing the legitimate benefits of reducing tariffs and referring to the arrangements as ‘trade’ treaties.
The fact of the matter is the TPP, TTIP, CETA and other Global Treaties/’Arrangements’ are not about how much trade, but, who the signatory corporations prefer to trade with and how to ‘Vichy’ their profits while ‘undermining’ the AIIB, et al. And, if one understands the basic economic law that there is only a finite amount of global value and that it does not grow, or, shrink, it just moves around, then, one might be able to understand that the TTIP, CETA and the other Global Treaties/’Arrangements’ are the means for just such moves; they are just attempts to move the value of the signatory nations to the (‘global’) corporations that are presently located in these nations. These ‘moves’ only make economic sense if the value that is moved to the global corporations is at the expense of the non-shareholders (via ‘their’ governments), whether the non-shareholders are citizens of the signatory nations, or, not.
And, while the aforementioned reorganization will cause an increase in employment in some sectors of the signatory Global Corporations it will be off-set by:
1) the devaluation of the operational costs as jobs move to the signatory nations with the lowest cost of employment,
2) the decrease of jobs in other sectors which will be lost entirely to non-signatory nations which have uncompetitively low wages.
Other ‘secret’ cost shifts from the corporations to the harmless, individual taxpayers include:
1) the systematic move from one corporation suing another corporation, to both corporations suing the harmless taxpayers in secret (‘Death-Star’) Tribunals; but, with no defense, nor, appeals for the harmless taxpayers (see; ‘The MERKEL Letter’*),
2) the prohibition of governments to sue the signatory corporations; i.e., what was previously (prior to the treaties) illegal, and/or, unethical is now ‘legal’ in the new jurisdiction of the cyber Tribunals (the U.S., et al, Corporations that have craved for Tort Reform are getting Tort Abolishment),
3) the provisions to make more secret add-ons at later dates with no public consultations,
4) et al.
To help pay for the harmless taxpayers ‘guilty transgressions’ against Global Corporations in Canada, Prime Minister Harper has recently cut the funding for health care by $36 billion dollars. Not only do these funds reward the Global Corporations (to pay for present-future punitive developmental costs, penalties, etc.), but, it gives the Corporations the funds to purchase national health care systems of Canada and the other signatory corporate states whose health care functions are being deliberately exacerbated in anticipation of the secret intent of the Treaties/’Arrangements’; acquisition of national health care and pharmaceutical systems. Other public services are similarly being made vulnerable in preparation for corporate take-overs. Surprisingly, the Canadian province of Saskatchewan seems to be particularly resilient to the pressures from Corporate Canada and its Global Corporate Associates, at least for now.
However, where the real money is to be made in the secret Treaties/’Arrangements’ is not in the ‘three card Monte’ (i.e., Zero net effect) trade area of the treaties, but, in the moves in finance. Perhaps the most significant move here is from a system that is barely accountable in open courts, such as:
1) the money laundering of HSBC, et al, on behalf of drug and terrorist groups,
2) Enron’s unregulated (fraud, insider trading**, etc.) manipulation of electrical power-services,
3) the unregulated and fraud induced (Chase bank; ‘fine before no crime, nor, time’, et al) melt-down of Wall St. in the 2008 (the ‘tactical probe’ before the ‘invasion’ of the Global Treaties/’Arrangements’)
4) et al, to a system of secret tribunal ‘arrangements.’ In other words, the illegal practices that were barely detectable due to the deliberate underfunding of the regulators
the political interference of the investigations by the Dept. of Justice (U.S.), will enable the practices of HSBC, Enron, Chase, et al, to not only live on but, expand exponentially and internationally.
The advocates of the Global corporate economy can warmly point out that the lil’ guy will no longer have to pay for the costs of the governments regulating, policing, investigating, prosecuting and incarcerating (?) financial felonies and misdemeanors as these duties will fall under the new cyber-jurisdiction.
