Chinese Spies Arrive on U.S. Campuses

June 10, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By S.T. Patrick In January, the Justice Department announced three cases of alleged spying on university campuses in the United States, possibly tied to a Chinese program called the “Thousand Talents Plan,” designed to lure […]

Who’s Running WHO?

June 9, 2020 AFP Editor 0

President claims World Health Organization sides with China. By John Friend The World Health Organization (WHO), led by the former Ethiopian health and foreign minister and long-time global public health technocrat Ghebreyesus Adhanom Tedros, has […]

Was Saudi Arabia Monitoring Radicals?

June 7, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Despite unanswered questions, no “smoking gun” links Saudis to 9/11 attacks. By Philip Giraldi There are a number of questions about 9/11 that have never been satisfactorily answered even if one accepts, with great reservations, […]

Rep. Omar Surrenders to Israel Lobby

June 1, 2020 AFP Editor 2

By Philip Giraldi The nearly complete corruption of the U.S. republican form of government has largely come about due to the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in January 2010 that basically permitted unlimited […]

What Does Winning Mean in a Forever War?

May 26, 2020 AFP Editor 3

By Patrick J. Buchanan When a Wall Street Journal editorial warned this week against any precipitous U.S. withdrawal that might imperil our gains in Afghanistan, an exasperated President Trump shot back: “Could someone please explain […]

The Undeclared War on Venezuela

May 19, 2020 AFP Editor 0

South American nation poses no threat to America, so why all the threats? By Phil Giraldi One might reasonably argue that the United States has been telling Latin America what to do ever since the […]

Bilderberg Postpones 2020 Meeting

May 12, 2020 AFP Editor 1

At the same time, state ethics panel is investigating former Governor of Colorado Hickenlooper’s activities. By Mark Anderson Except for the year 1976, when the annual Bilderberg meeting was not held because Bilderberg co-founder Prince […]

Israel Perfecting Surveillance Tech

May 11, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Leave it to the Mossad and Shin Bet to profit militarily and financially from virus. By Phil Giraldi Israel’s external spy organization Mossad and its internal espionage equivalent Shin Bet have reputations that are much […]

Sane Approach to Pandemic Needed

May 5, 2020 AFP Editor 0

This is our nation’s chance to make its own pro-American new world order. By Paul Craig Roberts We are hearing from many that the world after Covid-19 will be different. The question is: Different in […]

Russia, Saudis Wage Oil War

April 29, 2020 AFP Editor 1

U.S. shale oil producers may be the victims of this petroleum production battle. By Richard Walker While lower gas prices at the pump are welcome, an oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia has the […]

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