• Sinister global initiative under way to brainwash youngsters
By Victor Thorn
Former Montessori school teacher, investigative reporter Lisa Elkins has a warning for parents: A new school program conditions youngsters and their families to accept social controls that discourage ownership of private property and encourage corralling people into housing developments and urban areas.
On September 26 she told AMERICAN FREE PRESS, “Under the guise of humanitarianism, our kids are being desensitized to accept Agenda 21 ideas such as the climate change hoax, gay marriage, and how breaking down color barriers makes us all one people.”
Agenda 21 is a radical environmental program created by the United Nations that imposes severe land-use restrictions on private property owners. It begins with the assumption that individuals are incapable of making decisions about their own property and proposes that governments around the world should be able to dictate what can be done with private land.
Ms. Elkins continued: “Barack Obama’s global education goals propose that every public, private, charter and home school be mandated to participate in the Common Core curriculum. Teachers would also be required to take Common Core training.”
Common Core refers to the Common Core State Standards Initiative, a national program that seeks to standardize education across the country. It has been embraced in 45 states. Minnesota has adopted the English language standards, but not other components such as math. Texas, Virginia, Alaska and Nebraska have totally rejected the program.
Common Core teaches children that they are not just American citizens, but are part of a global learning initiative and a world community. As a result, they are encouraged to embrace global initiatives like Agenda 21.
“Ultimately, kids will be conditioned to accept Agenda 21,” she said.
When asked for more details, Elkins replied, “Common Core seeks an obedient culture and people who’ll go along to get along. Students are discouraged from individual thought, primarily because government leaders realize they can’t manage the masses. So, under Agenda 21 they’re pushing us into condensed urban areas where control is easier.”
Ms. Elkins added: “Microsoft founder Bill Gates has acted as the single biggest promoter of Common Core. He’s motivating us to accept Agenda 21 as the new norm. People think this idea is a conspiracy or hoax, but it’s not.”
Elkins cited more details. “Bill Clinton [and Al Gore] began a process where people were warned about leaving large carbon footprints. By using humanitarian catchphrases that sound appealing—i.e. the common needs of society over individual rights—they’re conditioning us to get off our land.”
When questioned about the endgame, Elkins responded, “If the government has total control over privacy, then we’re lead to believe they can more easily ‘protect’ us. Under Common Core, kids are conditioned to think that only the government can provide security and save our planet. Worst of all, teenagers and adults are willingly handing over every aspect of their lives on Facebook.”
Victor Thorn is a hard-hitting researcher, journalist and author of over 40 books.
Parents Need to Get Involved in Schools to Halt Hijacking of Education System
• Former Reagan policy advisor says we need to scrap “Common Core” and return to 1965 standards
By Keith Johnson
Over the past several months, big money neoconservatives have taken a leading role in fanning the flames of opposition to Common Core, the latest federal education and testing program that has been adopted by all but five American states.
Why the sudden interest?
To find out, this AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporter spoke with Charlotte Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor to President Ronald Reagan at the United States Department of Education’s Office of Educational Research and Improvement.
Ms. Iserbyt began by pointing out: “There’s really nothing new about Common Core. It’s just the latest version of the same horrible education standards and test items [contained] in the federal government’s controversial National Assessment of Educational Progress [NAEP].”
According to Ms. Iserbyt, NAEP was developed decades ago by the tax-exempt Carnegie Corporation of New York and has been used in our nation’s schools for the past thirty-plus years.
“The NAEP assessment is a sampling of students from each state to gauge the change in children’s values and attitudes towards government, family, God — everything,” said Ms. Iserbyt. “That’s what Common Core is, only now they’re using computers instead of books.”
Ms. Iserbyt went on to say that genuine parental concerns about Common Core are being exploited by neoconservatives to rally support for even more dangerous education initiatives.
“This well-funded, anti-Common Core bandwagon is being used to divert good parents and researchers from addressing the real problem,” said Ms. Iserbyt. “Common Core is just a straw man. Taxpayer-funded ‘school choice,’ with no elected boards, is the Trojan horse.”
According to her research, high-profile neoconservatives are leading well-meaning American parents into believing that for-profit charter schools and voucher programs offer sanctuary from Common Core and other intrusive government policies.
“But nothing could be further from the truth,” she said. “The minute there’s a penny of tax money attached to what was formally considered private education, there are federal regulations that must be complied with. It’s in the law.”
When asked to cite the legal precedent, Ms. Iserbyt referenced The Interagency Day Care Standards legislation from 1971, which states that “Any agency, public or private that receives federal funds directly or indirectly through a grant or contract…or by way of a voucher plan” must abide by federal regulations on testing, curriculum and hiring.
Although parents may still think that taxpayer funded “private” schools are a better option than public institutions, Ms. Iserbyt argued that they are actually worse since they do not have elected school boards that are accountable to parents and their local communities.
“That’s taxation without representation,” said Ms. Iserbyt. “All private education, including home schools, will be controlled by the federal government if they take one penny of public funding. If we allow this segment of our economy to be taken over by unelected boards, that will be the beginning of the unraveling of our whole system of representative government.”
Ms. Iserbyt added that once private and public education merges under the federal umbrella, all schools will be required to implement Common Core curriculum and parents will have no elected school boards to whom they can complain.
The influential supporters of school choice can also be counted among those who are leading the attack against Common Core. Most of these are establishment conservative groups with multimillion dollar budgets, including The Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, Freedom Works and the Pioneer Institute. High-profile neoconservatives can also be counted in the mix, including political commentator Glenn Beck, former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) and former Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).
“Years ago, when all of us were fighting this, we had no help from anybody,” said Ms. Iserbyt. “Ask yourself, why do you now have the neoconservative Trotskyites helping the parents? Why is the Heritage Foundation, which helped draft the North American Free Trade Agreement, leading the attack on Common Core? For the first time, parents have support from who they think are their friends, but all of these people support one thing: publicly funded school choice. And they need that in order to implement the Soviet polytech system of workforce training that prepares children to serve the planned global economy. That means no lettered grades, no K-12, graduation at 14 or 21, and math or science depending on what kind of work you’re going to do.”
Although Ms. Iserbyt’s forecast is bleak, she does have a solution.
“Local school boards still have a lot of power,” she said. “There are certain things that the state cannot dictate. People have to get back in their local schools and attend all school board meetings, make lots of noise and get educated. Return to pre-1965 elementary and secondary education. That’s when the system broke. When they moved education from what you know in your head to what you can do. We need that action plan to take our public education system back.”
Keith Johnson in an investigative journalist and creator of the Revolt of the Plebs.