This ‘cost savings’ begs the questions:
1) what are the various different ways that these costs savings can be made contractually binding in an agreed upon reduction of taxes of the harmless taxpayers,
2) what constitutes a ’good corporate citizen’ in the post treaty ratification world
3) how many pieces of legislation have Corporate Canada and its Global Associates encouraged, sponsored, and/or, paid a consideration to have passed in anticipation of suing the harmless individual taxpayers for windfall profits after the Treaties/’Arrangements’ have been ratified
4) et al?
And, finally, it may be regrettable that nowhere in the discussion of the flurry of Global Treaties/’Arrangements’ has there been any mention about what will be the destabilizing consequences for the signatories due to;
1) the deliberate deprivation of information (particularly, Canada, re; The W.A.D. Accord and its Compensation) that is increasing the unrealistic expectations of the other signatories, potential signatories, et al,
2) the signatories making geopolitical side deals with non-members which have the appearance of being at the expense of the other corporations of the treaty signatories
3) et al?
For more on ‘The MERKEL Letter,’ see; ‘The MERKEL (Chancellor of Germany) Letter’; To Sue, or, Be Sued’; excerpts from ‘The Submission’ to The Supreme Court of Canada; The SHAREHOLDERS and corporates Canada, America, the EU, the Trans Pacific nations, et al v. the (harmless) non shareholders of the Canada, both; Native and non-Native.
at davidehsmith.wordpress.com
For more on Insider Trading, see; ‘INSIDER TRADING; TPPartnership, CETA and C-CITreaty TRIBUNALS Need to be SECRET; Corporate Canada fears China may Blow “Arrangements” between Can. Lobbyists’ Clients and Parties’ Executives (re; The W.A.D. Accord*)?’
at davidehsmith.wordpress.com
Also see; TPP, TTIP, CETA, Global Treaties/’Arrangements’ and Sovereignty
at davidehsmith.wordpress.com
For more Information and Questions re; The Relationship between Human (Nature) Rights and Economics by way of the TTIP, the CET Agreement, TPP, C-CI Treaty, et al, and The WAD Accord and List of RECENT ARTICLES, LETTERS and NOTIFICATIONS by DEHS,
see; davidehsmith.wordpress.com
Please consider sharing the enclosed information and questions with 10 friends who will share it with 10 others.
For the real fiscal ‘gap’ and not the national debt of the USA is according to some leading economists, when all off-balance sheet and accumulated debt is included, is US$223 Trillion—not US$18 trillion as the USA details. That is the real reason for all these global treaties, as the USA knows that without them, they cannot pay down this enormous debt. It will of course make other people pay (the EU in the case of the TTIP).
Unfortunately our inept EU politicians cannot see this and where the USA will rob Peter to pay Paul. In this respect, the EU is Peter and make no bones about it, that is definitely what will happen once the TTIP is signed up to. The EU will pay in blood for the Americans so that the so-called mighty dollar can survive and starve off, bankruptcy as their debt mountain is unsustainable and cannot ever be paid off.
But, they will also bankrupt the EU and its people in the process of paying off this US$223 in debt, leaving China et al in control of the world order eventually, unless the USA starts to throw nuclear weapons around and then we are all done for.
EU politicians have really to open up their eyes to the ‘real’ reasons the Americans are pushing for these trade deals to be signed and where they are irrevocable—forever.
The EU’s politicians have therefore look further than what you are being told by EU Bureaucrats and negotiators or what you perceive, as you will be led down the garden path if you are not careful and the citizens of the EU will really suffer economic harm in perpetuity, as the treaty is irrevocable as stated.
One fall-out according to a former secretary of state for Labor under Clinton estimates that a minimum of 3 million jobs will go in the EU and another 3 million jobs will go to the low-cost labour economies of the world, destroying families and lives in the process—both in the EU and the USA.
The TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) will be an Absolute Disaster for the People of the EU (European Union) and the People of America (USA) in the long-term. We simply have to Vote AGAINST this behind closed doors Transatlantic Trade deal before it is signed up and too late for the People to do anything about it.
World Innovation Foundation Blog